Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 385 Chaotic Time and Space

Chapter 385 Chaotic Time and Space

"Lord Xiao, and Madam, I have basically finished debugging the altar, and I just need to wait for another auspicious day to start. Just to be on the safe side, please bind your lord and madam to a stronghold in this world. In case of any deviation, you can find the way back. Of course, this is just for insurance, my lord, please don’t misunderstand.”

Although this Jiang Ziya was uneasy and well-intentioned, he still had to put on a serious look until his scheme failed.Since this guy has tampered with, there should be no deviation when looking from the side of the altar. You can even see clearly what an ordinary commoner over there is doing now. This is the so-called perspective of God.

But the real big move is during the transmission process. In order to make everything look without any doubts, everything will be smooth sailing in the initial stage of the transmission, but everything will be different the moment before Xiao Chen lands, and then The journey will definitely surprise him.

"Brother-in-law, sister, look quickly, the scenery in that place is so beautiful, and there are small boats, it feels even more beautiful than the scenery around the Shenhuozhuang Village when we were young. Look at the river and the small pavilion, does it look like it?" The Huai River Bamboo Pavilion back then?"

Dongfang Qinlan is really a little woman who can't hold back her words!What about the Bamboo Pavilion on the Huaishui River? Don’t you want people to love each other when they see it?

"Hehe, Qin Lan, you really reminded my brother-in-law. When we pass by, do we need to disguise ourselves? What do you think of my mask?"

Xiao Chen definitely did it on purpose, he actually took out the mask that made Dongfang Huaizhu look dazed before, and put it on the faces of the two sisters in front of him.

"What? You, brother-in-law, it turns out that brother-in-law, you are the guy who wore an ugly mask back then. Oh, I finally understand why my sister fell in love with you, so it was you back then!"

This is a little secret that only Xiao Chen and Dongfang Huaizhu know, because the leader of the masked group back then was not the Lord of Heaven.But it's better not to expose it in front of Dongfang Qinlan, otherwise this little girl will talk endlessly about her next questions, and even trouble you.

"Silly girl, why do we still mention those things in the past? Remember to keep a low profile after the past, and pay attention to safety! Try not to stay away from your brother-in-law, he can protect you!"

All right!Dongfang Huaizhu successfully changed the subject, causing the little loli in front of her to turn all her attention to another world.

"Okay! Okay! I'm not a child anymore, sister, you can rest assured! I think I should take care of my brother-in-law more. Didn't you see where my brother-in-law's eyes were looking just now? The little girls in that world should be very appetizing to someone!"

Well, that's the only thing I'm afraid of, Xiao Chen has already felt Dongfang Huaizhu's sour eyes before he set off.

Without further ado, since all aspects have been prepared, let's set off next.

"Lord Xiao, and Second Miss Dongfang, please enter this portal hand in hand, so that you can be located easily."

All right!Although it feels a bit inappropriate, but this is also for work!
"What, you want me to pull my brother-in-law's hand in front of my sister, what kind of broken rules are you, huh!"

Obviously, compared to the coy Xiao Chen, Dongfang Qinlan looked even more unnatural, until Dongfang Huaizhu nodded silently, the girl reluctantly stretched out her left hand.

"Both of you, please hurry up, our time travel is about to start. I am here to wish Mr. Xiao every success. As long as we can successfully bring Ying Zheng back, we are already halfway to success."

I have to admit that the old man Jiang Ziya is a very good speaker. Although it was a thrilling time and space journey, he said it was as easy as traveling at home.

"Then I will leave everything to Jiang Taigong. After all the problems are solved this time, the burden on all of us can be lifted!"

Taking a last look at all Shenhou's subordinates, Xiao Chen turned his head and stepped into the door of time and space in front of him, followed by Dongfang Qinlan.

"Smelly brother-in-law, why are you holding it so tightly? Lightly, it's like a vice!"

"Little girl, I'm not afraid of you flying out! Follow me closely, and naturally I will do whatever I want when I get there."

It was a golden light that was completely invisible to the naked eye, and its flying speed had exceeded the speed of light by several times.According to the theory of physicist Hawking back then, only when the speed reaches an extreme can it be possible to escape the constraints of time and space and reach another unimaginable world.

Originally, according to the image on the altar, at this moment, Xiao Chen was walking in the predetermined direction with Dongfang Qinlan, and the road was unimpeded. According to this situation, it would take less than a stick of incense to travel successfully, and the side of the altar It can also have timely image transmission back.

As for the Heavenly Court System, it went there with Xiao Chen.On the one hand, this system itself follows Xiao Chen himself, on the other hand, with the support of the Heavenly Court system, it will be more convenient for Xiao Chen to recruit subordinates in another world.After all, Qin Shihuang Yingzheng is also a person who has experienced the world. If you don't show some attitude, people won't go with you at all.

"No, what is that?"

Just when everyone thought everything was safe, Jiang Ziya, who was operating in front of the altar, suddenly let out a strange cry of shock, which immediately attracted everyone's attention, including Xiao Chen who was advancing.

"What's the situation? What happened to Jiang Taigong, please tell me clearly!"

Although Xiao Chen could keep abreast of the situation here during the journey, after all, there was a long distance and no real-time communication was possible.At this time, Dongfang Huaizhu's shoulders were the heaviest.

When Jiang Ziya noticed that something was wrong with his face, Dongfang Huaizhu, the first lady of the Heavenly Court, immediately stepped forward.

"Ma'am, please look, the place where Master Xiao landed was originally calm, but for some reason, there was another storm here. Madam, did you see it? It's the thing that spins like a tornado. This is the most difficult thing in the universe." The predicted storm seems to have just formed!"

Good job Jiang Ziya, you are using your professional knowledge to deceive laymen!This cosmic storm is obviously hidden outside a meteorite layer, waiting to be released when someone approaches.

Of course, among all the great gods present, except Jiang Ziya, no one has experienced the so-called time travel, so he can only talk nonsense.

"Jiang Taigong, then will my husband be in danger! Is there any way you can help him avoid this catastrophe!"

Although Dongfang Huaizhu didn't know what the storm displayed on the image was, he immediately thought of the safety of Xiao Chen and his sister.Even if those two people have the ability to reach the sky, but in the face of this super cosmic crisis, no one can tell what will happen next?

"Madam, although we can help you fine-tune the route, we may not be able to avoid this storm. And if the route changes during the time travel, no one can imagine the consequences?"

"If you tell you to change it, change it. If something goes wrong, I will be responsible!"

Dongfang Huaizhu is also a decisive character, she will never put her relatives in a dangerous situation.Taking ten thousand steps back, even if this time travel failed, with the power of Xiao Chen and the Heavenly Court System in his hand, it should be more than enough to return to this world.

What's more, now that Dongfang Qinlan is with her, she must not let her sister take risks together!

"Okay, ma'am! I'll act right away, ma'am, don't worry, this storm doesn't seem to have a big impact, Mr. Xiao must be lucky!"

On the surface, Jiang Ziya is also very anxious at the moment, but in fact, this wily guy should be laughing in his heart now!
(End of this chapter)

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