Chapter 518

Could it be that, as far as he is concerned, she is just the only one among his many women, she has no reluctance or nostalgia...

Li Wei smiled bitterly.

This night, Li Wei fell asleep very late.

The next day, colleagues started talking about the president's new relationship.

Someone said: "Let's make a bet, I guess the president's new relationship won't last long."


"Actually, a man like the president will definitely change to a woman in two or three months."

"Isn't changing a girlfriend the same as changing clothes?"

"They have that capital."


"Yes, our president is really handsome."

"It's just a pity, no matter how handsome he is, we don't deserve it."


Li Wei listened to what her colleagues in the company said to each other, her little face turned pale.

Ever since Feng Lie followed Joanne into a couple, the colleagues' attitude towards Li Wei has improved.

Looking at Li Wei's pale face, they felt a little sympathetic to her.

Thinking about it, she seemed to have a good relationship with the president some time ago, but now she seems to be alienated all of a sudden.But it's only been a month.Think about it, this man has changed really too fast.In the end, it is the woman who gets hurt.

Of course, there is sympathy and disdain.

Naturally, some people said to Li Wei sarcastically, "Look, you must have been dumped by the CEO."

How could it be possible for a woman like you to be really interested in you.

Li Wei felt lost and desolate for a while.

For several days, she did not receive a call from Feng Lie.

Many times, she wanted to call him, but she didn't pull it out in the end.

What to say?Ask him, why did you do this to him?

There was a deep bitterness on the corner of her lips, as far as he was concerned, she might have become a thing of the past.

She saw it with her own eyes, he followed Joanne out and about.The smile on his face made her look so dazzling.

Joanne, although she is not a top-notch in the entertainment industry, she is only interested in the entertainment industry, and Qiao's family is well-known and rich in City A.Mr. Qiao only has such a daughter, so he naturally regards her as the apple of his eye.

Some time ago, Joanne followed the crew to film in the United States, and she played a cool female agent in that movie.Although she is not a heroine, she is very effective.

When she was in America, she met Feng Lie at a bar.At that time, the man was leaning there, and when she looked over, she was deeply attracted.

Joanne was also very confident about her appearance, she went over with a glass of red wine, and took the initiative to strike up a conversation with Feng Lie, while he smiled wickedly at her.

They are both grown men and women, and they only need one look to understand them sometimes.

After returning to China, the two naturally met and dated.

As far as Joanne was concerned, what Feng Lie gave him was different from what other men gave her.

Although he looks wicked and handsome, he is not the kind of man who only wants to sleep with women.

At least, during the days they were together, they never came to that step.

Joanne's rare reserve.

In front of a man who is really tempted, sometimes women are willing to behave less casually.

And Feng Lie actually respected her very much.

This made Joanne a little surprised, and at the same time, she became more and more infatuated with this man.

She wants to conquer him.

I want him to be with me.

(End of this chapter)

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