Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 321 Shi Kuan's Guest

Chapter 321 Shi Kuan's Guest

I don't know why, but the King Power Hegemony just watched the black fox demon disappear successfully, but didn't do anything to stop it, but the sound of this guy grinding his teeth could be vaguely heard at the scene. At this moment, he should be Gritting your teeth!

"Damn human, remember to me, we will see you again the day you are wiped out!"

This is the last sentence left by the three-tailed black demon, but it should basically belong to the kind of things that are ruthless but have no actual basis. The body has already dissipated, so how can it be possible to meet Wang Quan Baye again?

"Hehe, don't worry, I won't fall until I send your family to the underworld!"

Naturally, king power and hegemony would not take this kind of little monster's words to heart, but what puzzled him was why the old temptress with seven black tails disappeared. Could it be that Yiqi Daomeng was not her real goal?
Not to mention, the speculation about royal power and hegemony is really quite reasonable, because the black fox empress is really not in the territory of the southern country at this moment, and she is running to a country in the north at this moment.

However, since all the low-level black foxes are closely related to their boss, when the black fox in front of King Quan hegemony destroyed itself, the black fox empress felt it immediately and received a The image sent by the other party at the last moment of his life was a human Taoist priest holding a kingly sword.

"Damn guy, how dare you hurt my son. However, how could a mere human be able to deal with the general of our black fox clan? No, this guy is definitely not an ordinary human old Taoist priest. I seem to have seen this face somewhere before. ? By the way, he was the leader of the mask group back then, unexpectedly he is still alive?"

Although the image sent back by the three-tailed black scorpion was only a very blurred head, but from the outline of the appearance, the black fox empress recognized Wang Quan Baye at a glance.Had it not been for a temporary incident back then, she probably wouldn't have let the fish that slipped through the net come back, right?
But at this moment, Empress Heihu still has an important appointment to attend, and she doesn't have time to help her subordinate avenge her revenge in a short time.But fortunately, that kid didn't leave any traces or flaws before, it's completely impossible for this royal hegemony to think of the whereabouts of the current black fox empress.


"Hehe, since you're already here, why do you hide your head and show your tail? Come down and have a cup of tea!"

This is a very sonorous and powerful voice, coming from the ground below the Black Fox Empress, and behind this thick tone, there seems to be a powerful demonic aura brewing, its quality is not inferior to that of the Southern Kingdom Demon King Huandu Qingtian !
Obviously, the movement of this high-speed flying black fox lady has been captured by the guy on the ground.It's just that the other party seemed to be afraid, and didn't attack this hidden guy immediately.

"Hehe, who was I at the time? It turned out to be the famous Beishan demon emperor Destroyer Tianjun. I'm really embarrassed to ask you to wait for me here for a long time!"

It turned out that after the black fox empress came out from the southern country, she went to Yuyao country to make trouble, and then the king of the other side, Shi Kuan, took the initiative to invite this guy to negotiate.

"Hehe, the visitors are all guests. What you said is just a false name. Just call me Shi Kuan. I heard that you had a fight with that old man from the south, and you were able to get out of this guy's hands." Come to think of it, your strength is not weak, if we reconcile over this cup of tea today, we can still be friends, but if everyone's conversation is not happy, I'm afraid we will inevitably go to war!"

The way these big monsters do things is different from that of human beings, and they will never talk about things that can be solved by hands. Obviously, these things that these black foxes have done on the territory of Beishan Demon Emperor during this period of time have exceeded their tolerance bottom line.

"Oh, it's true that good things don't go out and bad things spread thousands of miles away. That old man in Nanguo is so unreasonable. He just hangs around with them, and then he yells at them. Brother Kuan, you won't be so rude Right! I heard those little monsters call you that, can I call you that too?"

In fact, fighting is not the specialty of the black fox family. They prefer to use other soft powers to conquer her enemies than to be tough.And the Beishan demon emperor named Shi Kuan in front of him is very powerful, he is the type of macho that girls like, so this black fox empress wants to use her beauty to be equal to others.

"Hehe, if it's an ordinary little monster, if I talk like this, maybe I will discuss it with him, but you can't! After all, you woman is not our kind. Don't think that the things you committed in our territory are my own. I don’t know, I advise you not to wishful thinking.”

In the past ten days, this seven-tailed black fox demon and her subordinates have done a lot of bad things, causing chaos in the territory of others, and many little monsters who are not strong enough have been affected, and some of them have not even died. killed.

As the commander-in-chief of Yuyao Kingdom, Beishan Demon Emperor Shi Kuan doesn't care much about outside affairs on the surface, but if someone bullies his younger brother, this guy will definitely not sit idly by, that is definitely not his style.

"Brother Shi, why don't you show pity at all, you are a girl anyway! Can't you be a little more polite!"

Obviously, the magic spell cast by the black fox empress has no effect on the strong man in front of her.Because the heart of this Destroying Heavenly Monarch has long been occupied by people, even if thousands of years have passed, he will not be shaken in any way.

"Put this set of yours away, I have nothing to say to you. If you are true, quickly take your little brothers and leave our site, otherwise I will see you kill one by one from today, see A group will kill a group, what I said is clear enough?"

In fact, Shi Kuan didn't intend to talk to the other party at the beginning, but he didn't do it right away because he saw that the person sent by the other party to negotiate was a woman, so don't think that this guy is easy to talk to.

"Hmph, it looks like I can't solve today's problem peacefully, so I have to ask brother Shi Kuan to help me!"

This black fox empress looks like a weak woman on the surface, but she is actually a big monster who has lived for countless years. How could she give up the land she just acquired without doing anything?This is obviously not in line with her style!Therefore, after Beishan Yaodi uttered cruel words, the hostility in the black fox boss's heart was also aroused, and he was about to start fighting with the other party immediately.

"Hehe, I know that you, a woman, won't make people feel at ease. Since you want to fight, I will fight with you! But don't blame me for not notifying you in advance. My relatives will not recognize my fists when they really fight. Don't think that you If you are a woman, I will let you!"

In fact, Beishan Yaodi also agrees with the other party's approach very much, that is, he once made a promise to the person he likes back then that he would not use force easily.

But in the face of such a hateful invader as the Black Fox Empress, it is a last resort to do it now.



It was a completely indescribable sound. It felt as if every muscle and bone in the Beishan Demon Emperor's body was twisted irregularly. He became taller and taller, and the demon king who had not been active for many years became quite excited about the previous provocative behavior of the Black Fox Empress, and gradually returned to her peak state.

"What's the situation? Did you pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger before?"

Looking at the giant who was growing in height and size in front of her, the Black Fox Empress suddenly had a very bad feeling. Now she had a feeling that she was being watched closely by a terrible predator all over her body. His dangerous aura is no less than those terrifying powerhouses in the outside world, just looking at him makes people feel shuddering.

"Hehe, do you think this is my strongest state?"

Beishan Demon Emperor's next words confirmed the conjecture of the Black Fox Empress, but it's too late to repent now, isn't it?
(End of this chapter)

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