Dark night giants: Hei Di's marriage pet for 730 days

Chapter 459 Remember, don't play tricks

Chapter 459 Remember, don't play tricks

But this damn woman, she really made his heart hurt too much.

She refuses to believe him? !
Feng Lie looked at Bai Lenghan, raised his eyebrows, and then sighed in a low voice, "Brother-in-law, in fact, my sister should have someone protecting her right now? So do you know if Mu Siyan is real?" Someone was kidnapped?"

Mu Siyan was indeed kidnapped!The people sent by Bai Lenghan finally followed to a remote area...over there, if they followed further, they would definitely be discovered.So I didn't follow.In fact, even if you don't follow up, the target range is not big anymore.

If you want to search for a person, you can still search for it.

It's just that he doesn't want to care about Mu Siyan's current situation!
There is only one thing that Bai Lenghan is sure of, and that is that Mu Siyan will not die.

Since it was kidnapping, there must be more to come.

Mu Siyan had no relatives at all, so all those people could look for was Luo Bing.

He had already ordered her to go on, so as long as Luo Bing left the Bai mansion, no matter where she went, someone would follow her secretly, and it could be said that she never left.

It's just that Luo Bing didn't know that they didn't reveal it.

Looking at Bai Lenghan's expression, Feng Lie raised his eyebrows, "You... know about this?"

Bai Lenghan didn't deny it.

"So, is it true that... was kidnapped?"

Bai Lenghan just said indifferently: "He was kidnapped by the people who rushed out of the second wave. As for the previous one, he should have directed and acted it himself."

"Self-directed and acted?" Feng Lie frowned, "Then what happened later? Who will really kidnap him?"

Feng Lie rubbed his chin, "Since it's a real kidnapping, then Bingbing, she... will definitely receive a call from the kidnapper."


Luo Bing's phone rang.

The previous sound was very weak, there was no sound at all, and then there was a scream.

The scream made Luo Bing cover his mouth for an instant.

It's... Mu Siyan!

Immediately afterwards, Luo Bing heard a strange, sharp and sinister voice: "Did you hear that? Do you want him to live?..."

"What do you guys want?" Luo Bing gripped the phone tightly, her fingertips trembling, "Don't hurt him, don't hurt him."

"If you want him to survive, just obediently do as we say. [-] million!" The man said, "Prepare [-] million..."

"No...don't..." A particularly weak voice came, "Bingbing..."

That was Mu Siyan's voice.

Mu Siyan's voice was so weak, so weak.Luo Bing had to tightly stick the phone behind her ear in order to hear Mu Siyan's voice and what he said.

"Bingbing...I...I don't think I can...can't..."

"Brother Mu..."

Then, there was another scream.

"Brother Mu...don't hit him!" Luo Bing shouted hoarsely.

"Give you one day. Tomorrow night, I will tell you which account to transfer the money to. Remember, don't play tricks."

Luo Bing wanted to say something, but the phone was cut off with a snap!

One billion!

The other party wants [-] million!

But she, she...how could there be [-] million.

Luo Bing stared tightly at Bai Lenghan's number on the phone, and now she has changed the name of the number to: Husband.

Luo Bing's heart ached, heavy, and contradictory.

One hundred million!Definitely not a small amount.

But, she...how could she watch Brother Mu die like that?

(End of this chapter)

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