Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 180 Where did the firebird come from?

Chapter 180 Where did the firebird come from?
"Ten Mile Peach Forest? What you're talking about is a forest that stretches as far as the eye can see, and there's no one in it? Isn't that the place?"

After Tu Shanhonghong mentioned the place mentioned by her aunt, Fairy Chang'e who was standing beside her suddenly asked, from the tone of her voice, this beautiful woman seemed to know that place!

"What? This fairy knows this place?"

Tu Shanhonghong cast a puzzled look, as if she had never heard of this place before!
"I went there a long, long time ago. If I remember correctly, that Taolin should be a guarded fairy cave. How could it be used to overcome catastrophes? The owner of that cave is not an ordinary fairy family. His The qualifications are not worse than the Jade Emperor back then, did your aunt in Tushan write the wrong address?"

In the impression of Fairy Chang'e, although the place called Ten Mile Peach Forest is extremely beautiful, it is an extremely dangerous fairy mansion, and there is a very confusing enchantment outside the Peach Forest. Xiandu can't get in.And if there is no owner's permission, even if you get into the peach forest by chance, you will either become an idiot and don't remember what happened and be thrown out, or you will disappear forever. There are rumors that the owner of the peach forest is an ancient strange head Beast, when it sees a boy who is not pleasing to the eye, it will be swallowed directly, without any room for negotiation.

So, if that aunt Tu Shan is really in the Ten Mile Taolin, then this journey must be extremely dangerous, and it might be a trap set by some forces (such as Jiuchongtian).

So, in an attitude of being responsible to everyone, Fairy Chang'e spoke out what she was worried about.

"Well, although I haven't been to Ten Mile Taolin, I have heard about this place in the Heavenly Court before. It is said that the owner there is extremely difficult to mess with, and he belongs to the kind with boundless magic power. If your aunt from Tushan is really In Ten Mile Taolin, either she knows the God, or she was captured by someone, so we must be careful when going here!"

This is the analysis from Yang Jian, the god of Erlang. This great god has never lied, and he naturally speaks with a sense of proportion.

"What are you afraid of? With my Nezha here, no matter what monsters and ghosts are there, I can beat them all to the ground!"

Ok!After recovering his memory, Nezha was always on the verge of moving, wishing to immediately find a well-matched opponent to fight for 300 rounds.

"Brother Xiao, I, let's go there quickly. If my aunt really has any problems with the owner of the ten-mile peach forest, please do your best to help us save people!"

Tu Shanhonghong was already in a disturbed mood, but now after the analysis by God Yang Jian and Fairy Chang'e, her heart became even more confused.

"It's okay, let's go now! Even if the owner of Ten Miles of Peach Blossom is extremely powerful, in front of me, the heir of the Heavenly Court, he will show some face!"

This was Xiao Chen comforting Tu Shan Honghong and the three sisters, and he didn't know it at all.According to Yang Jian's previous description, what they are about to face may be an even tougher opponent than Donghuang Taiyi. I just hope that they don't become enemies with that guy.


Under the joint guidance of Chang'e Fairy and Tu Shanhonghong, Xiao Chen and his party soon arrived at the outlying area of ​​the legendary Ten Mile Peach Forest.

As expected, this place is indeed guarded by an enchantment.It is something like a white mist. If you go in without preparation, you will definitely get lost. Whether it is a fairy, a monster, or an ordinary human being, if you have no direction, you will turn around in it for three days and three nights. They can only walk in place, even if they are not exhausted, they will be scared to death.

However, thanks to Nezha's positioning skills and the joint efforts of Xiao Tiangou, the son of Erlang God, everyone found the intersection very conveniently.

"Squeak, ang!"

But just when Xiao Chen was about to step into the peach forest in front of him, there was a strange bird song above his head, and then everyone felt a heat on their foreheads.It turned out that what stopped them was a strange firebird with a red body and only one leg.

Like the guardian spirits of the secret realm depicted in those myths, when the group of people on the ground of this red firebird was about to break through the barrier, a burst of flames spewed out without saying a word, and launched an attack on its own initiative.

"Okay you Angry Bird, let's see how you can pierce my brother's sharpshooter!"

Just when everyone was planning to use their strengths to defend themselves, the third prince Nezha suddenly jumped out of the crowd, raised the long spear in his hand, spun around quickly on the spot, and spat out the firebird abruptly The destructive flames were resisted.

Moreover, judging from the expression on Xiao Nezha's face, he looked extremely relaxed at the moment, and he didn't pay attention to the opponent's flame attack at all.

"You guys, who are you guys? How dare you trespass into my ten-mile peach forest, and why is this yellow-mouthed kid with a red-tasseled gun so powerful? Where are you from!"

It turns out that the red firebird flying in mid-air can speak human language, but if you think about it carefully, there is nothing abnormal. Those who can guard this ten-mile Taolin must be at the level of divine beasts, so what's the big deal about it!
"Hehe, where did you come from? Don't you even know your little master Nezha?"

Seeing that the other party hesitated, little Nezha was very happy immediately, so he took the initiative to report to the house.

"Nezha? You are the little Nezha who skinned the son of the Dragon King of the East China Sea back then? No, I heard that you fell when the Heavenly Court was robbed. How could you fight in front of Lao Tzu so intact now? No, something is wrong, quite wrong Correspondingly, you kid who calls himself Nezha is not some monster pretending to be!"

Fuck, it seems that what happened in the Heavenly Court back then is really known to everyone in the world!Unexpectedly, although this fire bird has never left the Ten Mile Peach Forest, it still knows everything about what happened in the God Realm!

"What? You kid actually know what happened on the Heavenly Palace that year! So you should be in the immortal class too! It just so happens that we come here today for a big event, you hurry up to get out of the way for us, or for the little one Lord find someone who can talk!"

"Damn brat, even if you are real Nezha, you have to salute this great immortal! If you don't believe me, you can ask the elders in your family, who is the guardian beast of Ten Mile Taolin, hmph!"

Ok!The fire bird in front of him has already admitted that he is the guardian beast here, so if the aunt of Tushan is really here, he must know something!
(End of this chapter)

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