Dark night giants: Hei Di's marriage pet for 730 days

Chapter 442 I Think of a Scheme to Break Them Up

Chapter 442 I Think of a Scheme to Break Them Up

Presumably, Mu Siyan also really likes his sister.But the world is always unpredictable, Bing Bing married Bai Lenghan by accident, not to mention, it is difficult to explain clearly about the relationship, and it can't be forced.

Feng Lie could feel from the very beginning that his sister loved Bai Lenghan.

Of course, it's not like he doesn't know how Bai Lenghan treats his younger sister when they get along these days.

How much my brother-in-law loves and is nervous about his younger sister, even a brother like him can't do it.

Feng Lie felt that his sister followed Bai Lenghan, especially when he saw her sweet and happy face, he felt very relieved.

When the two walked out of the restaurant, Feng Lie looked at the man beside him and said sincerely: "Siyan, Bingbing has been taken care of by you for 18 years. Thank you very much! It's like Bingbing once said to me I also sincerely hope that you will be happy too."

Feng Lie looked at him, "Find a good girl."

Mu Siyan lifted his lips, and there was a sneer on the corner of his lips, with such a touch of sadness: "Bingbing, does she... think so?"

"Yeah. It's not just her, Siyan, find a good girl. Now that the hatred is gone..."

"Hate? What right do you have to say hate?" Mu Siyan looked at Feng Lie, "Do you know this hatred?"

Feng Lie: "..."

Mu Siyan turned around immediately!

Feng Lie: "..."

Feng Lie looked at the back of Mu Siyan leaving, and finally let out a low sigh.He won't argue with Mu Siyan, because what Mu Siyan said is right, and he who knows nothing really has no right to bring hatred.

Mu Siyan found another apartment and settled himself down.

Mu Siyan works as a manager in a small company, and his salary is enough for him.

He had just come out of the bathroom when he received a call from Tang Meiyi.

"Mr. Mu, I thought of a plan to break them up. I wonder if you have time. Let's discuss it together."

Mu Siyan pursed her lips lightly, "Okay!"

"Then... can you tell me your address? I've just finished my work outside, and I'm at No. 65 Jinghua Road..."

Mu Siyan said indifferently: "Apartment No. 73, Jinghua Road, 6rd Floor, Unit 1, Building 23, Middle Gate!"

Tang Meiyi looked up, and it turned out that it was in the apartment not far away.

"Okay, then I'll be there in a moment."

Tang Meiyi arrived soon.

When Mu Siyan opened the door, he was still wiping his hair.

Tang Meiyi couldn't help but look at him with the elegant and pleasant smell emanating from the man, slightly startled.

The man in front of him was gentle as jade, tall and handsome.

Of course, it's not like Tang Meiyi has never seen a man with good looks and good temperament. She smiled slightly in just a moment: "Sorry, I came to see you so late."

Mu Siyan's voice was calm, "Go and sit over there."

"it is good."

He opened the refrigerator, "What do you want to drink?"

Tang Meiyi said softly, "Just pour me a glass of water, please."

She had a dinner party just now, so after drinking some wine, she felt a little dizzy.

Mu Siyan poured a glass of water for her.

She took a few sips and looked up at him!
A look of impatience appeared on Mu Siyan's face, "If you have something to say, just say it."

A gloomy light appeared in Tang Meiyi's eyes: "It's like this..."

(End of this chapter)

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