Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 226 The Heir of King Power Sword

Chapter 226 The Heir of King Power Sword

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!"

It was a huge sword energy that was indomitable, several times larger than Feng Tingyun's entire body, and the speed was quite astonishing, and it also carried a strong force.Even Xiao Chen, who had been bored to take a nap in the lounge before, sensed it, so he squinted his eyes and came out to have a look.

"Master, this little stone is too reckless, should we go out and save that child?"

It was Nezha who spoke, his thousand-mile flying skill was enough to hug Feng Tingyun at the last moment, but he couldn't act without Xiao Chen's order, after all, it would expose his identity.

But Xiao Chen shook his head with a smile, stretched out his finger and pointed upward at a 45-degree angle, there was a monk in yellow hovering in the air with his sword over there.

This person is naturally the overlord, and at this moment, his two eyes are staring at the development of the situation below with full attention.Seeing that Shi Long had really released his ultimate move, the soul of the One Qi Dao League immediately flew down with his sword.

"Ah, ah, this, this is!"

It wasn't until Shilong's sword aura was close at hand that Feng Tingyun realized that she couldn't stop it at all. Those small defensive spells gathered in front of her were like bubbles, instantly disturbed by his sword aura. It was broken into energy powder and scattered in the air.And in the next second, the sword energy on the opposite side was about to cut her face like a porcelain doll.

Maybe it was because of the extreme fear in his heart, Feng Tingyun closed his eyes in fright.

But the imagined pain didn't come, and Xiao Nizi heard a crisp sound of metal colliding in her ears.And a very familiar voice rang in her ear.

"Girl, you can open your eyes now! The next time you try to be brave, think more about what my teacher taught you!"

The person who blocked the fatal blow for Feng Tingyun was naturally King Quan Baye, the King Quan sword in his hand was so lightly shining that it directly broke Shi Long's ultimate move.This is not to say how deep the way of kingship and hegemony is, it's just relying on the magic weapon in his hand.

"Leader of King Quan, what is this?"

Since Wang Quan Baye personally made the move, the referee became a little timid, for fear of getting himself into trouble.

"En, I almost forgot! This game was lost by our King Quan Villa, and the boy from the Shi family won! The master of their Chi family also made a move before, so I am not violating the rules, right?"

Well, you royal hegemony, you still remember Li Bai's interference before.Fortunately, Li Bai concealed his identity very well at that time, otherwise he would definitely be missed by the leader of the Yiqi Dao League.

"Oh, the leader is saving people, so it's not a violation of the rules. I declare Shilong to win this round!"

"Yun'er thank you master, me, me!"

"Don't talk about it, let your senior brother take you to eat candy! Next time you encounter this kind of invincible, you should be smarter!"

"Got it, Master!"

It can be said that Feng Tingyun's defeat was expected by King Quan, but the strength of Shi Long's sword energy was completely unexpected to him.

Don't look at the ease with which Wang Quan Baye pierced just now, in fact, he was acting, and the counter-shock force of the powerful sword energy made his tiger's mouth numb even now.However, the current royal hegemony has no time to take care of his own tiger's mouth, and now there is an urgent matter that needs to be resolved: since Shilong's ultimate move is so strong, then the current skill of the royal power and wealth is absolutely irresistible, and now The only thing King Quan Hegemony can help his son is to pass on to him the magic weapon in his hand. After all, this King Quan sword has just proved its value.

However, it is now recognized that the holder of the King Quan Sword is King Power Hegemony, and this sword is a symbol of the owner of the entire Wangqun Villa, so it cannot just appear in the hands of another person, not even his own son.Unless the king power hegemony holds a renunciation ceremony and announces to the world that he has passed the king power sword to his son.

But the problem is that the current Wang Quan Fugui is just a kid, not as tall as Wang Quan's sword, so giving him the sword recklessly like this will probably attract criticism from everyone.

But if you don't do this, royal power and wealth will definitely not be able to stop Shilong.On the surface, this competition is a competition between the young people of the Yiqidao League, but in fact it is a competition of the strength of the big family.The Chi family and the Shi family were originally small families that had just joined the Yiqi Dao League, but they have risen rapidly in the past two years. If Shilong wins the top spot this time, then the status of Wangquan Villa in the Yiqi Dao League is bound to increase. Shaken, and the efforts and layout of the royal hegemony over the years will be in vain, which is what he is extremely unwilling to see.

"Go and prepare, and invite some well-known seniors in the Dao League to be witnesses. I want to pass the kingly sword to Gui'er!"

Wang Quan Baye's temper is quite stubborn, and he has always said what he says.Although the people around were very surprised why the Patriarch made such a decision, no one dared to raise any objections.

But those guys who were invited to be witnesses couldn't figure it out at all, especially the representatives of the Chi family and the Shi family.

"King Quan Baye, what do you mean? We all have seen how powerful this sword is. I think you did it on purpose to let your son win the championship!"

"Hmph, don't pick Bilian!"

"Patriarch Wangquan, the sword in your hand is the symbol of the highest power in your Wangquan Villa. Are you lending it to your son this time, or are you planning to hand over the entire family property to him?"

"Yes, yes, if we had known that King Quan Villa would do something like this, how could we compare? Just admit defeat!"

In fact, the attitudes of these people have long been expected by King Quan Hegemony. It is precisely because these people usually do not deal with King Quan Villa, so this time they are specially invited to be witnesses.

"Everyone, everyone, I know you have a lot of questions, so today I want to ask everyone to be a witness. From today on, this King Quan Sword will be officially passed on to King Quan Fugui, and I will personally handle the affairs of King Quan Villa, after all The child is too young."

Well, you royal hegemony, this abacus is really shrewd.But no matter what, this is their family business at the King Power Villa, even if other people object to it, there is still a way to stop it from happening.It's just that in this way, everyone has a new plan for the future of the Daomeng...

"Come on, Guier, in front of all uncles, this sword is yours!"

When his mouth was filled with sugar, and the little hand holding the royal power of Junior Sister Feng Tingyun appeared in front of everyone, the old thing of royal power and hegemony really untied the kingly sword hanging from his waist in front of everyone. He handed it to his son with both hands.

"Daddy, this, this, this..."

Obviously, Wang Quan Fugui was completely unaware of such a thing before, he just took his junior sister out to buy a candy, went around, did not expect to become the master of Wang Quan sword after returning.The child was completely dazed, and he could only accept the sword according to his father's layout.

"Fuck, is this old man crazy? That's the sword of kingship! If he doesn't have this sword in the future, how can he command the heroes?"

"You are stupid, Wang Quan Baye's current skill has already reached the realm of transformation. It is said that he is only one step away from becoming an immortal. A branch in his hands can exert power beyond imagination. He has long since needed a sword. !"

"Then, what's the suspense in this match! I've given the King Quan sword to this little guy, and he will definitely be the next champion!"

The eyes of the masses are discerning. This time, Wang Quanjian's change of owner directly scared Wang Quanfugui's next opponent. Guy wins without a fight.

Just kidding, that is King Quan Sword!All the magical weapons in the world will basically become scrap iron within three rounds when encountering this sword, and if you want to use your body to head-on this kingly sword, then you can only wish you good luck !
Therefore, quitting is the wisest choice, but that stone dragon doesn't seem to think so...

(End of this chapter)

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