Chapter 368 Don't Mention Him

Bai Hui wanted to say that he was not allowed to leave, but Bai Lenghan looked back directly, and gave Bai Hui a cold look, the meaning of the look was obvious, please be more sensible!

Bai Hui: "..."

Then Bai Hui looked at Bai Ke'er, obviously, Bai Ke'er just didn't know what to do, Bai Ke'er caught up with Bai Lenghan and Luo Bing directly, and rushed directly between the two of them, smiling sweetly The old Bai Ke'er took his brother's arm and his sister-in-law's arm at the same time.

Lin Nuanyue saw that her daughter was really going to be a light bulb.

Bai Hui went to see Bai Lenghan.

But... Did he read it wrong?Bai Lenghan was pulled by Bai Ke'er's arm, but...he didn't respond at all.

Is this... a sense of fun? !
Bai Hui's face immediately turned black.

Bai Lenghan is obviously treating them differently!

Lin Nuanyue looked at this scene, but felt very relieved.My daughter has always hoped that this brother can treat her well, and he has always been neither cold nor cold, but since he and Luo Bing got married, because of Luo Bing, the relationship between Ke'er and her brother has improved.

A smile flickered across the corner of Lin Nuanyue's lips.

It seems that the relationship between myself and my stepson is also closer than before.

Bai Ke'er took them out of the door, and then she smiled softly outside: "Brother, don't worry, the cinema is so dark, I will never be a light bulb. Hehe."

"Then what are you going out for?" Bai Lenghan glanced at her indifferently.

Bai Ke'er just laughed: "It's the weekend, my girlfriends and I will go crazy too."

There was envy in Luo Bing's eyes.

Now she is also eager to have girlfriends.

But she is in the Lengye Group, although she has no airs and gets along with her colleagues, but she has a special status after all...

So, for a girlfriend, she... can only envy Bai Keer.

Bai Lenghan looked at Luo Bing's eyes, and couldn't help but twitched his lips.

This girl... what kind of expression is this.

Bai Ke'er rubbed against their car for a while, and got out of the car bouncing around at the agreed place.

Bai Lenghan told her to remember to ask the driver at home to pick her up when she returns home.

Bai Ke'er waved her hand, the smile on her little face was indescribably sweet.

This feeling of being cared by my brother is amazing. I was always looking forward to it when I didn’t have it before, but now I feel very warm and happy when I have it.

Ye Jing looked at Bai Keer's happy smile, and asked her suspiciously: "Are you in love again?"

Bai Ke'er gave her a straight look: "Talk about your size, it's my brother, hehe. Let me tell you, my brother treats me very well now."

Ye Jing's eyes lit up: "Really? Your elder brother who looks like a pictorial is finally willing to take a look at you, how is he doing for you?"

"Of course. Brother doesn't know how good he is to me now."

Ye Jing nodded: "That's right, I thought you left school for no reason that day, and your brother called to look for you, and I could hear that he cared about you."

"That's right. Hehe." Bai Ke'er smiled.

"I said Ke'er, are you... in a really good mood now?"

"Tch, I've been fine for a long time."

Liu Xiaoxiao couldn't help sighing at the side: "Ker, your ability to recover is really strong. I suspect that you have never liked Liu Ling at all, have you?"

Bai Ke'er curled her lips, "How can such a man deserve my sadness for him. Oh, don't mention him."

(End of this chapter)

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