Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 369 Dongfang Yuechu, who grew up overnight

Chapter 369 Dongfang Yuechu, who grew up overnight
"Little guy, if you want to avenge your parents, follow the route I gave you. You will have this opportunity after you have learned kung fu, understand?"

In order to avoid Ximen Chuisha's pursuit, Dongfang Yuechu hid in a bush for a whole night.Due to the lack of spiritual power in his body, the runaway state he just triggered disappeared automatically after the three guys on the opposite side rushed into the grove, and this had an advantage, completely lost the three trackers in the forest. In the unknown woods.

But during this time, the owner of the voice who kept reminding Dongfang Yueyue what to do next never appeared. The other party seemed to be guiding the little guy to come out by himself.

"Sir, if you are really a friend of my parents, why don't you come out and help me and kill these three guys! You have the ability to transmit sound into secrets, don't you have this? strength?"

I don’t know how Dongfang Yuechu came here on that cold night?But after one night, this originally ignorant child seemed to have grown up, and he also wanted to understand many problems.

"Hehe, you child, I really don't know what to say about you. It seems that your character is the same as your father, and you are so stubborn! Anyway, I have already told you the way to Tushan, whether to go or not You can figure it out. Even if you are caught by those guys, I will not come out to save you, so don't have any hope, you little thing. If you don't want to avenge your parents, then do whatever you want, I'll go find someone else!"

Although protecting Dongfang Yueyue's family was the task Xiao Chen entrusted to Aolai Third Young Master, but when have you ever seen this monkey obediently obey orders?

Although the house was destroyed, isn't this family still alive?This is the understanding of the third young master of Aolai, and let Dongfang Yueyue enter the world in a tortuous way, becoming the most important pawn in the heavenly court in the world, this is also the task Xiao Chen gave him!However, this little thing called Dongfang Yueyue will never become a martial arts master by himself, so you always have to give him some so-called resources, such as finding a master or something?

And that Tu Shan Honghong should be the most suitable candidate, right?The king of the fox demon is very powerful in himself, and coupled with the relationship between the sisters Tu Shan and the lord of heaven, I believe that even if Xiao Chen found out about this arrangement afterwards, he would not have any objections Opinion bar.

On the surface, it seems that the third young master Aolai has decided on his own initiative, but after a careful taste, it seems that there is still some truth in it.

"I, I will go to Tushan, and I will definitely avenge my parents. I will not let any of these three enemies have a good time!"

After weighing the pros and cons in silence for a period of time, Dongfang Yuechu finally made a decision and started to move forward according to the route given by the mysterious man without looking back.

However, with Dongfang Yuechu's current strength, he will definitely be overtaken by the opponent in a short time, but this is not absolute.

When we lived in the mountains before, our Xiaochu had seen his parents set various traps in the woods, some were for catching wild rabbits, and some were just for preventing wild animals. Now these memories seem to come in handy .

That's right, you read that right, this is the way Dongfang Yueyue used to counterattack and hinder the opponent's pursuit: digging traps, making stumbling blocks, and some methods that look a little bit damaged.

And how did the three big villains who were looking for the traces of Dongfang Yuechu know that a two or three-year-old doll would use such a method, he could be called a child prodigy!
"Ah, brother, come and save me, brother Ximen, help me, I've fallen into a trap!"

This was originally a mud pit, about three to five meters deep, and I don't know which wicked guy covered it with a layer of dead leaves, making it look like flat ground.Originally, it was impossible for the Crane Immortal to come to this place, but there was a piece of rag on the dead leaves, which looked like a child's clothes leftovers or something.

Out of curiosity, the Crane Immortal just wanted to confirm if it was Dongfang Yueyue who stayed behind, but he didn't expect that he stepped on the air and fell down after only two steps.

Originally, this height was nothing to a cultivator like He Xianren, but there was a pile of stinky and soft mud at the bottom of the pit, and once his feet sank into it, he couldn't pull it out.

"I said junior brother! How old are you, why haven't you fallen into such a ridiculous trap? What are you thinking?"

Looking at the embarrassed Crane Immortal in front of him, both Ximen Chuisha and the Tiger Immortal felt a little unbelievable.But the Crane Immortal who had just escaped was holding a strip of cloth in his hand, still muttering.

"I, didn't I just want to find the trace of that little thing! You see what is written on this thing, I thought it was just a piece of cloth!"

The experience of falling into the pit this time is really unforgettable for Crane Immortal, and he almost lost his waist!But the cloth strip he got seemed to contain the little guy, who wanted to say something to the three of them.

Anyway, after reading the words on the cloth strip, Ximen Chuansha was trembling all over, and the tiger fairy was in the same situation, his teeth were gnashing loudly.

"What's the situation? What's written on it?"

"See for yourself!"

When the puzzled Crane Immortal took the cloth strip from his senior brother, he finally saw clearly the words on it.

"Three old turtles, you wait, I'm going to braise all of you and throw them into the latrine..."

This is completely provocative!

After reading these words, Immortal Crane's beard almost became crooked.

But then, the trio headed by Ximen Chuisha kept surprises along the way, and his crippled wheelchair even rolled over a ball, and the smell really couldn't go away along the way.

Of course, the pursuit of the trio was not without achievements. Several times they clearly saw the figure of Dongfang Yuechu not far away, but in the end they let this little thing slip away. The child was enlightened, and just the day before, Dongfang Yueyue was still a good baby who couldn't do without his parents!
"Brother Ximen, what's the matter with this kid? Why do I feel like he's completely changed, is there something secretly helping him?"

This is a world of comprehension, so any strange things are understandable. As they continued to fight against Dongfang Yueyue, Ximen Chuisha and others found that their luck seemed to be a little bit worse every time. It is so easy to get it, but it is still missed in the end, this is so strange!
"You two guys, don't talk about it, it's nothing at all. This kid is just taking advantage of his size, but I want to see how long this kid can last? There seems to be a mountain ahead. Do the two brothers know where we are?"

This "game" of you chasing me and running away lasted for more than ten days.I have to admit that the Third Young Master Aolai is really capable. The route he took to Dongfang Yueyue was covered with dense forests, and there were many delicious fruits among them, all of which Dongfang Yueyue knew.

So, from a certain point of view, Dongfang Yueyue was like going out for an outing, but the three pursuers behind him suffered a lot.

I don’t know if someone is really against Ximen Chuisha and the others. Obviously, there is nothing wrong with the fruit eaten by Dongfang Chuchu, but it is the same tree and the same batch of fruits. After the three of them ate it, it was so sour. !

While on the road, I had diarrhea, and in the end I couldn't even stand on my legs.

"Brother Ximen, the mountain in front seems a bit weird. Why do I feel that there is a, no, a lot of powerful monster power coming out of it! I'm afraid it's not as simple as what we encountered before, should we first look at it?" Let's talk about the situation?"

At this moment, Dongfang Yueyue is very close to Tu Shan, and those powerful evil spirits are the best proof.But because Ximen Chuisha and the others have been far away from human towns, they have no idea of ​​the direction at all, and even stepped into the territory of the demon world without knowing it.

(End of this chapter)

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