Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 177 This Child Is Called Dongfang Yuechu

Chapter 177 This Child Is Called Dongfang Yuechu
"Grandpa Yao, what do you think of Qin Lan's pulse just now? How soon can I see my little nephew?"

The question that Dongfang Qinlan wanted to ask was also thought of by her sister Dongfang Huaizhu, but in front of Bai Qiuen's brother-in-law, she was too shy to mention it as the eldest sister.No, as soon as I came back, I discussed it with a few people around me, including the old pharmacist from Infernal Affairs.

"Miss, this kind of thing is actually a family matter of your Dongfang family, and the old man should not talk too much. But I also think it should be reserved for the Dongfang family. It is better for the first child of the two of them to follow the Dongfang surname, and there will be more in the future." The other children's surname is Bai, I don't know what the eldest lady thinks?"

"Well, I actually thought so at the beginning, but I forgot to take care of the surname Bai in a hurry just now. It seems that we have to stay here for a while, until the next generation of our Dongfang family is born!"

Dongfang Huaizhu was really worried about his younger sister, and even thought about naming things for her.

However, in fact, the elder sister's worries were unnecessary, because when they were discussing what to do in private, Dongfang Qinlan had already won the negotiation with her own method.

"We have just agreed that the first child, whether male or female, must take his mother's surname! When the second child is born in the future, he will be named Bai!"

"Um, isn't Qin Lan being too domineering? At least you should leave a queen for our old Bai's family! Or the first child should be named Bai! Wait until later..."

"No, then I won't give birth! Hmph!"

"Okay, okay, okay! Let's take your surname, let's take your surname!"

Bai Qiuen expressed his helplessness, he had never been threatened by anything, but in front of his wife, this law was easily broken.

"Hahaha, now that this problem is solved, let's discuss the next problem!"

Seeing Bai Qiuen deflated, Dongfang Qin Lan felt very happy.This girl has liked to tease others since she was a child, but her nature is not bad.Now she is no longer the second lady of Shenhuozhuang, but there is such an old man by her side for her to bully and bully. For Dongfang Qinlan, this is still a very happy thing!
"What's the situation? I've already agreed to let the child take your surname. Is there anything to argue about?"

Bai Qiuen was dumbfounded. Why didn't he know that Qin Lan had so many flirts before, and he always thought of her as a little girl who couldn't grow up!
"Why not? Aren't you going to think of a name for your unborn son? What an irresponsible father!"

"What? How do you know that the one born must be a son, why not a daughter? Shouldn't we prepare more names? Both boys and girls, what do you think?"

After being reminded by his little wife, Bai Qiuen also came to his senses.Although the matter of naming can be postponed for a while, after all, the pregnancy is still in October, so don't be so anxious!But since my lady brought this up, let's go earlier!
"Hmph, don't I know my own belly? I'm sure the baby will be a boy this time, so I've already thought of a name. I'm asking you to discuss it, just to tell you!"

Good guy, Dongfang Qinlan not only wants the child to have her own surname, but she has already counted the little thing's name after birth.Co-authoring our Comrade Lao Bai is just a decoration, the status of the family is really...

"Okay! Tell me, what kind of domineering name did you give our son?"

Although he felt extremely helpless in his heart, Bai Qiuen still didn't have an attack.They are already a family, so what else is there to care about?

"Haha, I'm going to call her Xiaochu, Dongfangchu! How about it? Do you think the name I named sounds nice? I told you that I was thinking about a stick of incense just now? I don't accept any objections to this name, because it As a mother, I chose it for our child!"

"Dongfang Yueyue? This name sounds pretty catchy, so let's call him Dongfang Yueyue! But my lady, as the saying goes, if we get a daughter, call this Isn't the name a bit..."

"What? How could it be a daughter? My sister, Dongfang Huaizhu, was tied up to their Wangquan Villa and gave birth to a son. How could my child be a daughter?"

"I mean just in case, if something..."

"If it's a girl, how can he avenge our Dongfang family? How can he inherit the blood of the Dongfang spirit clan? If it's really a girl, let's have your surname Bai, and you can think of the name yourself!"

It turned out that this was the secret that had been buried in Dongfang Qinlan's heart all along.She dreams of using her own power to revitalize the Dongfang family, and one of the biggest secrets of their Dongfang family is that being a mother can transmit her life's cultivation to the next generation through the power of blood, so that they can live from birth to death. It has abilities that other children do not have.

Therefore, in Qin Lan's heart, Chu Yue must be a boy!

"Okay! When I haven't said anything, let's welcome the birth of Xiaochu together!"

Seeing Dongfang Qinlan become so emotional, Bai Qiuen wisely chose to shut up.Everyone has their own secrets in their hearts, and sometimes even the closest people don't necessarily know this secret.

Don't look at Dongfang Qinlan's carefree appearance, but after experiencing the Shenhuozhuang incident, the shadow cast in this child's heart will never be shaken away.

No way, this is fate, no one can escape the control of fate!

Compared with Dongfang Qinlan who shouldered the mission of family revival, Bai Qiuen seemed to be much luckier.Although he once set up a shackle for himself, saying that he wanted to restore the great cause of heaven with his own hands.

But ever since he met Xiao Chen, Bai Qiuen suddenly felt that more than half of the burden on his shoulders had been lifted.Although that young man looks young and doesn't have much experience, there is a cohesive force in this boy that Bai Qiuen feels very familiar with. The Jade Emperor back then seems to have such qualities, so he was able to govern the Heavenly Court. If it wasn't for the unexpected catastrophe that year, Bai Qiuen should still be an official in the heavenly court, how could he be involved in the love and love in the world?

However, compared to the boring training, it seems to be very good to come to the world!

(End of this chapter)

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