Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 292 Lu Bu's Ambition

Chapter 292 Lu Bu's Ambition

"Is it that you two want to see me?"

Through the reflection of the remote images on the bodies of the Four Heavenly Kings, Xiao Chen's tall image appeared in front of Lu Bu and Dian Wei, and for a moment these two guys were surprised and speechless.

How can this be?How could the majestic Lord of the Heavenly Court have no airs at all?The gatekeepers like the Four Heavenly Kings refused to be able to see and see?Don't they need to check and report layer by layer?In comparison, Jiuchongtian's rules are much more complicated than theirs.

"Um, yes, yes! We are brothers Sanxian who roam the world, because I met these four brothers a while ago and said that your heavenly court is recruiting talents, so I asked them to ask for a glimpse of the real face of your lord out of curiosity. , I didn't expect it to be so soon..."

What Dian Wei and Lu Bu didn't know was that Xiao Chen wanted to see them both more urgently.If it can be proved that they do not belong to any faction, then they can definitely become the nobles who help the lord of the heaven to advance two levels in a row.

Originally, Xiao Chen thought that with the eyes of the Four Heavenly Kings, what he found was nothing more than scrap metal, but he didn't expect that the two guys in front of him had a powerful aura in their bones, and they could tell at a glance that they were not ordinary people.But for some reason, the words and deeds of these two guys always made the Lord of Heaven feel a sense of deja vu.

"Master, these two guys don't seem to be from Jiuchongtian's side. Kitty and I have never seen them before! But their names don't seem to be in the list of loose immortals we collected. Could it be two The guy who just came out of retreat?"

When Xiao Chen was connecting with Lu Bu Dianwei and the others, there were actually quite a few people together, but all the video data was blocked.Among them, Fairy Chang'e and Shen Mengxi stood at the front, followed closely by Dunshan. After all, these three guys had all stayed in Jiuchongtian before. If the two guys in front of the opponent were spies, they must have at least met before!

But since Lu Bu or Dian Wei had just been summoned from that distant space, the three of them had never seen each other before, so the suspicion of these two guys could be temporarily ruled out.

"But the gestures of these two guys are not like ordinary cultivators, but more like children of aristocratic families!"

This is Hou Yi's evaluation. Some things cannot be seen on the surface, but you can experience the invisible momentum with your superb vision and keen intuition.

"Well, I also agree with Hou Yi's point of view. These two guys still have a murderous look on them. I'm afraid they are not less in debt, maybe even more than me."

This is the evaluation of Erlang Shenjun Yang Jian!Although those who fell into the hands of this Erlang God were all evil people, but the two in front of them might be different.

"However, I think this should be normal. After all, people who cultivate immortals change their lives against the sky. It's normal to encounter these things, but I have many kings under my sword!"

The next person to express his opinion was Li Bai. Although he himself is a pacifist, the sword in his hand was refined from the famous black sword in the cultivation world. A lot of black history is still indelible.

"Thank you for your advice, I know what to do now!"

Gathering everyone's thoughts, Xiao Chen actually still had his own plans in mind.After all, it is not easy to find these two capable celestial beings. Even if they are from the Ninth Heaven, you have to try to confirm it.

So, after making up his mind, Xiao Chen zoomed in on the camera again, tried his best to put on a peaceful appearance, and looked at Lu Bu and Dian Wei in front of him.

"Some of the things you two have heard may not be true, but the immortal golden body that the four of them promised you is indeed real. If you are willing to join our big family, you don't need to make any effort. You can enjoy the same treatment, what do you think?"

Now it seems that the gimmick of the immortal golden body is very attractive to the vast majority of heavenly beings. As long as this name is brought out, 99% of the other parties are willing to join.

Sure enough, after Xiao Chen finished all these conditions, Lu Bu and Dian Wei showed wonderful expressions on their faces.

"My lord, let's go to the side to discuss it, I wonder if it's okay?"

This was Lu Bu's answer, and the guy had a sincere expression on his face, making Dian Wei a little at a loss beside him.

"No problem, after all, this is a lifetime thing, you should think carefully about it!"

"Thank you sir!"


"Boss Lu Bu, are you joking? You let us run to the territory of the Heavenly Court? Isn't that self-inflicted?"

Maybe Lu Bu was really attracted by the price of the immortal golden body, and actually thought of the idea of ​​stepping on two boats.But do you think Heavenly Court is so easy to get in?What would happen if they were caught by their people?
"Brother Dianwei, do you think there will be someone on their side who can see through us? We were secretly brought to this world by the Nine Heavens. Even the goddess Athena didn't know our true identity. Do you think the other party can so easily Besides, the legs grow on our feet, if something is really wrong, do you think we can't escape with our skills?"

That's right, Lu Bu thought of a very bold idea. He wanted to have the dual identities of Jiuchongtian and Tianting at the same time, and after he realized the immortal golden body, it would not be too late to turn against the other party!
However, in Dian Wei's view, this idea is simply crazy, and it is completely a trap.As Jiuchongtian's old opponent, it's impossible for those guys in Tianting to be unable to identify who is their friend and who is their enemy?
However, the self-willed Lu Bu would definitely not listen to these advices. In his eyes, if he could obtain the method of indestructible golden body, no matter how huge the risk was, it was still worth taking the risk.

"Hehe, brother Fengxian, since you have already said that, what else can I say? Since I, Dianwei, recognize you as the eldest brother, I will hang out with you from now on. Anyway, I have long wanted to meet Those guys from the Heavenly Court just took this opportunity to open their eyes. If we really get the method of the immortal golden body, it will have a much better future than us being the black fox's subordinates. At worst, we will turn against them Jiuzhong God, go and serve as a subordinate of Tianting!"

Don't think that Dian Wei is willing to stay in Jiuchongtian all his life as a porter for others. He was a powerful person at any rate in the past, but now he can't think of being a horse boy for an unknown black fox lady, if it is not forced by the situation. At the beginning, Dian Wei greeted that guy with an axe.

And this time, I don't know if they were lucky, or God opened their eyes, and they got the chance to enter the heaven, and even the legendary immortal golden body was waiting for them. pie!

"Okay, since Brother Dianwei thinks we can give it a try, then let's go and agree to him! I believe that with our abilities, even if we enter the Heavenly Court later, we will definitely not be worse than those four guys." Bad!"

Of course Lu Bu was referring to the Four Heavenly Kings. For these four referees, our Master Lu Bu was not grateful at all, but instead regarded them as stepping stones for him to climb up. What is ridiculous is that those four guys Now he is still standing not far away and smiling at Lu Bu and Dian Wei. This is really the rhythm of being sold and paying for the money!

"Okay, but should we use our real names? I'm worried that others will find out. How about we think of a code name?"

"Brother Dianwei, do you think it's interesting to do this? The guy opposite is the lord of heaven! Will people not see through this little trick? I think we should be sincere, after all, the other party doesn't look as good as Jiu Chongtian's internal propaganda Damn it! I even feel that those guys from Jiuzhongtian deceived us and led us into a ditch!"

Compared with the easy-going lord of heaven in front of him, Jiuchongtian's broken rules are indeed not comparable to others, and the eyes of the masses are bright after all.

(End of this chapter)

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