Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 331 The End of the Eastern Emperor Tai 1

Chapter 331 The End of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi

"Everyone, although we succeeded in rescuing the Huangquan clan this time, the culprit escaped. This was all my mistake, Tu Shanhonghong. In order to prevent the Black Fox clan from making a comeback, please take strict precautions in the near future, and You need to exchange news with us, Tu Shan, and if you find anything wrong, remember to contact us as soon as possible."

Seeing that the black fox lady who had already got her was rescued, Tu Shanhonghong couldn't help feeling a little annoyed.But at the same time, she immediately thought of Xiao Chen's current situation, at least she should inform him of what happened here!

So, Huanxiu said goodbye to Huandu Qingtian and the others, and Tu Shanhonghong quickly set foot on the return journey.Before leaving, Xiao Chen gave Tu Shan Rongrong a contact method, saying that he could contact them without being noticed by others.Although I didn't know that the big Joe who appeared before would not affect their plan, but my intuition told this woman that it is better to talk about this matter.

At this moment, Xiao Chen was wondering whether to rescue the three brothers Liu Guan and Zhang. Although these three guys were all marked with the mark of the Nine Heavens, even if they were recruited, it would be impossible to improve Xiao Chen's strength. With the fame of these three brothers and their status in Chinese history, Xiao Chen felt that he had to save them from the clutches of the Nine Heavens.

After all, it is a super bottomless pit where a good person will become a bad person once he enters it, and once Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are upgraded to heavenly beings, their combat effectiveness should not be underestimated. They pulled him to his side, no doubt killing two birds with one stone!

It's just that Xiao Chen is still hesitating now, he's not sure if now is the best time to make a move.However, Tu Shanhonghong's timely reminder made the final decision for the Lord of Heaven.

"Brother Xiao, I need to report to you about something that happened just now. I just fought with that black fox empress who caused trouble for the world. I had already captured her, but there is a girl named Da Qiao. The classical beauty suddenly appeared and rescued her. She was the woman who rescued people at the border of Tushan last time. She has already said that this black fox is their friend of Jiuchongtian, so I hope Brother Xiao will be very careful. The transportation ability of a woman is really too strong, God knows if she will go to other places to bring reinforcements?"

This was a warning from Tu Shan Rongrong and Tu Shan Honghong, which immediately reminded Xiao Chen.The woman named Da Qiao they had seen before was not around the altar at the moment, and the peripheral work of Jiuchongtian seemed to be unfolding unaffected, what did this mean?
This shows that there is still a large part of the hidden power that has not been revealed!Today, the counterfeit Pangu and the mechanical Nuwa gathered here to deal with the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. If they are not wiped out immediately, it will be difficult to deal with them when they disperse and bring their own men. .

"Everyone obeys my orders and is ready to attack with the whole army at any time. This time it is an all-out attack. Don't worry about the other small soldiers. Just do your best to deal with the Big Three of the Nine Heavens!"

Sometimes you have to act decisively when doing things, no matter whether this is the best time or not, but if you have to wait until these three guys get together next time, you don't know it will be a monkey year.

"Lord Xiao, why did you decide so suddenly? Don't you need to wait for the best time to act?"

Regarding Xiao Chen's decision, basically no one in the entire heavenly court objected, except for that old man named Jiang Ziya.It may be because the old man is used to strategizing and talking about "the right time and place" all day long, so he is a little confused.

"Little fox, take care of the old man for me later. If there is any damage to him, I only ask for you!"

Although Xiao Chen was a little surprised by Jiang Ziya's objection, he still reminded the little fox demon Daji to always follow the old man's side and provide him with protection.

"Hmph, bad master, didn't you still suspect him before? Aren't you afraid that I will plot against old man Jiang while you are not paying attention?"

"Conspiracy? Hehe, what are you planning to do? He is an old fairy who has lived for thousands of years. I really didn't expect my little Daji to like mature types!"

"You, bad master, people ignore you, hum!"

Although the little fox demon Daji was also a rather unstable factor, Xiao Chen didn't care too much about it at the moment. Now he and the people in the heavenly court were ready to attack at any time, and not a mere little fox could stop it.

Although old Mr. Jiang Ziya's fighting power is not very strong, it will take some effort for this little fox demon to avoid him, which is why Xiao Chen put them together.

And just as Xiao Chen was gaining momentum, another change occurred in the form on the court.

It may be that there are more summons today, and the altar that originally belonged to Donghuang Taiyi stopped moving without warning, which made Pangu and Nuwa, who were originally very interested, feel quite sudden, so they both locked their suspicions on the That Eastern Emperor Taiyi lying on the ground.

"What do you mean? Are you playing tricks? Why is this altar not moving?"

Pan Gu, who was in a state of desperation, rushed forward and dragged the already incapacitated Eastern Emperor Taiyi to his feet.

"Brother Pangu, it's none of my business, it's really none of my business! The number of times this altar is summoned every time is unclear. Today, you have summoned four people from different worlds. Maybe, maybe it's overloaded. , so it will..."

"I don't care about these, you fix it for me quickly, if it can't turn again within an hour, I will make you disappear from this world completely."

"Brother, big brother, once this altar is closed, there is no way to open it with external force. It can only work again after it cools down. Big brother, big brother, you know it, I will not lie to you!"

Maybe it was frightened by Pangu's eyes, Donghuang Taiyi revealed all the secrets of the altar without knowing it.

But after learning the working principle of the altar, the fake Pangu laughed even more cunningly.

"Hehe, big brother, of course I know that you didn't lie to me. But now that you've told all the secrets, what's the use of keeping you?"

"That's right! Don't talk nonsense with this kid, let's get rid of him quickly, so as not to have long nights and dreams!"

It seems that this is really the other party's scheme. Now not only is this fake Pangu showing a fierce look, but even the two fingers of the mechanical Nuwa next to him have jumping sparks, and it seems that they will release a killer move at any time.

"What? You, are you going to cross the river and tear down the bridge? You, don't go too far. If you push me into a hurry, I, I will definitely fight to the death with you!"

Seeing these two malicious giants of the Nine Heavens in front of him, Dong Huangtai got up from the ground tremblingly, and condensed a black energy around his body with all his strength. It seemed that he wanted to make a last-ditch effort, but it was useful. ?

"Brothers, it's now, let's go! The whole army goes out!"

Seeing that the three guys on the field were about to fight together, suddenly there was a burst of dazzling light outside the energy matrix that Mechanic Nuwa had set up before. Before everyone could figure out what was going on, That energy enchantment turned into pieces of golden dust, scattered all around.

"What's going on? These guys, where did these guys come from?"

"Enemy attack, there is an enemy attack, it is the people of heaven, ah!"

"Help! The Heavenly Court's army is coming, run away! There are so many of them!"

Because of what the mechanical Nuwa did before, many of Jiuchongtian's subordinates who saw their true colors were silenced, and the remaining ones guarding the outer exit were just small troops. How could they stop the sudden rush of heaven Gods, the entire army was wiped out almost in a single meeting.

And then, more than a dozen survivors, including the Big Three, were surrounded by groups.

(End of this chapter)

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