Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 389 Transforming People and Mosquito Girls

Chapter 389 Transforming People and Mosquito Girls

"Oh, then! Let's meet later, Saitama-san!"

Although the atmosphere at the scene was extremely embarrassing, everyone met by chance after all, and he was unwilling to compete with you face to face, so Xiao Chen might not necessarily just drag him in to join his team!
So our lord of the heaven showed a kind of gentle and elegant demeanor, but Dongfang Qinlan didn't seem to think so, but tilted her cute little head and looked at the two fake polite guys in front of her.

In a sense, this little bald guy named Saitama is also a guy with a weird temper and a little slow reaction, and it feels like a kid who doesn't know much about the world!

In today's words, the two big men in front of me belong to the type of steel straight man, and they must have strength, but I really don't want to talk about the worldly sophistication...

"Okay, I really hope to meet you again, Mr. Xiao Chen! By the way, my family lives in the no-man's land in front, mainly because the rent there is cheap."

All right!This guy named Saitama has a weird personality, and his life seems to be quite tight.The Heavenly Court system in the area where he lived had already been explored before. Because there are often weird people in that place, all the normal human neighbors have all moved away, so it should be regarded as a no-man's land.

But ever since this daring little bald man with a high degree of art lived in, wrecks of strange people often appeared in the surrounding streets. This kid can be regarded as killing harm for the people.

"Brother-in-law, do you hear me? They seem to be inviting you to come over as a guest! But the front looks very desolate, maybe there isn't even a supermarket! I still like big hotels that are busy."

Well, although they have come to a new world, Xiao Chen and Dongfang Qin Lan don't need to worry about their own food and shelter at all. With such a powerful system in hand, what kind of foreign planet's currency can't be imitated?

Of course, in order not to make it too conspicuous, Xiao Chen didn't imitate a large number of currencies from this other world, as long as there was enough to eat and use.Anyway, Dongfang Qinlan now feels like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Courtyard. She seems to be shopping here and there, but in fact most of them are useless gadgets, similar to a bumpkin who just entered the city.

"We have just come to this world, and we just met this Mr. Saitama just today. If you make a fuss about it, it would be inappropriate, why not find a place to live temporarily, and let you have fun in this new world. !"

As the saying goes, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, and although monsters have the upper hand in the world in front of you, there is definitely hope for a super master like Saitama.

"Okay, I didn't expect my brother-in-law to be quite coquettish! I thought you were just an idiot at first, it seems that I have to re-examine you! But according to my experience, the more this kind of rhetoric makes girls happy Guy, the more fickle you are, I will keep an eye on you all the time!"

Well, Dongfang Qinlan, our brother-in-law has arranged for you so well, why do you still have such deep suspicions?
Alas, no wonder the ancient sages said that women and villains are difficult to raise. This is not unreasonable.

But fortunately, this Dongfang Qinlan is also a little girl with a temper that she forgets after saying it, so once she puts something delicious into her mouth, and something fun is stuffed into her hand, it will quickly change the previous few days. things are forgotten.

And just when Xiao Chen thought that everything had returned to calm, another strange attack occurred in the place called Z City where they were.

"Dear citizens, please pay attention to citizens. Recently, a large number of blood-sucking mosquitoes have been found in the edge forests of our city. These guys are all acting in groups. Unlike ordinary mosquitoes, once the target is found, these mosquitoes are terrifying. The mosquitoes will swarm up until they suck up all the body fluids of the sufferer. So far, there have been many human and animal casualties, for everyone's safety, please stay at home as much as possible!"

All right!It seems that the organization called the Weird Association quickly thought of a new method after the first tentative attack failed.

It's just that what Xiao Chen didn't understand was why these guys didn't go out in person, wouldn't it be better to just let a few masters from the association launch an active attack?

"Hey, what kind of world is this? Why are the monsters here more weird than the last? First came a big monster with no use, and now a group of mosquitoes appeared. No wonder your Heavenly Court system said that there is no monster in this world. The human beings are at the bottom of the food chain, if those monsters join hands, I am afraid that the human beings in this world will be destroyed, right?"

Don't look at Dongfang Qinlan's appearance of having nothing to do with herself, but a deep sympathy can also be heard from her tone.Although this is a world that has absolutely nothing to do with them, and their initial destination was not this place, but at this moment, Dongfang Qinlan is a little bit irresistible, wishing to immediately help the people here to tide over the difficulties.

This is a kind of chivalry, and there is no distinction of race.

"Hehe, I don't know if the second lady of our Dongfang family is afraid of mosquitoes? Maybe we can do something small for this city, what do you think?"

Xiao Chen naturally also saw what his little sister-in-law was thinking, and naturally encouraged her to take action, after all, it was the purpose of heaven to eliminate the strong and help the weak.And Xiao Chen believed that as long as they put on a stance here, they would definitely have unexpected gains.

"Hmph, smelly brother-in-law, are you trying to provoke me on purpose? Do you think I really want to fight mosquitoes? I just think that the human beings in this world are too pitiful, so I just want to help. Misunderstanding!"

As soon as Dongfang Qinlan finished speaking, she immediately jumped out of the hotel window. You must know that this place is 20 stories high!

But fortunately, the news on the TV asked everyone to close the doors and windows tightly and not to look around, so no one could see Dongfang Qinlan's move except for a few sparrows flying in the sky.


The next moment, a heroic figure appeared in Xiao Chen's field of vision.This is Dongfang Qin Lan in flight, and the magic weapon she uses is Bai Qiuen's magic brush.

As a high-level magic weapon, flying with its owner is the minimum function of this magic pen.Although everyone in the heavenly court has a fixed way to soar into the sky, we have to admit that Dongfang Qinlan's current posture is very handsome.

"Boom, whoop!"

But before Dongfang Qinlan arrived at the scene of the incident, a huge explosion suddenly occurred in the direction of about nine o'clock in front of her. The spring sparks mixed with a strong burnt smell immediately made Dongfang Qin Lan became nervous.

"What, why did someone take the lead again? It's so messy that I can't see clearly."

Dongfang Qinlan's petty temper was obviously sent to Xiao Chen who was nearby.How could the lord of heaven let her go alone?So not long after Qin Lan jumped out of the window in the east, our lord of the heavenly court cast the air dance technique and chased after him.

"Qin Lan, you are no longer a mortal. As a celestial being, you can have the perspective of a god. Of course, this requires a switch in your habits. You can try to meditate on the celestial perspective in your heart."

All right!Although Dongfang Qinlan is no longer a mortal, her behavior and way of thinking are old-fashioned, which is caused by her lack of actual combat experience.However, according to Dongfang Huaizhu's love for his sister, even if there is any battle scene in the future, she will probably avoid it. However, in this way, it would be a waste of Dongfang Qinlan's effort.

"So that's how it is! Let me have a try! So there are so many benefits to the people of the day! Hey, I really saw it clearly!"

Following Xiao Chen's guidance, Dongfang Qin Lan quickly mastered the doorway.

It was a cyborg who looked like a human but was indeed made up of machine parts. He had golden hair and a handsome face. He was a man of justice at a glance!

However, the monster that was opposed to the handsome reformer, to be precise, was a female monster, but it was not so good-looking. It seemed to be a strange person composed of a group of mosquitoes.

(End of this chapter)

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