Dark night giants: Hei Di's marriage pet for 730 days

Chapter 355 1 minute and 1 second is so long

Chapter 355 Every minute and every second is so long
He... can't do anything!

Luo Bing trembled with her fingertips, and she hung up Mu Fan's call abruptly.She called Bai Lenghan again.

However, the same cannot be connected.

Still... can't get in touch.

Mu Fan stared at the hung up phone and frowned.

But in less than a minute, his phone rang again.

Luo Bing called again.

Mu Fan: "..."

When Luo Bing spoke again, her voice became choked with sobs, she tried her best to suppress herself, not to let herself cry, but the tears fell drop by drop, she said: "Really... did something happen? "

"He... can't do anything." Luo Bing choked up directly.

Mu Fan was over there, hearing Luo Bing's strange choking voice, his whole body was a little moved.

It turned out that she really cared about the young master.

"Young Madam...don't be like this." Mu Fan's voice was also very solemn: "I'll think of a way. I will call you again within an hour. If there is still no news from the young master by then, we will Let's find him together."


After hanging up the phone, Mu Fan rolled his eyes towards the sky.

Just thinking about it for about half an hour, I called Luo Bing and told her that the young master was found.hey-hey.

Don't blame him for being troublesome, he is the young master's loyal subordinate and also a brother, he regards the young master as his own brother, he has been a brother who has passed through wind and rain all these years.

Mu Fan didn't want to treat the woman sincerely like the young master, but he had reservations about him.

This kind of temptation is ultimately for the sake of the young master!

However, Mu Fan now feels a little guilty.

Think about it... If Luo Bing and the young master know this later... Mu Chi's heart skipped a beat, and he called Yang Tianyu.

Yang Tianyu: "What's the matter?"

Mu Fan confessed directly: "Remember, I didn't call you before this."

Yang Tianyu: "... What do you mean?"

"I mean, before this, I didn't know that the young master was rushing to the airport. I haven't been able to contact the young master."

Yang Tianyu frowned, "What are you doing?"

Mu Fan raised his lips, "Don't worry about it. Anyway, just remember what I said."

After explaining, he hung up the phone.

Yang Tianyu just felt baffled, and really didn't know what the hell Mu Fan was doing.

More than half an hour later, Bai Lenghan changed the boarding pass and prepared to board the plane.

Luo Bing has been staring blankly at the phone, she has no mood to work.

The director came over and asked her, "Luo Bing, is there something wrong?"

Luo Bing raised his head, his eyes were a little red and swollen.

The director took a look, "Otherwise you should not go to work today. You go to deal with your affairs first. Come back when you are done."

Seeing Luo Bing lowering his head and staring blankly at the phone again, the director couldn't help asking: "You say... okay?"

Luo Bing just wiped her face, "I'm sorry... I really don't want to work."

Luo Bing stood up, "Then I'll go first."

The colleagues looked at Luo Bing like this, and were a little worried.

Looking at Luo Bing's lonely figure, the director was a little worried and let her go.

The president is not in the company these two days.

Is there something wrong with these young couple?

Before Luo Bing walked out of the department, the phone rang.

For Luo Bing, time passed so long, every minute and every second was so long.

(End of this chapter)

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