Dark night giants: Hei Di's marriage pet for 730 days

Chapter 400 Stand still, wait for me there

Chapter 400 Stand still, wait for me there

If my sister was still alive, she...would call him like this, brother?

The elevator bangs!
The elevator door opened.

It seemed to disturb the two people in the elevator.

At that moment, Feng Lie gently held Luo Bing's little hand.Her little hands are soft.

Luo Bing didn't shake him off, but on the contrary, there was a soft smile on her lips, she let him hold her hand, let him gently embrace her and walked through the door of the hall.

She walked out of the Royal Court Hotel with him.

They didn't even know that there was a camera shooting at them in the dark.

Feng Lie stood at the intersection, holding out his hand to stop the car. He said to her, "I heard that there is a restaurant in City A that serves good afternoon tea. Let's go there, shall we?"

Of course Luo Bing wouldn't say no.She has known for a long time that brother is a foodie.

He wants to try other restaurants, so she can go with him.

Feng Lie raised his lips, "It won't be too far."

A taxi stopped in front of him.

After Feng Lie opened the car door, he took Luo Bing's hand and let her get in the car first.

After she got in the car, she got in.

He didn't sit in the front, but sat in the back with Luo Bing.

Being next to her is to protect her!

Well, Feng Lie was actually afraid that if the driver braked suddenly, Luo Bing would bump into him accidentally.He can take care of her by her side.

After driving for about 10 minutes, we arrived at the restaurant Feng Lie mentioned.

A nicely decorated restaurant.

Just as the two got out of the car, Luo Bing's cell phone rang.

When Luo Bing saw it, he gently hooked his lips and answered the phone.

"Where is it?" Bai Lenghan was at the Royal Court Hotel at this time.

He sat in the car, frowned and called her.

Then, Luo Bing actually mentioned another address, and said that Feng Lie wanted to go there for afternoon tea, and that the restaurant was good.

When Bai Lenghan heard this, he became very angry.

He condensed directly: "You wait for me!"


Luo Bing was stunned, "waiting for you?"

"I'll be there in 10 minutes. Stand still and wait for me."

Crack, the phone hangs up!
Luo Bing looked at Feng Lie.

Feng Lie raised his eyebrows, "What?"

"Well, he's coming."

Feng Lie looked at her, "Are you a man?"

Luo Bing nodded.

"What is he here for?" Feng Lie said that it was rare for him to have afternoon tea with a beauty, and it was really bad to be disturbed by someone.

He completely ignored that Luo Bing was Bai Lenghan's wife.

Feng Lie snorted coldly, turned around and left.

Luo Bing: "..."

Feng Lie turned around after walking a few steps, "Why don't you leave?"

Luo Bing said, "Uh...he said to let me wait for him."

"Wait for him? How long will it take?" Feng Lie frowned.

"10 minutes!"

Feng Lie came over and pulled Luo Bing, "Don't say 10 minutes, 5 minutes is not enough. You are pregnant, you should sit down and have a good rest."

Luo Bing twitched his lips, "No, I should exercise more. Then... I won't walk here for 10 minutes."

Feng Lie: "..."

So, he watched Luo Bing wandering in front of the restaurant, and glanced at the road from time to time.

The feeling of waiting for my husband to come...

Let Feng Lie see something delicious.

Originally, I wanted to enjoy a good afternoon tea with the beauty, but this is great, Bai Lenghan is here, can I still enjoy it well.

Just when Feng Lie was thinking this way, a luxury car stopped in front of him!
(End of this chapter)

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