Chapter 419 Don't Hurt Yourself
With a slap, Feng Lie slapped himself hard.That crisp voice made his cheeks turn red all of a sudden.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

Luo Bing tightly grasped his right hand, but his left hand slapped himself again.

"No, brother..." Luo Bing immediately hugged him, "Brother, don't do this. Brother..."

"Luo Bing, I'm's my brother who's sorry for's's my fault. You have suffered so much. You have suffered so much."

All of this shouldn't be something she has to bear.

But he and his mother have been enjoying life like that for the past 18 years.

At this moment, Feng Lie thought of the moment when he and Luo Bing's mother Bai Yi, a deep trace of complexity and a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.

Such a hatred can be said to be as deep as the sea.

Luo Bing knew all this from Mu Siyan.

And he never knew it.

Mom, never mentioned any of this to him.

Mom, she should know all this, right?

Dad was so wronged and died by the dealer, how could mom not know about such hatred.

She... she could choose not to tell him.

But what about herself?
All these years, during the 18 years she's been with that man, has she... ever thought about her father's hatred? !

Luo Bing cried and shook his head, "Brother, how can I blame you. I... don't blame you. Once, I complained that you and my mother abandoned me. When I met you, I clearly recognized you , but deliberately denied you..."

"It's my fault, it's because I don't even recognize my own sister."

Luo Bing's little hand lightly thumped his back, "Brother, you are really hateful, you don't even recognize me."

Luo Bing said, "I found out later that you never forgot me. It turns out that brother, you have always wanted to find me... Brother, I don't blame you. Some injuries and pains, just let me bear it. Brother, you don't know, I'm really glad you don't have to go through this. Brother, don't blame Mom, she... didn't tell you all this, it was for your own good. Living in hatred is really painful. "

Luo Bing sniffed, and Feng Lie's big palm lightly passed over her small face, wiping away the tears on her face.

"Don't cry, sister, don't cry!"

His "sister" made Luo Bing's tears flow even more fiercely.

Looking at Feng Lie and the blood on the corner of his lips, Luo Bing's heart ached to death.She pulled out a tissue and gently tried to remove the blood from the corner of her lips for him, "Brother, don't hurt yourself."

Luo Bing looked at his cheek with distress, "Does it hurt?"

Feng Lie shook his head, then shook his head again, "It doesn't hurt."

"Does it really hurt?"


"Brother, I won't allow you to hurt yourself again."

Feng Lie pulled Luo Bing into his arms, "Luo Bing... I'm sorry! Brother, you're really not a good brother."

Luo Bing just thought of the scene after Feng Lie reunited with her, a touch of warmth flashed through his heart that was originally sad and painful.Thinking of the words he had said in front of her... Luo Bing, whose eyes still had tears, couldn't help but twitched his lips, " you think I'm beautiful?"

Feng Lie was stunned: "..."

Luo Bing raised her small face and looked at him with tear-stained face, "Brother, why...why do you want to run away?"

Feng Lie: "..."

"Brother, don't you want me to be your sister?"

(End of this chapter)

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