Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 387 This little bald head is a bit fierce

Chapter 387 This little bald head is a bit fierce
"Hey, hey, what do you think of those two brothers? I think it's best to let them try the depth of what you think the Lord of Heaven is. Let's help them complete a great scientific experiment! Monster elite group, attack!"

After being urged by Jiang Ziya, about 10 minutes after our Mr. Xiao Chen brought Dongfang Qinlan to this new world, a pair of dark eyes stared at them, thinking about sending a big gift, welcome These two honored guests came from afar.

But at this time Xiao Chen didn't have time to study these, the most important thing for him at this moment was to listen to the primary report from the Heavenly Court system.

"Dear host, this is indeed not any world we are familiar with. But you can understand this as a parallel universe with an environment similar to that of the earth. As you can see, there are humans living on this planet, but it is a very Endangered species. Because with the progress of the times, there seems to be a creature called weirdo here. I feel that the genes of these guys are somewhat similar to those outside the circle in our world. Ordinary humans are not these terrible creatures at all Opponents. Now in the area I have explored, there are already many cities that have been completely reduced to the ruled areas of weirdos..."

Ok!This is indeed not Xiao Chen's hometown Earth, but a parallel universe with similar customs.It's just that the human beings here have no way to live and work in peace and contentment, because after the appearance of the horrible creature called the weirdo, the human beings have instead become a vulnerable group in this world.

If it weren't for the existence of an organization called the Heroes Association, I am afraid that the human beings on this planet would be reduced to the food and slaves of weirdos.

By analogy, if Xiao Chen had no way to stop the expansion of those creatures outside the circle, maybe the world he was in would become like this sooner or later.

"Master of the system, just go to where did the mutated creatures come from? Do you know where they come from?"

"Host, now we don't have direct evidence to show where these weirdos come from, but according to some clues I have, I can analyze that these guys and the creatures outside the circle in our world are likely to have the same ancestor. You will only find out after a slow investigation in the later stage. Therefore, this system has formulated a side task for you, which is to investigate the weirdo association in this world!"

Well, this wasn't Xiao Chen's target space in the first place, so the task given by the system was actually optional, and he hadn't done a system task for a long time since his battle position was stabilized.But this time the system rewards were not brought up at the same time, so it must not be too important.

But idleness is idleness, if there are really traces of creatures outside the circle here, it's a good time to exercise your muscles and bones, and by the way, Xiao Chen also wants to see how much Dongfang Qinlan beside you weighs!
At the same time, the plans of those weirdos are about to begin.

It was a pair of brothers, one single violent, the other likes to study science.On this day, the two of them discovered a miraculous potion, which was very stable yesterday, but a powerful mutation occurred today, and the small bottle of green reagent (the king of the upper arm biceps) seemed to contain a catastrophic potion. power of the earth.And these crazy brothers started experimenting on themselves without even thinking about it, and then...

It was a giant with a height of more than 1.7 meters, which completely violated the biological theorem of mass conservation. After an ordinary [-]-meter-long human being was injected with a strange medicine with weird human cell genes, he turned into a tall and heavy giant. Scary monster.

Those tall buildings looked like toys on the ground in the eyes of this strange man, they could be flattened with one foot, and those tiny humans who looked down on their brothers were more like ants now, let them wreak havoc at will!

And all this in front of them is the plane created by the so-called Weird Association, because they know that the Lord of Heaven has reached the outskirts of the city.Don't use this powerful Frankenstein to try the skills of the Lord of Heaven!
"Ah, brother-in-law! What is that tall and strong guy? Is it a monster in this world? It looks so disgusting!"

Both Xiao Chen and Dongfang Qin Lan were startled by this giant who suddenly appeared on the outskirts of the city.Originally, Xiao Chen, the brother-in-law, was inviting his sister-in-law to taste cappuccino from this world in a small roadside shop, but before he tasted it, he encountered such a disappointing thing.

As a girl from ancient times, when she saw this ugly giant in front of her, she vomited out everything she ate just now.However, Xiao Chen faintly felt a sense of crisis. The direction the weirdo was heading seemed to be aimless, but from a straight-line observation angle, this guy seemed to be heading for this cafe. Biology discovered the arrival of Xiao Chen, the lord of the heavens, and gave him a special welcome?

"Qin Lan, wait for me here for a while, this guy should be targeting us, let me get rid of it!"

Although the big man in front of him looked a little scary, but his real fighting power might not be that great, Xiao Chen was the Lord of Heaven.Although he is not a god in this world, he still doesn't hesitate to deal with an opponent of this level. At most, he can solve it with a snap of his fingers!

It's just that what Xiao Chen wants to figure out now is, what's up with the Weird Association that the Heavenly Court system mentioned before?Maybe this stupid big guy in front of him knows something!

However, in order to prevent this guy from causing more damage, and to prevent Dongfang Qinlan from getting his eyes dirty, the battle must not take place near the cafe!

But when Xiao Chen approached that big guy step by step, he suddenly felt an unusually powerful aura, which stood between him and that weirdo.

"Oh? Interesting, is this kid here to stop this big guy?"

It was a human being wearing a very old khaki tights and a white cloak, with an obvious bald head on his head, and the pupils in both eyes were empty, giving people a dull and silly feeling.

Could it be, could this be the human hero that Celestial System mentioned before?Is it the kind of savior of mankind who specifically fights against weirdos in the report?It seems that dealing with the weirdos on this planet is the job of these heroes!

In a sense, Xiao Chen seemed to be hindering his work!

Forget it, let's see what this little bald man is capable of. We are not people in this world, so it's better not to interfere.

Seeing all this in front of him, Xiao Chen stopped his progress, then found a big tree to lean against, and watched the confrontation between these two guys with great interest.


Obviously, after being blocked by the little bald head wearing a cloak, the weirdo and the brother on his shoulder were very annoyed, and directly launched a fierce attack on the little bald head.

However, this little bald head who doesn't look very good seems to be quite capable. Not only is his body quite flexible, but he also knows how to use his brain when fighting. He actually seduced that huge weirdo and slapped his brother on his shoulder. turned into dust...

"Ah, ah, you, you..."

After killing his own relatives by mistake, this giant monster went mad immediately, seized an opportunity to hit the little bald head in front of him with a huge fist, and then punched the little bald man in a row, knocking the kid down. A large circular pit with a diameter of more than 150 meters was created in the area.

has it ended?

Originally Xiao Chen thought it was finally his turn to make a move, but before he came out from the shade of the tree, he felt that powerful aura again. He looked at the huge weirdo in front of him with his empty eyes.

"It's so boring, I thought I met some enemy that you should deal with? Is that all you have, it's like you haven't eaten breakfast!"

what's the situation?After suffering such a heavy blow, this little bald head can still be so calm. I'm afraid this is no longer the category of ordinary humans?

(End of this chapter)

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