Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 166 The Slim Tushan Honghong

Chapter 166 The Slim Tushan Honghong

"Who? How dare you act presumptuously on the border of my Tu Mountain, don't you want to die!"

This is a very clear female voice, comparable to Dongfang Huaizhu's Yujie voice.And this was also a voice that Xiao Chen was very familiar with before.

That's right, the person who came was none other than Tu Shan Honghong, the master of the Tu Shan fox demon.When Xiao Chen and the others went to Tu Shan to ask for help, Hong Hong happened to be out on errands, and at this moment there was such a big commotion on the border of Tu Shan, Tu Shan Hong Hong just came back, so she rushed over with her sisters.

But at this moment, Tu Shan Honghong gave Xiao Chen a very amazing feeling, because she has changed from a little bit big little loli fox demon into a slim young boy, and that charming body curve Compared with the oriental Huai bamboo, it has an indescribable beauty.It turned out that after fully absorbing and refining the skills of that aunt Tu Shan, Tu Shan Honghong not only increased her strength and spells, but also became a magnificent little beauty.

But it was not Tu Shan Honghong who greeted Xiao Chen first, but Tu Shan Rongrong who we are most familiar with.

"Brother Taoist, we are here to help you, and our elder sister is back!"

"Fool, confront the enemy first, and then greet that stinky Taoist priest later!"

But just when Tu Shan Rongrong wanted to lean over, her little tail was grabbed by Tu Shan Yaya who was behind her.At this time, it is better to retreat the enemy together first, and other things must be put on the back burner.

"Okay, thank you friends from Tu Shan for coming to help, let us deal with that big guy, as for these minions, I will trouble you!"

With the help of the fox demons in Tushan, Xiao Chen's pressure was greatly relieved.Although Tu Shan's silver fox guards were weaker than the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals in terms of strength, they had more people. This time, under the leadership of Tu Shan Honghong, they were almost dispatched with all their strength, and the number of them exceeded [-].In addition, this is Tu Shan's territory, and all kinds of spell restrictions and secret doors are under the control of Tu Shan's fox demon, so they even surrounded this group of former heavenly soldiers and generals to abuse them.

"You, you evildoers, we Jiuchongtian and you want to come here without disturbing the river, even your previous master of Tushan didn't dare to do anything wrong to us, you, you little fox demon, are you impatient? You !"

The sudden scene in front of him made Dunshan feel a lot of pressure.Originally he was the last hurdle arranged by Jiu Chongtian here, but now it seems that even he can't handle it this time.

"Hmph, my aunt told me back then that the group of shameless thieves who have been entrenched on the border of our Tushan all the year round must be you guys! Back then, my aunt had no reason to bother you, so I didn't expect you Do you still want to get ahead! Today, I, Tu Shan Honghong, will clean up the house for my aunt!"

Tu Shan Honghong was not stupid, of course she knew that Jiu Chongtian's lair was right next to their Tu Shan, but if Tu Shan used his current strength to forcibly expel these guys, it would be like hitting a stone with an egg.They, the silver fox guards, still struggled to deal with the little soldiers at the door, let alone the enemy generals like Kai.Fortunately, the people from Jiuchongtian haven't troubled Tushan fox demon in these years, so there was peace before.

But this time, since Xiao Chen led his men to attack this group of ignorant Nine Heavens Evil Gods, then she, Tu Shan Honghong, as the lord of Tu Shan, should contribute both public and private!This kind of opportunity to drive away the forces of the Nine Heavens in one fell swoop does not come every day!
"You, you guys, wait, wait a minute, I want a truce, a truce! Do you know who we are? If you dare to hurt our brothers, aren't you afraid of being punished by the heavens? Xiao Chen, you are also the lord of the heaven, so you just do that Do you want to kill us celestial beings, you, you!"

Seeing that the strength of his side was far inferior to that of Xiao Chen and Tushan Fox Demon's allied forces, this huge Shield Mountain was instantly frightened.He is just an auxiliary celestial warrior, and now that the main force in the team has been captured, what use is he as a bare-handed commander, so he wants to ask for peace.But it may be because of his thin skin, this guy actually insists on posing as a winner to threaten others to give up, it's enough!
"Hehe, so in your opinion, what should I do?"

"You, you let go of my brothers first, and Shen Mengxi and the others. We, at worst, let's withdraw from the territory of the Tushan fox demon from now on, how about it!"

"Haha, do you think our Heavenly Court is so easy to talk to? According to what I said, you take these little soldiers and leave first, and let's see how I feel if these guys let go!"

Are you kidding me, is Xiao Chen that good at business?The current little Nezha has been rebuilt by Daoist Taiyi and the others, and it is about to succeed, how could it be possible for these guys to bring it back?There is also the armored swordsman, although he is not as good as Erlang God Yang Jian, but if he can be tamed, Xiao Chen's strength can be greatly improved, and there are Shen Mengxi and Jia Luo, who are at least level three Improve!And Fairy Chang'e and Nezha are also people in his heaven sooner or later, think about how much strength this is, you call Xiao Chen and let people go like this, dream about you!

But when the two sides were at a stalemate, a very fragrant smell of rouge powder suddenly entered everyone's nostrils. What's going on?

"Ah, in the tide, there are silent forgotten names, they belong to the bubble of self-love!"

This is a beauty with a blue lantern in her hand, she pretends not to be from this time and space, no one knows where she came from.But that big, silly guy named Shield Mountain seems to know her.

"Hey, why are you here! Yes, did the Lord Donghuang send you to meet us? That's great, brothers are saved!"

"Hmph, Dunshan, the servants are not here to meet you, I am here to take them back! As for you, you can figure out your own way, my mana can't take you away!"

The lantern beauty pointed to Jia Luo and others who were tied up by Wuhuada, then looked at Fairy Chang'e aside, and nodded to her as a signal.

"It turned out to be you. It seems that we can't keep these people anymore? But Nezha and I will not go back with you. Everyone has their own ambitions. I hope you can understand us!"

"Fairy, have you finally found your lover? I'm so envious of my family!"

It turns out that this newly-appeared beauty is also a celestial being under the banner of Jiuzhongtian, and it seems that the relationship with Chang'e was pretty good before, but what kind of place does she think this is?Do you play house, come when you want, can you leave when you want?
 It seems that Tu Shanhonghong's development is faster than other sisters!

(End of this chapter)

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