Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 318 The Three Brothers in Taoyuan Reunited in Another World

Chapter 318 The Three Brothers in Taoyuan Reunited in Another World

"Brothers, shouldn't we make a move? This big brother Guan Yu must not be this fake Pangu opponent!"

Although there was an irresistible urge in his heart, Xiao Chen still consulted everyone's opinions before actually doing it.

"Lord Xiao, in my opinion, I should wait a little longer. This is not the best time. According to my observation just now, neither Pangu nor Nuwa are the authentic two great gods, so they can't control you perfectly. The altar in front of me. I don’t know if you have noticed that every time you summon, these guys’ momentum will be a little weaker. Regardless of whether it is the one-eyed dragon before or this guy named Guan Yu, it is impossible to form combat power at the beginning, so Even if he summons a few more guys, they won't be enough of a threat to us, but their aura will..."

It was Jiang Ziya who raised the objection, and Xiao Chen and the others finally realized it at his prompt, as if it was really the case.

"Thanks to the old senior's guidance, I felt a little weird just now, so that's what happened!"

Great God Hou Yi is also a good archer who observes every detail, but he didn't figure out why the arrogance on this Great God Pan Gu was weakened just now.

However, based on Jiang Ziya's statement, before and after this guy summoned Guan Yu, the golden light on his body was obviously much dimmer, which should be the reason.

Although I have seen the true abilities of Pangu God and Mechanical Nvwa before, if they really fight, with the advantage of Tianting's large number of people, it is not a big problem to defeat them, but there will inevitably be some problems on my side. broken.

But if you wait for these two guys to exhaust their strength and wait for work, the effect will be much better. This is an obvious problem, and it was unanimously approved without much consideration.

That is to say, while Xiao Chen and the others were having this discussion, Guan Yu over there had already been subdued by Pan Gu.The old guy with the ax just waved the weapon in his hand lightly, and the martial saint in the world in front of him turned his back on his back, and even the Qinglong Yanyue knife that had been in his hand was bounced dozens of meters away, almost a little bit It just broke.

"Master, please let me kill this guy with one knife. What's the use of keeping a guy like him who doesn't know what to do?"

Seeing Guan Yu's distressed portrait in front of him, Xiahou Dun felt very happy.If he were to be singled out one-on-one, he would not be the opponent of this martial saint.

But before Xiahou Dun could make a smug smile, a strong force came from his lower abdomen, and he flew straight back.

"Hmph? Kill him? What nonsense are you talking about, brat? Even if I abolish you, you won't be able to hurt him. You don't even look at yourself, but you dare to speak wild words. Who do you think you are?" ?”

Since the one who kicked Xiahou Dun into the air was our Great God Pan Gu, in order to summon this guy named Guan Yu to this world, this Great God consumed nearly 1/10 of his divine power. If the boy is killed, wouldn't his previous efforts be in vain?
And the potential of this guy named Guan Yu is obviously much stronger than that of the one-eyed dragon named Xiahoudun before. If Pan Gu had to choose one of them, it would definitely be the latter.

"Oh, my big brother, why are you angry with these little things? The subordinates are not smart, so you can train them slowly. If it doesn't work, it's okay to brainwash him. Why are you so angry?"

After seeing the scene in front of him, the mechanical Nuwa rushed up to act as a peacemaker, and kept patting the angry Pangu's chest with his own hands, as if to help him calm down.

"Hmph, what a useless guy. The two guys over there hurry up and come over here, tie up this Guan Yu and wait for him to be punished!"

Without even looking at Xiahou Dun who was lying on the side like a pile of mud among the rocks, Pan Gu issued an order to Kai and General Mo Xie to take good care of this disobedient Guan Yu.

"As ordered!"

Obviously, now is not the time to forcibly subdue Guan Yu, first we need to use time to subdue this kid's vigor.

Of course, the main reason why God Pangu ordered his subordinates to lock up Guan Yu in such a hurry was because there was another change in the teleportation array in front of him.

"Hehe, this is, is this the fate of brothers? Brother, look, the general who appeared next is actually the brother of that Guan Yu. Isn't this too coincidental?"

The person on the opposite side hadn't walked out of the portal when he was seen clearly by the Nuwa Empress outside the door.

It was a burly man with dark skin and a large tuft of hair growing on his chest, holding a two-foot snake spear in his hand, and came out cursing.

"You guys who eat inside and out, actually gave me sweat medicine while your grandpa Zhang was drinking. If I catch you, you must be fined 100 army sticks, hmph!"

The name of this unlucky black-skinned guy is Zhang Fei, and he is Guan Yu's sworn brother, because he was overly sad when he heard the news that his second brother Guan Yu was defeated in Maicheng, he drank wine for three days and three nights, and then woke up He was killed by a traitor under his command...

"Hehe, so you are Zhang Fei! Your second brother Guan Yu is in front, do you want to go over and reunite with him?"

With the previous experience and lessons, Empress Nuwa was not even interested in subduing this guy named Zhang Fei, so she directly ordered Kai to put the knife on his neck, and then tied him up.

"What do you woman do? Why do you tie me up? Just now you said what did you do to my second brother? You..."

This guy Zhang Fei has always had a bluffing personality, but the ancient Chinese called this kind of boldness, which may be a cultural difference!

"Gag the black guy's mouth too, barking like a bug, it's really annoying!"

Great God Pan Gu made up for it.

"As ordered!"

Compared with the treatment of Wu Sheng Guan Yu, Zhang Fei's treatment is not bad. He didn't let others beat him with bruises and saliva. This may be a very good ending.

"Third brother, second..."

When Zhang Fei's clumsy body was thrown into Guan Yu's prison cell, the eyes of Suo Wusheng, who had already lost his legs and feet, overflowed with long-lost tears. The brother who thought he would never see him again in this life appeared alive in front of you.

"No no no!"

In the same way, when Zhang Fei saw the second brother with a bruised nose and a swollen face, his eyes widened like copper bells, but because his mouth was blocked, he couldn't utter any yells.Fortunately, although Guan Yu was beaten badly before, he could still do some simple movements with his hands and feet.

"Third Brother, come, I'll help you take it off!"

"Second brother, I thought, I thought I would never see you again in this life!"

At this moment, Zhang Fei's eyes were naturally full of tears, and the pair of brothers and sisters immediately hugged each other and burst into tears.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you two guys to be able to reunite on the territory of Jiuchongtian. Wait a little longer! Maybe that guy Liu Bei will come over after a while. I remember that the teleportation array just now has been transferred to Baidi City nearby……"

At some point, Xia Houdun, who was limping with a bruised nose and swollen face, appeared outside the cell.Anyway, this guy has been upgraded to become a celestial being. Although his level is still relatively low, Pan Gu's light kick just now can't kill him. At most, he just made him bend over and walk for a while.


Chaoci Baidi among the colorful clouds, thousands of miles of rivers and tombs return in one day...

"Hey, the second brother and the third brother, brother, brother, this is not a dream! What are you, how did you come here? Also, brother, am I not in Baidi City? Why, here Where is it? My head hurts!"

Sure enough, not long after, Liu Bei, the eldest of the three Taoyuan brothers, was also thrown in. Since this guy's force value was too low, God Pangu didn't even take a look at it, so he ordered his subordinates to send him over to reunite with the two brothers...

(End of this chapter)

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