Chapter 374

"Lord Xiao, I know you have a way to make ordinary mortals ascend to immortality in one step, right? If I'm not wrong, this should be the power of the Conferred God List! I hope you can promise me one thing, that is, take my His wife, Dongfang Qinlan, has been sent to the fairy class!"

After a long time, Bai Qiuen came up with this idea!This should be what he knew after seeing Dongfang Huaizhu, right?

But does such a small matter need so many detours?If he knew Bai Qiuen's plan from the beginning, there would be no doubts before.

Although Dongfang Qinlan's current body can't bear Taibai Jinxing's divine essence, wouldn't everything be settled if she was transformed into a celestial physique?And after being a celestial being, the two sisters of the Dongfang family can also be reunited, and Lao Bai himself is also a celestial being, and the husband and wife can stay together for a long time in the future. This seems to be a very perfect ending!
Regardless of whether the other party thinks so or not, Xiao Chen thinks that this is how things will develop next.

"Yes, yes, how did I forget this? Hurry up, don't engage in any inexplicable rituals, and quickly recruit my sister into the Heavenly Court!"

After Bai Qiuen's reminder, Dongfang Huaizhu instantly understood what this old Bai was trying to do.This guy really deserves to be an old-fashioned celestial being, but he sees high and thinks far.

However, compared to the optimistic Dongfang Huaizhu couple, Bai Qiuen in front of him has a serious expression on his face. Is there anything else going on?

"Lord Xiao, I know that you can enshrine any mortal, but after all, my wife is a collateral relative of yours. If you can also enjoy this kind of treatment, you will inevitably be criticized by others. Although you are the Lord of Heaven , but there are some things where rules are rules and cannot be broken casually!"

what's the situation?What is Bai Qiuen talking about about the old calendar again, and what is his intention?
"Old Bai, we are all one family. Don't talk about two families. It's just a trivial matter. Don't worry, I promise that no one will gossip behind!"

"No, no, Master Xiao, please listen to what I have to say. Even if you think I am stubborn, there must be rules in heaven anyway. Of course, what I mean is that I can give up my own fairy position to me Wife, in this way she can become a fairy naturally!"

Well, is Bai Qiuen stupid?How can there be such a thing as giving up one's own fairy position, and the lord of the heavenly family has already said that it doesn't matter, why do you have to be so serious?
"Brother-in-law, you are..."

Regarding Bai Qiuen's actions, Dongfang Huaizhu also expressed his incomprehension.If Dongfang Qinlan found out all this after waking up, how would she, as an older sister, explain to her younger sister?

"Sister, brother-in-law, you don't have to worry about me. I have the aura of heaven and man in my body. Even if I lose my fairy position, I can still live in this state. Besides, my state should be able to take better care of Dongfang. It's the beginning of the month!"

It turns out that Bai Qiuen did this with double preparations!On the one hand, he can justifiably make his wife a class of immortals, and on the other hand, he can secretly protect his son to thrive. This is really pitiful to the parents of the world!
"Old Bai, this, you don't have to do this, I can reserve a place for you in the heavenly court, and then you can do what you want as usual, and no one from us will interfere with you. Besides, Dongfang Yueyue is also my nephew. Son, I will definitely take care of him, you can rest assured about this. The little monkey may have told you about the specific plan before? If there is something that is not satisfactory, we can still communicate in private. We are all our own people, everything is easy to talk about!"

This Bai Qiuen is really a particular person, he does things with such principles, anyway, Xiao Chen has never seen such a thing before.Even in our Xiao Chen's world, this kind of person would be a rare existence.

"I've made up my mind, and I ask Master Xiao to fulfill it! As for my actions in the future, which may conflict with the interests of the Heavenly Court, I ask you to show your respect at that time. Bai is very grateful!"

Well, this Bai Qiuen also has a stubborn temper. The more you want to benefit him, the more he must stick to his principles. When dealing with such a cheap brother-in-law, Xiao Chen's original intention was to take him under his command. After all, this But he is a rare talent, and in terms of seniority, this year's Taibai Jinxing is no worse than Jiang Ziya!
"Since you insist on this, brother-in-law, then we won't force you. It's just that my sister seems to be quite dependent on you, so you can't leave her sight too much!"

For Bai Qiuen's request, Dongfang Huaizhu was the first to agree. She seems to have far more say in this matter than someone else. In a sense, these compromises made by Dongfang Huaizhu are actually It's all for my poor girl.If it hadn't been for the traitor Jinmian Vulcan in Shenhuozhuang Village, why would the two sisters end up here?
But it was also thanks to this tribulation, otherwise Dongfang Huaizhu and Xiao Chen would probably be strangers forever, and Dongfang Qinlan would not have been able to take down the strongest heavenly official in the sky and earth back then. It seems to be accidental, but in fact it is the arrangement of fate.Especially this Bai Qiuen, not only was willing to let his single-wearing son follow the surname of the Dongfang family, but also gave up his fairy position to his wife in order to avoid suspicion. What a great love this is. There are still people in this world. Really love it.

"Sister, don't worry, I will always come to see Qin Lan, but at Xiaochu's age, you still need a lot of help to take care of her. I'm not worried that this kid's potential will not be stimulated, I'm just worried that he will enter by mistake. Misguided. After all, after all, this Tushan is not orthodox in the world."

Well, this Bai Qiuen is an old antique after all. It's a good thing to do things well, but the concept of family status is quite serious in his mind.What does it mean that Tu Shan is not orthodox?Over the years, the Tushan fox demon has not been doing evil everywhere, but has also helped the weak everywhere. Now, in the demon league they lead, they advocate peaceful coexistence with the world, and even try to establish contact with the Yiqidao League to jointly solve some of the same headaches that everyone has. matter.

At this time, putting Dongfang Yuechu into Tushan, there are only advantages and no disadvantages.Maybe this kid can become a mediator for the mutual love between humans and monster races.

"This question, I naturally have my plan. I can only tell you that the current arrangement is not something we came up with randomly. After all, everyone in the world is now coveting the secrets of the Eastern Spirit Race in this kid, although our Heavenly Court can intervene. It's a little bit, but if you do this, it will make the world feel that "

Xiao Chen was in a bit of a dilemma. It seemed that Bai Qiuen wanted to bring Dongfang Yueyue out of Tushan. Although he didn't say it clearly, the meaning behind his words was here.

"I understand this. What I want to say is that while this kid is practicing witchcraft, I also hope that I can secretly find someone to teach him some authentic Taoism. For example, the kung fu in Aolai Kingdom is very good, at least better than those in the world. Huaquan embroidered legs are much more advanced, I wonder if Lord Xiao can approve it if I say so?"

It turned out that this Bai Qiuen had already made a plan, he didn't like the ordinary human race methods, and aimed directly at the Aolai Kingdom's uninherited secret art, which really made Xiao Chen express that he hadn't thought of it.Although this Aolai country is the leader of the monster clan, it is also the successor of the great sage after all, learning their spells is naturally authentic in the world.

However, Xiao Chen probably didn't count on this matter, at least he had to seek the opinion of Third Young Master Aolai, even though he was now Xiao Chen's apprentice in name.

"Yes, as long as my nephew can become a great hero in the future, I approve this decision!"

It was Dongfang Huaizhu who took over the conversation again, and it seemed that Lao Bai came to public relations for Mrs. Tianting from the beginning, so he probably didn't intend for Xiao Chen to nod at all.

"Master, my wife, this matter is too involved. I have to go back and discuss it with the elders. It doesn't matter if I say it alone!"

After hearing Dongfang Huaizhu's decision, a certain little golden monkey looked helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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