Chapter 417 Brother, stop!
The soft body just threw herself into his arms, carrying a faint fragrance that belonged only to her.

Bai Lenghan immediately frowned, but fortunately, Feng Lie took a quick step back, so that Luo Bing's stomach followed his body at a certain distance.

"You...are pregnant. Pay attention to the baby."

Feng Lie's voice was hoarse.

Luo Bing looked at him, with hurt and grievance in his eyes, and he shouted emotionally: "Brother..."

Feng Lie felt that the whole person stood there because of Luo Bing's call of brother.He stared blankly at Luo Bing, at the girl's sweet, lovely, wronged, and injured face.

Feng Lie's heart ached completely at this moment, softened, and became chaotic.

Luo Bing shook his arm, "Brother...Brother...It's really me."

Bai Lenghan stood there and coughed lightly.

Feng Lie gently pulled Luo Bing and stood back. In fact, from Bai Lenghan's point of view, Feng Lie's action had a special feeling of doting on Luo Bing.

In addition to the fact that Luo Bing rushed towards him just now, he instinctively backed away a bit in order to avoid hurting the baby in her stomach.Bai Lenghan could see that Feng Lie cared for Luo Bing.

Bai Lenghan walked into the elevator.

The elevator doors close.

It was rare that Bai Lenghan didn't pull Luo Bing into his arms.Instead, she was allowed to stand with Feng Lie.

When the elevator reached the first floor, Bai Lenghan came out first. He looked back at Luo Bing, and saw that Luo Bing's eyes were completely fixed on her brother Feng Lie, and the corners of his lips twitched involuntarily.

Feng Lie walked out of the elevator.

Luo Bing followed closely behind Feng Lie.

This feeling is like when I was a child.When Feng Lie was a child, no matter where Feng Lie went, his younger sister always liked to follow him.She was like a little follower, following behind him, always the elder brother, who kept calling him.

Bai Lenghan walked in front, obviously, he was walking in the direction of the restaurant.

Feng Lie was originally hungry and wanted to eat something, but now, he found that he really didn't want to eat anything.

His sister was right in front of him.

He didn't want his sister to be so sad and wronged.

If she really doesn't mind him facing her like that some time ago... He really wants to recognize this sister.

Feng Lie didn't walk in the direction of the restaurant, but walked towards the door.

Luo Bing looked at Feng Lie and called out: "Brother..."

Feng Lie's body trembled, and his heart skipped a beat. He didn't stop, but walked straight towards the door.

Then Bai Lenghan watched Luo Bing and just followed.

Bai Lenghan directly pulled the corner of his lips again.

"Luo Bing..." Bai Lenghan turned around, took two quick steps, and stood beside Luo Bing, "How long will it take?"

Luo Bing looked at Feng Lie's back, and then at Bai Lenghan, his eyes were shining brightly.

"One hour?"

Luo Bing didn't answer.

"Not more than two hours." Bai Lenghan gently stroked Fu Luobing's hair.And Feng Lie was about to open the door and go out.

"Brother, stop!" Luo Bing called out to him.

Obviously, Feng Lie still didn't stop, he just pushed open the revolving door.

Luo Bing directly chased after him.

As Bai Lenghan watched, his eyebrows frowned slightly.He yelled at Feng Lie: "Take good care of her, otherwise I will never spare you!"

Feng Lie had already pushed open the revolving door, and looked back at Luo Bing running towards him.

(End of this chapter)

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