Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 209 The Heir of the Eastern Clan

Chapter 209 The Heir of the Eastern Clan

"Master, please accept my apprentice's worship! I have a gift here, I hope the master can take a look, it may be of great help to our future great cause."

This little golden man may seem a little rebellious at ordinary times, but he is quite loyal.Although he and Xiao Chen are in a master-student relationship only in name, the courtesy they should have is still the same.

And as the third young master of Aolai Country became the disciple of the Lord of Heaven, the relationship between the two families became even closer. As long as Xiao Chen was willing, this Aolai Island far away overseas would be his Another base camp.Moreover, the location here is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the sea outside is definitely a natural barrier.

And these monkeys from the Aolai country, as descendants of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, did not inherit the incomparably powerful divine power of their ancestors, but after careful contact, they found that they possessed a lot of quite practical skills, which was also obtained by the Aolai Sanshao. It was discovered by Xiao Chen after he became an apprentice, such as a divination method known as a great prophecy.

I don't know why, this little golden man gave Xiao Chen the biggest secret of Aolai country as a meeting gift, or all this was originally their Aolai plan, wanting to use the power of heaven to realize their own dreams.

"Oh? The technique of great prophecy? What kind of thing is that? Why have I never heard of such a thing, do you know anything about it?"

Essentially, Xiao Chen didn't believe in such weird predictions, so he directly threw the question to the subordinates behind him.

"Reporting to the master, although none of us can understand these things, we have heard of them. According to legend, it is the ability of the monkey grandson. Although it has not been confirmed, it is said that this monkey can know 500 years before and 500 years later."

The one who answered Xiao Chen's question was God Yang Jian. As Monkey King's old opponent, the Erlang God Lord, what he said should basically be true.It's just how Sun Wukong's own ability is passed on to future generations in this way?
"Shenjun Erlang is worthy of being my ancestor's old opponent. What you said is right. Although our ancestor has disappeared, we have enshrined all the things he left behind like treasures, and in the past few days our grandparents The prophecy shows that there will be a variable birth in this world, I wonder if you great immortals are interested in this?"

This cunning statuette is really persuasive!From what he said, it is not difficult to see that this kid really has other plans!

"Don't talk nonsense, you brat, and tell the truth about what happened, I don't have so much time to waste here with you."

According to Xiao Chen's original plan, as long as these monkeys in Aolai country are dealt with, he will fight Tu Shan, and then make some contact with Tu Shan Honghong to hand over the ruling right here, and everything will be fine.

But because of the moths that Aolai Sanshao made, it is obvious that their return journey has more or less changed.

Originally, Dongfang Huaizhu was the most opposed to extraneous issues, but when she saw the picture presented on the big prophecy, her whole face changed.

It turned out that the big prophecy used by these guys can be visualized like an animation, but this time the character that appeared in the screen is a beautiful little loli, or it should be a young woman.And the owner of this beautiful face is Dongfang Huaizhu's younger sister, Dongfang Qinlan.

Yes, the uncertain factor that this big prophecy said will disturb the overall situation of the world comes from this Miss Qin Lan of the East, to be precise, it should come from the belly of Qin Lan who is pregnant with Liujia, and her child who is about to be born is This time, the most critical node in Aolai's big prophecy.

"Boy, what exactly does this mean? Is there an explanation?"

Since it was the first time he saw such a scene, Xiao Chen felt very confused immediately, so he asked Aolai Third Young Master.After all, this thing was made by them in Aolai Country, this kid should know the way of it best.

"Returning to Master, we don't know much about the specific situation. It's just based on previous experience that whenever a similar situation occurs, a remarkable person will definitely appear in this world. It seems that the upcoming heir of the Dongfang family is the key point. , it seems that he has a long relationship with you, Master!"

Well, you little monkey, it seems that although the Aolai country is located in a remote island, the news of this group of monkeys is quite well-informed, and even the bottom of Dongfang Qinlan has been figured out.

"Little San, tell Master what's going on? Don't play around with me!"

Compared with Xiao Chen, Dongfang Huaizhu's great kindness and virtue to Xiao Jinren are needless to say, if there is no Mrs. Tianting to help solve Yuan Ge's matter, I am afraid that the current Aolai Kingdom will not be peaceful.Therefore, compared to the lord of the heavenly court, the third young master of Aolai still respects Dongfang Huaizhu more.

"Miss, let's be honest! Although we can predict some things in the future, we can't be nuanced, so we have no way to predict what will happen to this child in the future, but I can be sure of one thing, this child must be On our side, otherwise..."

The meaning of the proud third young master is already quite obvious. If Dongfang Qinlan's child is on Xiao Chen's side, then he will be a blessing to mankind; but if this child joins Jiuchongtian's side in the future , that will definitely bring unimaginable catastrophe to this world, so now that we have already foreseen all the possibilities that will happen in the future, we must act now and make some necessary arrangements...

When these series of changes happened in the distant Aolai country, a lively happy event was happening in the small mountain village where Dongfang Qinlan and Bai Qiuen lived, that is, Dongfang Qinlan was about to give birth.

Although the young couple usually live in the mountains and do not have much contact with the outside world, everyone knows the story of the young couple because of the weekly market.So when the village head knew that Dongfang Qinlan was about to give birth, he quickly called the most famous midwife in the village, plus a few women who had given birth, and they were outside the door 24 hours later.

Although Bai Qiuen has experienced countless ups and downs, this is the first time he has experienced being a father, so besides greeting those neighbors who don't get along very well outside the house, he can basically just sit back and wait.

At nightfall, Qin Lan's heart-piercing yell came from the closed door. Basically, the lines were "It hurts!", "I'm not going to give birth" and so on...

"Here, village head, what, what should I do? My wife, my wife is still young, she, will she not be able to stand it?"

At this moment, Bai Qiuen was completely stupid. Apart from pulling the village chief's sleeve, he had no other action.

"Oh, Lao Bai! This woman has to go through this test to give birth to a baby! This is only your first child, and you will get used to it when you have your second and third children. Don't worry, I will take us The best midwives in the village have been found for you, remember to give them an extra red egg afterward!"

Although the old village head is just an ordinary person, he has seen too many similar scenes, and the experienced midwife has already seen Miss Dongfang's fetal position, it is absolutely OK!
"Men outside don't make noise, we need quiet here, do you understand quiet?"

Perhaps hearing the movement outside, an old woman with white hair poked her head out.

"Hey, isn't our brother Bai anxious? This is his first time becoming a father! Tell me what's going on inside!"

"It's okay, it's okay, I've already opened a finger (a traditional medical term), and it's over if you bear with it! According to my old woman's experience, this time it's likely to be a trickster. I'm here to congratulate Mr. Bai in advance."

This old woman is obviously familiar with helping people deliver babies, and judging from Dongfang Qinlan's situation, everything is going very smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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