Dark night giants: Hei Di's marriage pet for 730 days

Chapter 371 That uncle is older than actor Lu

Chapter 371 That uncle is older than actor Lu
"Remember what I taught you last time?"

Luo Bing thought for a while, then nodded: "I remember."

"Luo Bing, listen, you remember not to think about anything when you sink. Only by overcoming it yourself can you stop being afraid of going into the water."

"I... I will try my best."


Well, she still can't!

Bai Lenghan took her hand, "You do it with me."

Then, the two jumped into the water together.

Just when Luo Bing's head was submerged in the water for two or three seconds and she was about to stick it out again, his big palm suddenly moved to the back of her head, Luo Bing was startled, and then two thin soft lips turned towards her lips imprinted over.

soft, soft.Such a kiss directly short-circuited Luo Bing's brain.

The body was also embraced by him at once.

... Just like that, when the heads of the two of them came out of the water, the kiss was not over yet.

When he finally let her go, he said hoarsely, "Are you still afraid?"

Luo Bing blushed, imagining that she would actually kiss him in the water...

She... She didn't feel scared at that time.

"Try again."

Luo Bing: "..."

Luo Bing tried to sink into the water this time, and then those two soft lips flashed in her mind, she... didn't think of being afraid at all, this was the first time, she... succeeded!

Luo Bing was a little unbelievable afterwards, she learned to swim just like that.

She has never dared to go into the water, and since then she is really not afraid of going into the water again.


After swimming and taking a shower, Luo Bing just came out of the bathroom when she heard her cell phone ringing.

Luo Bing was going to grab the phone, but was grabbed by a man.

"Hmm..." Immediately afterwards, her lips were sealed.

The phone call was a WeChat message that Bai Ke'er sent to Luo Bing, [Sister Luo, guess who I saw? 】

[Actor, Sister Luo, I actually saw the actor! ! 】

Bai Ke'er blinked her beautiful eyes, staring at the dazzling man over there.

Ye Jing, who was next to Bai Keer, shouted excitedly: "Kerr, is that Yoshino over there? That's right, it's Yoshino, right?"

Bai Ke'er took a look and nodded: "That's right, it's that uncle."

Ye Jing gave a strange cry: "How could Yoshino be an uncle. He is only in his thirties, not about the same age as the actor Lu."

Bai Ke'er shook her head: "What's the difference, actor Lu, look how attractive and handsome he is. Wow, he looks so charming when he smiles. Tell me, why didn't I see him on TV? I feel that when I see myself, I really feel astonished."

When Liu Xiaoxiao told Bai Keer to say it, she couldn't help but look at the film emperor Lu twice: "It's not bad."

"I think Yoshino is good!"

"The uncle is older than Yingdi Lu." Liu Xiaoxiao joked aside.

"Hey, don't you call me my idol like an uncle, okay?"

Liu Xiaoxiao just laughed, blinked and said to the two people, "Shall we go up and say hello?"

Ye Jing and Bai Ke'er immediately brightened their eyes: "But... can I?"

Liu Xiaoxiao pouted her lips and raised her chin: "Why not?"

Bai Ke'er stared at Ying Ying Lu with bright eyes.

Lu Tianlin, wearing a well-tailored silver-gray suit, has a tall and slender figure comparable to a male model. At this time, he is holding a glass of red wine in his hand, and there is a faint smile on his lips. Extravagance and elegance.

(End of this chapter)

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