Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 378 Interrogation of the Nine Heavens and the Three Giants

Chapter 378 Interrogating the Big Three of the Nine Heavens
"Smelly girl, are you satisfied now?"

Seeing Dongfang Qinlan who was full of smiles, her elder sister Dongfang Huaizhu knew that she was finally relieved, whether it was for Bai Qiuen or Dongfang Yuechu, anyway, as long as she saw the two family members in peace, Be safe and live happily, and the second lady of the Dongfang family will also be happy.

"Yeah, this is my good sister. Forget it, I will forgive you this time. If you guys team up to fool me next time, I will get angry!"

For Dongfang Qinlan at this moment, it seems that everything in front of her eyes is like a dream: the sister who thought she had passed away is not only living well, but also married a husband who loves her so much, and even treats her as a The First Lady of Heaven.

And Bai Qiuen has also become a special advisor to Heavenly Court, and he can finally do what he wants to do.But the happiest one should be her son Dongfang Yuechu. After arriving in Tushan, this kid ate well and slept soundly. He still has a bright future waiting for him.

To be honest, Dongfang Qin Lan felt that she was the worst mess in the family!But for a long time from now on, she can be by her most beloved sister's side, and the two sisters will never finish talking.

However, it's not easy for Xiao Chen to participate in the matter of the two Dongfang sisters, after all, men should avoid the topics between their girls, right?

Besides, the current Heavenly Court has just won the battle against Jiuchongtian, and has captured a lot of prisoners including the opponent's Big Three. Now it is time to interrogate these guys as soon as possible!Especially those three leaders, they will definitely know why these outsiders have become so honest recently, is there any conspiracy in it?

"Well, you two sisters have a good get-together, there are still a lot of places in our Heavenly Court to visit. I want to meet some old friends with them, just call me if you have anything to do!"

After winking at Dongfang Huaizhu, Xiao Chen was about to go about his own business.

"Okay, I just took my sister to get familiar with the environment, after all, this will be her home from now on!"

Regarding those matters between men, Dongfang Huaizhu didn't want to ask too much.However, as the First Lady of Heaven, Dongfang Huaizhu also understands that the world outside the circle is the biggest potential hidden danger in the whole world.


The guy who was brought up first was Donghuang Taiyi. Although everyone was an old acquaintance, it didn't mean that this guy would really reveal all the secrets in his heart.

"Anyway, I've been caught by you for the second time, so I'll kill you if you want!"

Well, it seems that Donghuang Taiyi really belongs to the kind of character that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, but this guy belongs to that kind of character on the scene, and the information he can grasp is also very limited.

"Hehe, you're quite interesting. When we were dealing with the Jiuchongtian gang before, I remember you were kicked out by them, right? That fake Pangu and that mechanical Nuwa even wanted to kill you, Could it be that after such a short time, have you forgotten all the previous encounters?"

Now that the overall situation has been decided, judging from the information sent back by Bai Qiuen and the others, the group of monsters outside the circle are fairly honest, so Xiao Chen doesn't have a great sense of crisis. He now has enough time to talk to the group in front of him. The guys slowly consumed until they spit out all the secrets in their hearts.

"Hehe, although I hate those two guys very much, it doesn't mean that I will stand with you guys from Heaven."

All right!This Eastern Emperor Taiyi can be regarded as the No. [-] character. If you want to dig out the secret in his mouth, you can't find a breakthrough.

"Okay! Then please go to the side for a while, I'll invite the other two friends over first. Why don't you give me a suggestion, I should first invite that fake Pangu God, or How about calling that Nuwa made of iron bumps?"

Xiao Chen grinned and looked at Donghuang Taiyi in front of him.Although this guy's mouth was still very hard, when the names of Pangu and Nuwa appeared next to his ears, it was obvious that his facial muscles twitched violently.

It was hatred, a hatred that could not be concealed by any expression.

Although there is an isolation belt, the content of the interrogation can still be heard in the room next door. Was this a deliberate arrangement by Xiao Chen?

"Hmph, although I don't know what you want to do? But your tricks are useless to me, so you can do whatever you like!"

"Hehe, it's fine if you don't object! Come on, bring that robot up!"

The second target to be interrogated is the mechanical Nuwa. Since there are no replacement parts here, this intelligent robot from the Nine Heavens is in a miserable situation. Until now, blue sparks are constantly radiating from several places on its body.

"Hehe, what should I call you? Should I call you dear fake snail lady, or a robot? If you want to get replacement parts, you'd better tell me something that interests me, what do you think like?"

Looking at the mechanical queen with dull eyes and a swaying walk in front of him, Xiao Chen went straight to the point.Compared with the counterfeit Pangu and Donghuang Taiyi, the materials needed for this mechanical Nuwa to restore to its original state are very special, and it can even be said to be tailor-made.And she who was locked in the dungeon definitely didn't have the qualifications in this aspect. This kind of situation lasted for a short period of time, but it was too late after the core processor was damaged for a long time. .

"You, you boy from another world, why? Why do you have to take care of our Jiuzhongtian's affairs? Does the destruction of this world have a direct relationship with you, and is it necessary to chase us so fiercely? "

All right!Although it looked miserable, this mechanical Nuwa obviously didn't want to answer the question.Not only did she refuse to answer Xiao Chen's suggestion, but she turned around and said so much nonsense, as if Heaven was sorry for them.

"Okay! It seems that our mechanical Nuwa is not ready to answer my question at all, is it? Come on, hang up this pile of scrap copper and iron for me, and then go and invite me the fake Pangu God !"

As the so-called people flock together, things are divided into groups.Xiao Chen's attitude towards this mechanical Nuwa is obviously not as friendly as before to Donghuang Taiyi. Her body is obviously about to fall apart, and he has to tie his limbs with big iron chains and hang him up. Is the counterfeit Pangu who will appear next a showdown?
"You, you, what did you do to my second sister? Quickly, put her down, her body has already been severely injured, if you continue to do this, it will kill her!"

This counterfeit Pangu is really a passionate god. Although his aesthetic concept is very problematic, he actually yelled at a bunch of machines, as if he cared about each other.

I really didn't expect that this guy was also the nominal boss of Jiu Chongtian before, how could he be fascinated by an artificial intelligence system?I really don't understand what's going on in this guy's mind?
These are really good materials that Xiao Chen can use.

"You care about her a lot, right? Then I'll give you a chance to solve any of the questions I raise next, and I'll let her go. How about it?"

Hearing Xiao Chen's request, it seemed that the fake Pan Gu was about to refuse immediately.But from the corner of his eye, he saw the mechanical Nuwa who was thrown up and was emitting sparks all over his body, and he swallowed the words that came to his mouth abruptly.

"Hehe, if you don't say anything, I'll take it as your acquiescence. I believe you know my questions without telling me: 1. Who is that black-robed old man, and what is his real status in your Nine Heavens? 2. The one who betrayed the heavens before Little fox Daji, what is going on, is it something like ecstasy soup that you gave her? 3. Why have those creatures outside the circle become obedient recently, are you playing tricks on it?"

These three questions raised by Xiao Chen are not actually core questions, at least one of them is not, and this is also an opportunity for the other party.

(End of this chapter)

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