Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 300 You come quickly

Chapter 300 Come back soon
"Honghong, what good idea did you two come up with? Can you tell me quickly, so I can prepare myself!"

Although Dongfang Huaizhu appointed Tu Shan Honghong to tell someone what to do, but along the way, our big sister Tu Shan, the fox demon, kept blushing. Turn your head away quickly, let alone have any communication.

Fortunately, Tu Shan Rongrong has been by her sister's side all the time. Although she doesn't know the details of what will happen next, based on her years of experience as a red thread fairy in Tu Shan, this smart Tu Shan Zhi Duoxing has basically guessed pretty well.

"Brother Xiao, you will know when we get under the giant tree of misery. You may work a little harder after a while, but you will have unexpected gains. Maybe there are rich rewards waiting for you?"

What is this?Why even my little Rong Rong has started to be sloppy, what is it that is so mysterious?

"Okay, we're here. Is that so-and-so ready? Honghong, it's time to start working. Are you ready?"

The straight-line distance from Tushan's meeting hall to the giant tree of misery was not much, and they were all heavenly beings, so after just a few words, Xiao Chen and Dongfang Huaizhu had already arrived at their destination.

It's just that Xiao Chen hasn't figured out what he should do until now?It's really rare for Tu Shan Honghong to be so reserved today!

In the past, Dongfang Huaizhu had already urged to start work, so Tu Shanhonghong should express something.

"Rongrong, come here for sister, lean your ears!"

At the critical moment, it seems that we still have to rely on our clever Tu Shan Rongrong!Tu Shanhonghong was embarrassed to say it, so she could only tell her.

"Sister, don't worry, Rong Rong understands! But Brother Xiao will suffer a lot in this way, sister, are you really willing?"

It seems that a certain person was completely kept in the dark this time, and the method Dongfang Huaizhu came up with would definitely make him...

"Well, it's a big deal, it's a big deal that our sisters will get him some delicious food, just make up for it!"

Just as the two sisters in this picture were whispering, Dongfang Huaizhu walked over impatiently.

"What are you two mothers-in-law doing here? I don't feel sorry for my real wife, why are you two heartbroken? As the lord of the heaven, it's time for this guy to show his mind to save the common people. This is a good thing!"

"That, that, let me ask weakly, what am I going to do?"

At this moment, Xiao Chen seemed to understand but half understood, and was confused by the conversation of the three women in front of him.Nothing, so the Lord sent me to ask what happened.

"Actually, Brother Xiao, what you need to do is very simple, as long as you continue to input your immortal power into the giant tree of misery. Because the situation of these two people who continued their fate completely violated the laws of the giant tree of misery, its original divine power We can't count on it at all, so we can only regard this big tree as a medium, and the power needed to operate comes from "

It turns out that this is the method that Dongfang Huaizhu and Tu Shanhonghong worked out together. The two of them are an extended version of planning to turn someone into a giant tree of bitterness. Xiao Xiao is the only one who goes against the law. Chen, the Lord of the Heavenly Court who has gathered the strongest aura in the world, must be able to do it.And this kind of counter-law thing is extremely energy-consuming.This was also the reason why Tu Shanhonghong couldn't bear to tell Xiao Chen voluntarily.

But someone had promised to help before, and now these are his wives and wives-to-be. Anyway, our lord of heaven today must be exhausted.

"Okay. Let's start then, I hope your plan can be successful!"

In fact, according to Xiao Chen's original intention, he also really wanted to know whether this could really reverse Tu Shan's original law of heaven and earth. To be honest, he still had a little expectation in his heart!

However, things didn't seem to go as smoothly as planned by Dongfang Huaizhu and Tu Shanhonghong.Although Su Lie has become less aggressive, the magic effect of Donghuang Taiyi on him has been completely canceled out.But the problem is that he seems to have lost his memory, he just can't remember who this woman is in front of him?
"Everyone, who am I? Why am I here? Who are you?"

Well, this effect is not as good as before!

"How could this be, how could this be? He, he doesn't remember me, me, me, 55555!"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Galona's originally ignited hope also collapsed in an instant, and he sat down on the ground and cried loudly.Although the original Su Lie was under the control of Donghuang Taiyi, at least he still recognized Jia Luo and instinctively wanted to protect her.But this one is so ugly.
"Madam Huaizhu, this."

As the boss of Tu Shan, Tu Shan Honghong has never encountered such a situation. In desperation, she had to instinctively cast her eyes on Dongfang Huaizhu, hoping that the elder sister could have some way to deal with it, but in fact at this moment Dongfang Huaizhu's mind was even messed up by her.

"How come, how come, shouldn't, me, what should I do!"

To be honest, Dongfang Huaizhu actually wanted to help, but rebelling against the law itself is an extremely difficult thing to succeed, and it is reasonable to have such a result.It's just, just how to explain to Miss Jia Luo.

Just when these women were all in a state of confusion and self-blame, they suddenly heard a light cough from Xiao, and everyone's eyes were immediately attracted to them.

"Ahem, ahem, um, turn on the microphone!"

"Without you, the world wouldn't move an inch; I'm stuck in place, let the memories freeze."

"In the dark night, pray for the dawn to come soon; only you, give me the warm morning light.!"

This is a classic lyrical song called "Come back soon" that Xiao Chen heard when he was a college dog on earth. It was once popular all over the world, and it even wrote countless hearts waiting for lovers.

Since Xiao Chen became a celestial being, in addition to his skin becoming much better than before, even his voice has become quite similar to that of a song god student from back then. Coupled with the powerful infection of immortal energy, the situation suddenly disappeared. Bring everyone present into the artistic conception of this song.Even Su Lie, who had been muttering to himself, seemed to have closed his mouth, pricked up his ears and listened intently.

"That's right, this is Brother Xiao's singing voice, he also sang it last time when my aunt reunited with her lover!"

At this moment, Tu Shan Rongrong and Tu Shan Honghong are also intoxicated, but this time the lyrics seem to be different from last time. Although the singing voice is beautiful, it seems that it lacks strength, that kind of feeling that makes people feel the power of the whole body .

However, Xiao Chen ignored these, and continued to perform this classic song step by step according to the original plan.

"Sorrow is entangled repeatedly, I can't dodge, there is a voice in my heart that is always shouting!"

"Come back quickly, I can't bear it alone!"

"Come back soon, life is wonderful because of you!"

"Come back quickly and bring back my thoughts!"

"Don't let my heart be as empty as the ocean"

This is the most classic treble part of the whole song, and it is also the ultimate expression of emotion.

Just after Xiao Chen sang this classic high-pitched part, the leaves of the giant tree of misery were silent and automatic, making a melodious "ding ding dong dong" sound like a wind chime, which Tu Shan had never heard in thousands of years. There have been things.

"Come back soon, I'll be alone!"


Not only the sisters Tu Shanhonghong and Tu Shan Rongrong, but even Dongfang Huaizhu couldn't help but softly chant Xiao Chen's melody at this moment.

Of course, the three of them are not pig feet at the moment, the point is that in front of the weeping Jialuo girl, a big gentle hand suddenly appeared.

"Gara, can I take care of you for the rest of your life?"

Yes, this is Su Lie's confession, direct and simple.Under the guidance of a certain heavenly singing god, all of Su Lie's memories were recovered.And inspired by the song "Come Back Soon", Su Lie did something that he wanted to do for a long time, but because of various reasons, he didn't dare to do it for a long time.

"I, will!"

At that moment, the leaves of Tushan's giant tree of bitterness scattered around, and at that moment, the lovers finally got married.

(End of this chapter)

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