Dark night giants: Hei Di's marriage pet for 730 days

Chapter 405 Do You Have Something To Tell Me?

Chapter 405 Do You Have Something To Tell Me?

"When I was young, my sister...she liked to listen to this song very much." Feng Lie smiled sadly, "I didn't know how to sing, but I learned this song specially for that little girl. For my sister, then It's like a lullaby that belongs to her alone, when she wants to sleep, she clamors for you to accompany her, as long as you sing this song to her, she will fall asleep quickly."

As Luo Bing listened, a deep strangeness slipped through her heart.

Although she was still young at that time, she could still remember some things even though she was young.

Like, she's thinking of the song right now.

What Feng Lie said was right, that [Mother's Kiss] was a song that Luo Bing liked to listen to very much when she was a child.

That itself is an old song.

Luo Bing once went to the suburbs with her mother and brother. On the small road in the country, when this song wafted from the loudspeaker in the village not far away, Luo Bing was deeply attracted.

In that remote mountain village...Xiaoya Xiaoshan Village.My dear mother has gray hair on the temples.

The past time is unforgettable, unforgettable...

How many kisses my mother gave me, how many kisses...

Kissing the tears on ****'s face warms my young heart.

Mom's kiss, sweet kiss, makes me miss to this day.

Mom... The mother that Luo Bing loved so much has long been gone in her memory.

She didn't even seem to remember her mother's kiss.However, she still remembers the song.

This is a song that I used to like so much.

When Feng Lie hummed this song softly, and when the familiar melody rang in his ears, Luo Bing listened, his thoughts seemed to return to his childhood, and his eyes became more and more moist.

Feng Lie sang softly, Luo Bing's eye sockets became slightly wet, and at that moment, Bai Lenghan grabbed her little hand.

Luo Bing turned her head and looked at her husband.

He pulled Luo Bing tightly and pulled her into his arms.

After Feng Lie finished singing, he lightly pursed his lips, "Hey, President Bai, it's very hard for me to paddle alone."

Bai Lenghan embraced Luo Bing lightly and ignored him at all.

Feng Lie pursed his lips, and continued to row while admiring the scenery. After 10 minutes, Feng Lie stopped.

Bai Lenghan looked at him.

Feng Lie said in a low voice, "My arm is sore."

Bai Lenghan raised his lips, and immediately said, "It's useless!"

"Hey, you're useful, but you're rowing." Feng Lie rubbed his arms, "Anyway, I can't row anymore."

The scenery is not bad at all, Feng Lie was sitting on the boat, admiring the beautiful scenery, he couldn't help sighing: "This place is really beautiful."

Bai Lenghan hugged Luo Bing, gently stroked her hair, and asked her: "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Luo Bing shook his head, "No. I'm fine."

Bai Lenghan received the paddle and started paddling immediately.

The scenery along the way is really beautiful.

Bai Lenghan was rowing there, Feng Lie, apart from looking at the beautiful scenery, glanced at Luo Bing from time to time, smiled wickedly, and was thinking of something to say.

Bai Lenghan glanced over with a cold look: "Shut up first!"

Feng Lie: "..." Is this the rhythm that can't even make him speak?
Feng Lie was very depressed, and finally blinked at Luo Bing: "Beauty, we will arrive at the shore in a while, can you let your man leave first?"

Luo Bing: "..."

Feng Lie blinked: "Actually, do you have something to tell me?"

(End of this chapter)

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