Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 131 The Mystery of Huandu Qingtian's Disappearance

Chapter 131 The Mystery of Huandu Qingtian's Disappearance
"What, how could His Majesty the Poison Emperor..."

After hearing Huandu Luolan's cry for help, Daji suddenly understood.No wonder this young princess has been busy during this period of time. I thought it was because this girl was stronger, but it turned out that there was a big change in the royal family of their southern country!
It's just that it's still not clear whether the Poison Emperor hid himself to practice in closed doors, or was hidden by someone with ulterior motives. With the power of a little girl like Huandu Luolan, I can never find the answer. Yes, so this beautiful little princess thought of looking for foreign aid, and Xiao Chen and the others were naturally the best choice.

"What's the situation now? When was the last time you saw His Majesty Huandu Qingtian?"

It turned out that the Poison Emperor had disappeared long before Xiao Chen and the others arrived.If one had to calculate carefully, it should be that the poison emperor and Xiao Chen had an abnormal situation after the competition in Wuhuang Mountain.

I don't know why, Huandu Qingtian, who used to like to show his strength in front of outsiders at every turn, has never used the Body of Ten Thousand Poisons since he lost in the competition with Xiao Chen, even his most precious daughter Huandu Qingtian. Luo Lan felt that something was wrong.But as the king of a country, even if this generation of Huandu Qingtian has something strange, the people around him dare not ask!
"I can't say exactly when. Father seems to have disappeared suddenly without leaving any trace. Not only me, but even the closest servant who walked with him didn't feel anything unusual. .My royal father will not be given by some terrible enemy..."

The territory of the Southern Kingdom looks happy and harmonious, but there are undercurrents everywhere. There are many local clans secretly disobeying the rule of Huandu Qingtian, so the princess' suspicion is not unfounded.

But even Xiao Chen couldn't solve such a no-nonsense case. Although he and his subordinates had superb abilities, they were not Sherlock Holmes detectives after all, so I really felt helpless!

But just when the scene became a little more watchable, Mi Yue's charming voice came again from Xiao Chen's mind.

"Hey, I didn't expect that our Lord of the Heavenly Court would have something embarrassing! Do you want to ask someone for help?"

what's the situation?Is it possible that the Dark Empress wants to make trouble again?It seems that Xiao Chen's relaxed control over her recently made this woman frightened.

"What's the matter with you? If you said that you came to see my jokes, it seems that I will shorten the time for you to come out and let the air go."

"Oh, I originally wanted to help out with good intentions, but I didn't expect that our Lord of the Heavenly Court would not let him continue talking!"

"Help? How can you help? If you really have the ability to help us find Huandu Qingtian, I will consider giving you more freedom!"

It seemed that Xiao Chen had really underestimated the Dark Queen. As a creature of darkness, in a sense, she still had something in common with Huandu Qingtian, who liked to use poison.Perhaps using her heretic methods can really find some traces that cannot be found by conventional methods, and then follow the clues to find the whereabouts of the disappeared Poison Emperor.

"Of course, if you ask me to find an old Taoist priest who is full of righteousness, maybe I don't have the ability, but if you want to find the old guy who is full of poison, I will definitely be able to help. It seems that he disappeared It disappeared without a trace, but in fact, the smell left by that old poison is everywhere in this palace, it smells so bad!"

Sure enough, as expected, the phrase "specialize in surgery" refers to the current situation.Even though Xiao Chen and the others tried all kinds of methods to find the clues left in the palace, they couldn't match Mi Yue's sense of dark aura.

As long as this woman is willing, she can follow the traces left by the other party all the way until she finds the final goal.

"What? You mean Huandu Qingtian has left many unique traces!"

"No, I personally feel that these traces were not intentionally left by him, but he had to do them inadvertently."

"What do you mean by that? Say it clearly, don't play dumb with me!"

"I want to say that the old poison seems to have been attacked suddenly, the aura in his body has become quite disordered, and the power of the body of ten thousand poisons he is most proud of is constantly passing away, that's why he panicked and stumbled After escaping from the palace, the specific direction should be close to Wuhuang Mountain, it seems to be quite close to the cave you stayed in before."

If Mi Yue hadn't lied, the whole matter would have basically come to light.Maybe other people didn't know what was going on, but after hearing Mi Yue's analysis, Xiao Chen had already vaguely guessed some clues.

It seems that the last time he was fighting with Huandu Qingtian, he was beaten up, and at the same time, it must have affected his body of ten thousand poisons.Maybe he didn't notice it at the time, but as time went by, the body of the Poison Emperor gradually became abnormal, so the following scene happened...

Maybe it was because he was worried that his weak period would be discovered by those with malicious intentions, so the Poison Emperor had no choice but to hide alone, and he didn't even tell his own daughter, just to keep it secret.

"Okay, do you know where that old guy is now? I'm going to have a chat with him, so you can go too! This time, you don't have to bother anyone else, just you and me."

In fact, after figuring out the approximate reason for Huandu Qingtian's disappearance, Xiao Chen actually had a hint of remorse in his heart. In order to test the power of Li Bai's thousand-year-old fox card, he did use too much force. A little bit more, if he could spare some energy at the beginning, maybe the Poison Emperor might not have been robbed.


Somewhere on the outskirts of Wuhuang Mountain, Poison Emperor Huandu Qingtian's secret retreat.


"Old acquaintance, I came here specially to see you! How is it? Is it okay? Did you get injured when you competed with me last time?"

Didn't Xiao Chen ask this knowingly?Miyue, the Empress of the Dark Demon, has already analyzed it thoroughly for him before, so what else do you want?
"Hehe, Mr. Xiao is really a good method. I think I have eliminated all the traces, but I didn't expect you to find this place. It's amazing, it's really amazing! It seems that the last time I took the initiative to provoke you. The emperor's biggest failure, alas!"

 Playing the king today gave the group of friends two stars, so the old fox coded obediently!Happy Zongzi Festival everyone!Is it really okay to continue to post free fox demon articles, hahaha!
(End of this chapter)

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