Chapter 408 Reports on the Internet
Feng Lie's mind was full of what Luo Bing said to him just now.

Scenes from my childhood flashed through my mind one by one.

Just like what Luo Bing said... Those are really the scenes they experienced together.

But is all this true?

Is it all true?
Luo Bing... is it really his sister?His own sister? !
Feng Lie felt that his mind was in a mess, his heart was in a mess, he felt that his whole body was in a mess.

Feng Lie didn't even know how he got back to the presidential suite of the Huangting Hotel.

He just tore off his clothes and went into the bathroom.

Putting on a bathrobe and coming out of the bathroom, he fell on the bed all of a sudden, on the bed!

Luo Bing's words kept flashing in his mind.

I didn't eat at night. This night, I tossed and turned, staring at the moonlight outside the window, unable to fall asleep.

Feng Lie finally called out directly.

He took out his mobile phone, but finally fixed his eyes on Luo Bing's phone.

Luo Bing's sweet and lovely face flashed in his mind.

He combined Luo Bing's appearance with the sweet and lovely face of his childhood...

Luo Bing... Sister...

Feng Lie's body froze right there!

Luo Bing obviously didn't sleep soundly that night.As if in a dream, he still whispered softly: Brother!
Bai Lenghan listened, and when he thought of that evil and handsome man, he felt a little jealous.

The first thing Luo Bing did when he woke up in the morning was to look at his phone.

Did my brother call her?Is there a text message?

Luo Bing did not receive any calls or text messages from Feng Lie all day long!

Thinking of what he said that he would go to the city where he used to live to find his sister, Luo Bing was very afraid that he would leave City A, so he finally couldn't help but gave Feng Lie a call!
The phone rang many times but no one answered.

Luo Bing bit his lip.

Brother, he... didn't answer her call.

Luo Bing fought again without giving up.

However, no one answered.

Bai Lenghan looked up at Luo Bing's sad and troubled look, and knew that it must be about Feng Lie.

That man...hasn't figured it out yet? !

Bai Lenghan frowned deeply, and he walked over directly, hugging Luo Bing: "After get off work today, I will take you to find him!"

Luo Bing looked at Bai Lenghan gratefully: "Thank you."

"You don't need to say thank you to me." Bai Lenghan patted her little face.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door of the president's office.

Bai Lenghan said in a low voice: "Come in!"

Mo Nuan pushed open the door and walked in.Mo Nuan looked a little wrong, she stood there, hesitated for a while, and finally said: "President... the reports on the Internet today..."

"What?" Bai Leng coldly frowned.

"I..." Well, Mo Nuan didn't dare to say it, and finally said softly: "President, you can check it yourself on the Internet."

Bai Lenghan frowned.

Luo Bing refreshed the city's news directly with her mobile phone, and then she saw the extremely intimate photo of Feng Lie hugging her and holding her hand.

Luo Bing frowned, and directly handed the phone to Bai Lenghan, "Here..."

When Bai Lenghan saw it, his expression froze.

Then, his phone rang immediately.

Looking down, it was Bai Hui.

Luo Bing saw it too, and immediately looked at Bai Lenghan guiltily and nervously.

Bai Lenghan patted Luo Bing's shoulder lightly, and answered the phone calmly.

"what happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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