Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 245 Xiao Chen vs Goddess of Wisdom

Chapter 245 Xiao Chen vs Goddess of Wisdom
"My lord Donghuang, why don't I fight this match for you, you are still needed to command and sit here!"

Although Athena is also a powerful protoss, after all, she is the reinforcements invited by the Eastern Emperor Taiyi from the west. These local celestial beings still won't listen to an outsider's order.So Athena hoped that Donghuang Taiyi could leave her the opportunity to deal with Bai Qian, and let the Donghuang Lord continue to sit in the rear.

"Goddess Athena, thank you for your kindness. There should be a break between this God Bai Qian and me. My brothers will show their due strength even without me. Please rest assured .That Mr. Xiao will leave it to you!"

In fact, even without the intervention of God Bai Qian, Xiao Chen's enemy would not be Donghuang Taiyi, because Athena, the goddess of wisdom, had already booked him.

"Well, received. The reason why I am willing to travel thousands of miles across several planes and use this clone to reach your world is to investigate this guy's origin. If he will really become a threat to your time and space, I will definitely destroy him!"

It turns out that this is not Athena, the goddess of wisdom in the true sense, but just a clone of her in this world.Xiao Chen came across from the earth unconsciously, but this clone of the goddess of wisdom seemed to come here by himself across space.Compared with the original protoss in this world, this Athena goddess seems to have mastered some abilities that they don't have.

"Then everything will be left to the Lady Goddess!"

Maybe it was to make a good impression, or maybe it was because of the opponent's great strength, anyway, this Donghuang Taiyi appeared very humble in front of Athena, which was completely different from the way he just talked to God Bai Qian.

"Hey, did you hear that kid named Xiao Chen? You know that this goddess is here for you, hurry up and let me see what skills you have!"

The Goddess of Wisdom Athena in front of Xiao Chen seemed to be different from the gentle and pleasant Miss Saori in his impression. This was completely the image of a strong female warrior with a golden spear in one hand and a golden shield in the other.Coupled with her sharp speech, it gives people a feeling of "this woman can't be messed with".

But before Xiao Chen could answer anything, a huge wall of fire appeared in front of his eyes, the temperature of the flames was enough to burn any object into ashes.In addition to the sudden fire, there was also a colder and more fierce female voice that appeared at the same time.

"What did you call him just now? What is your relationship with this guy!"

The owner of this voice is none other than our Lady Dongfang Huaizhu.As Xiao Chen's wife, when this womanly-looking goddess Athena yelled at Xiao Chen to let him go, she naturally had to stand up and ask for clarification.After all, these women say that they don't care, but in their hearts they care most about this kind of beautiful girl of unknown origin.

"You? Who are you? Your spiritual power is not low!"

Apparently, Goddess Athena was also taken aback by the sudden appearance of Dongfang Huaizhu, why these people all appeared suddenly, and they seemed to be stronger than each other!

"Huh, of course I know this! I'm asking what you mean by the words you said to this guy before, why have I never heard him mention you?"

When Dongfang Huaizhu said this, all eyes were not on Athena, most of them were on Xiao Chen's face.Obviously, Dongfang Huaizhu had misunderstood, she might have thought that this guy got a romantic debt somewhere, and now his girl came to him.

"Hehe, although you are his wife in this world, today's matter has nothing to do with you. I must take down this guy named Xiao Chen!"

Although there is no conclusive evidence, our goddess of wisdom is very sure that Xiao Chen is not an aborigine in this world in front of me, but from her original world.Therefore, in order to prevent foreign species like Xiao Chen from destroying the original foundation of civilization on this continent, that's why she came here all the way.

"No, if you don't tell me clearly today, I will never let you go!"

Dongfang Huaizhu seemed a little reluctant, but in the end Xiao Chen took the initiative to stand up and pull her away.

"My grandma Huaizhu, I didn't tell you not to come out and stay in the heavenly court. There is no safety outside. This is Athena, the goddess of wisdom, who was specially invited by Donghuang Taiyi to deal with me. You are not Leave her opponent to me!"

As a big man and the lord of the Heavenly Court, and today is the eve of the battle against the Nine Heavens, how could Xiao Chen hide behind a woman.Besides, the true ability of this Athena goddess has not been revealed yet, and he also wants to see it.

"But, but this woman is not kind, you, be careful!"

Dongfang Huaizhu is also a descendant of a famous family, of course he knows that losing his temper seems a little uncomfortable, but Athena's aggressive attitude is not at all like a woman, after stepping aside with extreme reluctance, she still reminded Xiao Chen to be careful .Don't look at this woman's usual sharp mouth, but she is actually quite soft-hearted.


"Clap clap clap!"

Just after Xiao Chen and our goddess Athena met, Bai Qian, who had long been unable to hold back, took the initiative to attack Donghuang Taiyi, and the other celestial beings on both sides also found their own opponents, and used each other's The force exploded.

What are you doing, shouldn't Xiao Chen be the boss of the Heavenly Court? Now the boss is still on guard, but the younger brothers are the first to attack, what is this called!

"Hehe, it seems that these subordinates of yours are not very disciplined! Then let's start too, first let you taste my piercing spear!"

This Athena also said that people don't follow the rules, and she didn't start fighting without saying hello!

I saw this violent woman jumping towards Xiao Chen's front, quickly shortening the distance between the two of them, and then the golden holy spear in her hand spun rapidly and stabbing towards Xiao Chen continuously, moreover, stabbing three times in a row That posture.

Fuck, what can you do with such a ruthless woman?It must be impossible to be tough from the front, so I have to dodge it!

"Dance of the sky!"

Although avoiding attacks in this way seems unnecessary, the effect is quite obvious. Although Goddess Athena's attack speed is fast and her strikes are fast and accurate, she never dreamed that she looked stable. The blow was all missed.Moreover, the kid named Xiao Chen seemed to have used some kind of secret method after flying into the air, which increased his strength many times.

"Five Times Realm King Fist! Plus Kamehae Qi Kung Shot!"

Although the one on the ground is the famous goddess of wisdom Athena, although the old saying should be pitiful.But after seeing the opponent's strength and viciousness, Xiao Chen didn't intend to hold back. He used the Realm King Fist to enhance his strength in all aspects in an instant, and then summoned at least 100 energies of different sizes Bomb to greet his enemies.

Although these small qigong bombs themselves are not very powerful, they are superior in their large number. Even if they are all empty, the dust raised up is enough to block the enemy's sight!
But what Xiao Chen didn't expect, our goddess Athena not only has a golden spear, she also has a shield, which is also golden, the kind that can magnify and cover her whole body!

"Boom boom boom!"


"Hmph, you kid is quite capable, it seems that this goddess has underestimated you! But, where do you think you can hide by hiding?"

After saying this, Goddess Athena spread out a pair of golden wings behind her, and slowly rose into the air to face Xiao Chen from afar.Now, Xiao Chen's previous little air superiority was completely gone.

"Miss Goddess is really flattering me, my little tricks are really a shame in front of you!"

Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed. It seems that this Lady Wisdom can't be dealt with without some real kung fu!

(End of this chapter)

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