Dark night giants: Hei Di's marriage pet for 730 days

Chapter 384 Escape from the Magic Melon

Chapter 384 Escape from the Magic Melon
Bai Ke'er nodded, "I'm really fine, thank you."

Yoshino scratched his hair, "Hey, I didn't expect you to thank you too. This time, don't be angry with me, right?"

Bai Keer: "..."

"Little girl, this time we are even."

Film Emperor Lu came over with a warm smile on his face: "Go home quickly. Remember not to come to this place again."

"En." Bai Ke'er nodded.

"Ah, my cell phone." Bai Ke'er screamed again, "Also, the person who was beaten..."

Thinking of the person they were beaten, Bai Ke'er couldn't help but frowned, and she rushed out immediately.

"Hey, little girl!"

Yoshino followed Actor Lu and followed her closely.

After all, it was so late, it was still not reassuring for her to rush out like this.

Bai Keer ran all the way to the back alley, Yoshino followed closely behind her, Bai Keer lowered her head and searched hard: "The phone... should be here."

Yoshino turned on the flashlight mode with his mobile phone, he shined the light, and Bai Keer looked at the ground with the light.

"Yeah, there."

Bai Ke'er found her mobile phone, and then looked to the side not far away.

Hey, the person who was beaten is not there long ago, I don't know where they took him.

"What are you looking for?" Yoshino asked.

"And the one you said was beaten?" Yoshino looked at Bai Ke'er.

Bai Ke'er glanced at Yoshino, then shook her head lightly, "It's okay."


Yoshino looked at Bai Keer, "Hey, little girl, it really makes people anxious if you don't say half of what you say, okay?"

"Actually, there was a man who was severely beaten by them just now. It should be the boyfriend of the woman killed by Xu Chongming."

Bai Ke'er frowned, "But now that man, I don't know where they took him. He was beaten so badly, it's impossible for him to leave by himself."

When Yoshino heard this, he frowned.

"This matter..." Yoshino sighed, "You were brought to Xu Chongming's place because of this, right?"

Bai Ke'er didn't deny it.

"Okay, I have something to say." Yingdi Lu said lightly.

The three of them walked out of the dark alley, and Bai Ke'er caught sight of the car that was still parked on the side of the road outside Charming Kiss.

It turns out that the driver of my family is still there.

Bai Keer looked at Actor Lu and Yoshino and said softly, "Tonight, thank you very much. But you offended Xu Chongming because of me, but please rest assured, I will definitely not let Xu Chongming disturb you."

When Lu Yingdi and Yoshino heard Bai Keer's words, they both smiled, and Yoshino said, "Do you think we will be afraid of him?"

Bai Ke'er curled her lips, "Anyway, I won't let him hurt you."

"I'm going home." Bai Ke'er waved at them.

"Hello..." Just as Bai Ke'er turned around, Yoshino called her, "Little beauty, can you leave a phone call?"

Bai Keer: "..."

"Perhaps when will we meet again?"

Bai Ke'er looked back, and smiled lightly with her lips raised, "Uncle, we will meet if we are destined."

Yoshino: "..."

Bai Ke'er walked towards the car that picked her up, and when she opened the door, the driver was startled, looking back, it turned out to be Bai Ke'er, and said in surprise, "Miss, you're finally here."

(End of this chapter)

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