Dark night giants: Hei Di's marriage pet for 730 days

Chapter 361 Chatting with Feng Lie in the Early Morning

Chapter 361 Chatting with Feng Lie in the Early Morning

Luo Bing hugged his laptop, imagining him sitting here busy, but he was so serious.

Luo Bing looked at the QQ on his desktop, and opened it out of curiosity.

It turned out that he had never been on it.

Maybe he doesn't have a QQ number?
Of course, now that there is WeChat, everyone seems to prefer to use WeChat.

Luo Bing closed his notebook, thought for a while, and edited a text message!

Feng Lie's cell phone, which was far away in the United States, beeped.

In the early hours of the morning, the sound came to his ears with just a beeping sound.

Feng Lie's eyes opened suddenly.

He grabbed his cell phone all at once, and the corners of his lips twitched evilly.

Normally, he would definitely ignore it.Of course, in normal times, he would not have heard the beep.

But since he came back from China, he has habitually left his mobile phone on the bedside table very close to him.

It's just such a beep, it's rare that he actually heard it.

Although, it was someone he knew at this time, he would definitely block them and disturb their dreams, damn it!
If it was a harassing call from a stranger, he would definitely curse them to die.

But if it is a beauty, the situation is completely different.

Just like now, the corners of Feng Lie's lips twitched wickedly, and he sat up from the bed all at once, and instead of replying to Luo Bing's text message, he called her directly with an international call.

The corners of Luo Bing's lips twitched slightly, and he picked up his phone.

"Beauty, do you miss me?"

Hearing Feng Lie's voice, Luo Bing felt very kind because it was his brother.

"Brother..." Luo Bing thought about it, and she called out softly.

With a cry of brother, Feng Lie felt his body go numb.

"Beauty, you call me that, I... I'm a little flattered!"

Luo Bing curled her lips, "Brother...that's what I called you."

"Okay!" Feng Lie has no objection, anyway, he likes her so much.It's just falling in love with her, an indescribable feeling, anyway, I just like her and want to treat her well.

"Beauty, did you call me because you missed me?"

Luo Bing ignored his question directly, "I... want to chat with you."

"Chat..." Feng Lie smiled wickedly, "It's an honor to be able to chat with a beauty."

The corner of Luo Bing's mouth twitched, thinking, her brother's mouth is really good at pleasing girls.

I just don't know, when one day, when he knows that she is his own sister, thinking about what he once said to himself, I don't know that he will have such a magical expression.

Just thinking about it, Luo Bing felt a little curious.

Maybe when I met him, it wasn't a touching scene of hugging and crying at all, but a scene of him laughing straight away after his extremely handsome face burst into embarrassment after he was shocked for a while.

Luo Bing really started chatting with Feng Lie.

Then, Luo Bing asked Feng Lie: "If you ask a girl if she loves you...does it prove that you...you love her very much?!"

Feng Lie laughed so evilly and enchantingly: "I always ask pretty girls like that."

Luo Bing: "..."

Feng Lie dyed his lips, "Well, if a man seriously asks a woman this sentence, it means that he really loves that woman very much."

Luo Bing's beautiful eyes blinked lightly, "Really?"


(End of this chapter)

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