Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 120 Meeting Huandu Qingtian

Chapter 120 Meeting Huandu Qingtian
"Everyone, please have some snacks first. The old minister will go and inform the emperor. If he knows that you are here, he will be very happy!"

Compared with the immature southern princess, the panda minister is still relatively calm in his work.However, Daoist Taiyi and Zhong Kui seemed to be more anxious, and put forward their own ideas as soon as they entered the palace.

"Well, our two brothers have admired the culture of the southern country for a long time, can we take a look at the Buddhist scriptures pavilion in your country?"

"Uh, this? I have to ask us about this first..."

Obviously, how could the Sutra Pavilion in the Southern Kingdom Palace be opened to outsiders so easily?It's not suitable without the approval of the Poison Emperor, even if you are from Tu Shan.

It's just that before the panda minister finished speaking, the lovely princess of the Southern Kingdom snatched the conversation away.

"It just so happens that the princess is also going to the Sutra Pavilion to hand in her homework, you two come with me! Seriously, those guys outside always say that our southern country is a country of ten thousand poisons, and they have proposed to study our culture over the years. It's really the first time for the two of you!"

"Then there will be Princess Lao!"

After getting the approval, Immortal Taiyi and Zhong Kui were immediately excited, and they clasped their fists together to express their gratitude.

As for Xiao Chen and the others, after all, they were just accompanying guests. If Daoist Taiyi and Zhong Kui didn't think that there was an ancient secret method they wanted to master in the southern palace, he, the master, would not have taken the initiative to ask to come here for a visit.After all, compared to the palace compound, the market outside was more lively, and it was also a little more free-spirited.

"His Royal Highness is here!"

Just when the group was about to leave, the Prince of Nanguo who had just devoured the black fox happened to appear.

So Huandu Luolan couldn't do without an introduction, but His Royal Highness seemed to have something on his mind today, so he simply greeted everyone and left in a strange manner.

"Everyone, don't take offense! My royal brother may be afraid of strangers, he is not like this usually!"

Although this southern prince is not Huandu Luolan's direct brother, this little girl doesn't care about these things and has always respected him very much.

However, when Xiao Daji saw the prince of the Southern Kingdom, a suspicious expression suddenly appeared on his face, which happened to be seen by Xiao Chen who was next to him, so he came to this little girl and asked quietly beside him.

"What's the matter? Is there something wrong with that southern prince? You little girl has seen something, tell me quickly!"

"I can't explain it clearly, that is, I just felt a very familiar, very familiar aura from the prince's highness. It feels like the unique smell of those black fox monsters outside the circle, but how could there be such a smell here? The black fox family?"

"Oh, it seems that some kind of poisonous gas from these southerners made you feel similar! Aren't those black foxes still locked in the seal?"

Xiao Chen saw the seal healed with his own eyes at the beginning, so he naturally didn't believe that the black fox had escaped, so he thought of a reason to evade it, and this reason was also approved by Daji.

"What the master said is very true, and Daji thinks so too!"

"Forget it, don't worry about it! Let's go have some snacks!"

"Okay, the fruits here are delicious!"

Compared to Xiao Chen's relaxed and happy master and servant, the prince of the Southern Kingdom was walking on eggshells before, and his whole body broke out in a cold sweat.It wasn't until he returned to his bedroom that the three-tailed black demon attached to him dared not breathe out.

"My god, why are they here? When did you Nanguo know these terrible guys!"

"What? Don't you black foxes claim to be fearless? How could a few Tushan fox monsters scare you like this? Could it be that what you told me earlier was just fooling me?"

"Of course not, my respected Highness, it's just that those guys just now are quite unusual, they are not Tushan fox demons, they are all heavenly beings!"

"What? Celestial beings? Is this the heavenly beings? When did the heavenly beings come to our southern country? They, were they invited by that dead old man?"

Hearing the description of the black fox in his body, the poisonous prince broke out in a cold sweat, secretly glad that he didn't have too many interactions with those people just now, otherwise it would be hard to say what happened next.

It's just that compared to the cautious southern prince, Xiao Chen didn't take the encounter just now to heart at all.This is because shortly after the poisonous prince left, a bigger one came.

"His Majesty the Emperor is here!"

Well, I didn't expect that before Huandu Luolan went to notify, the Poison Emperor of the Southern Kingdom came here first.But it's not surprising, there are so many eyes and ears in the palace, when Xiao Chen just stepped into the gate of the Southern Palace, someone had already passed on the news layer by layer!
"The old minister has seen His Majesty the Emperor, why did you come here in person?"

"Daddy, daddy, these are Luo Lan's new friends. They are all from Tushan. These two friends want to borrow our library, but Luo Lan can decide on her own!"

Unexpectedly, the legendary strongest demon king in the Southern Kingdom turned out to be a short and old guy. Xiao Chen really did not expect this visual contrast.However, the etiquette of face is still indispensable, after all, he is also the overlord of one side.

"Xiao Chen has met His Majesty the Emperor, how disturbing our group is today!"

"Where, where, the old man has been fond of the Tushan Monster League for a long time, but he is too busy with political affairs these days, otherwise he should have visited you long ago. I never thought that Mr. Xiao Chen, who founded the Monster League at the beginning, would be able to visit our southern country. Piper radiance!"

It turned out that although this Huandu Qingtian was in the southern country, he was quite familiar with Xiao Chen. After all, if it weren't for Tu Shan's fox demon, Tu Shan Honghong, he wouldn't have become the first alliance leader!

"It turns out that the Emperor of the Southern Kingdom has also heard of my name. What a coincidence! I wonder if the request of my two friends is okay?"

"Hehe, don't you just read some books, my daughter can make decisions about such trivial matters, and you don't need to ask me, an old man, for instructions!"

Perhaps to show the hospitality of the Chinese people, Huandu Qingtian agreed to Taiyi Zhenren's request without saying a word, and also took care of it, so you can watch it as you like.

"Your Majesty is really generous. I would like to thank Your Majesty for these two friends here."

"Mr. Xiao is really too polite. You are now an elder of our World Demon League, and of course a guest of our Southern Kingdom. It's just that the Emperor would like to have a small request..."

(End of this chapter)

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