Chapter 387 Pregnant? 2
Luo Bing just felt sick for a while.

She stood up and rushed directly to the bathroom.

Bai Lenghan's expression froze, and he followed directly.

Luo Bing squatted by the toilet, retching right there.

I vomited for a long time and didn't vomit anything, but I just felt very uncomfortable.My head also became a little dizzy.

A pair of big palms gently supported her head, the warm feeling made Luo Bing feel a little better.

"Luo Bing, are you okay?" Bai Lenghan's voice was condensed with concern, and his dark eyes were also stained with a touch of pity.

"Well. I'm fine."

"Is the food not to your liking?"

Luo Bing didn't know either, the food was actually quite to her liking, but she didn't know why she felt like throwing up whenever she ate greasy food, she really wasn't like this before.

"Maybe my not feeling well." Luo Bing said.

"I'll call the doctor to show you."

"No need." Luo Bing said, "When we go back, just buy some medicine on the way."

Bai Lenghan rubbed Luo Bing's hair: "Not good! I have to see a doctor before buying medicine."

Two people here came out of the bathroom.

The expressions of the three people at the dining table over there were quite lively.

Lin Nuanyue just watched Luo Bing run to the bathroom with her mouth covered and retching, her eyes lit up, "Bing Bing, is she... pregnant?"

These words immediately shocked Bai Ke'er and Bai Hui.

"They've been married for more than half a year, so they should be...pregnant."

"Pregnant? Am I going to be a grandfather?" Bai Hui murmured.

Bai Ke'er blinked her big eyes in disbelief: "I'm going to be an aunt?"

When Bai Lenghan helped Luo Bing come over, the two of them couldn't help but feel a little suspicious when they looked at the vivid expressions of the three people on the dining table.

Lin Nuanyue was the first to react, "Bingbing, are you okay?"

"Well, I'm fine."

"Is the food not to your liking?"

"No, Mom."

"Then why are you gagging?"

"I...maybe I have an upset stomach."

"Bingbing, how long have you been like this?"

Luo Bing looked at Lin Nuanyue: "How long? It was only at noon today... Just now."

"Bingbing, let's see a doctor."

"I'll take her to see a doctor in a while." Bai Lenghan said lightly.

"Why wait? Let's watch it now!" Bai Hui said immediately.

Bai Lenghan glanced at Bai Hui inexplicably.

Bai Hui coughed lightly: "My daughter-in-law is not feeling well, and there is a private doctor at home. Let's take a look now."

Bai Hui directly called the Bai family's personal doctor.

After hanging up the phone, he said, "I'll be there soon."

The speed is indeed fast.

In less than 10 minutes, the Bai family's personal doctor arrived.

Bai Lenghan followed Luo Bing to the room and followed the doctor for an examination.

After some examinations, the doctor said that there was nothing wrong with Luo Bing's body.

"But, I didn't do this before. When I eat food, especially greasy ones, I feel like throwing up..."

The doctor smiled, "Young Madam, I'm sure that your body is fine. As for the problem you mentioned, I think it may be caused by other reasons."

"Other reasons?" Luo Bing frowned.

"Speak up if you have something to say!" Young Master Bai frowned directly, and the doctor was so frightened that he confessed directly: "Well, what I mean is, Young pregnant!"

"What? She's pregnant?" Luo Bing was stunned!
(End of this chapter)

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