Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 396 Destroying the House of Evolvers

Chapter 396 Destroying the House of Evolvers

"Who are you? Do you know that this is the private territory of our Evolution House, it's not in compliance with the rules for your Excellency to barge in like this!"

While our One Punch Man Saitama teacher was still asking for directions with the swollen gorilla, the House of the Evolved had already been broken into by someone in advance, and this person was the Heavenly Court from a foreign land. Lord!
"What's the situation? Are all the staff here have multiple births? Why are they all the same height and face shape? Could it be, could it be that I broke into a world of clones? Well, no matter what, I have to Let me tell you why I am here, today I am here to eliminate harm for the people!"

In fact, Xiao Chen has always suspected that the guys from the Weird Association are behind this evolutionary family, otherwise it would be impossible to create that kind of weirdo like an outsider creature with the scientific level of human beings.It's just that everything now is this guy's personal speculation, and no actual evidence can be found.

After all, human beings in this world are already on the verge of extinction. If human scientists are still on the side of their opponents at this time, it will only accelerate the extinction of this species.

As far as Xiao Chen is concerned, although he can be proud that he has nothing to do with himself, but facing such a tragedy in a parallel world on Earth, how can he, as the Lord of Heaven, stay out of it?

It's just that the host of this Evolution House seems to be a bit radical. After entering their main base, apart from seeing a group of little monsters who couldn't help but change, the most common thing is this group of clones who look exactly the same.

According to the information obtained before the foot, this should be the young state of their doctor!It's just that if he can produce hundreds of identical himself, how big is this guy's brain?If this was placed on the earth in Xiao Chen's hometown, this kind of behavior would have been condemned by the whole world long ago, right?
"Is your Excellency deceiving too much? We don't seem to have any grudges with you!"

Despite the use of unknown technological weapons and the cooperation of some powerful monsters, these garbage from the House of Evolution can't even touch our Lord Xiao's clothes. Except for those clones, all monsters approach him Within ten steps, it will automatically turn into a cloud of mist, no matter how strong the vitality is, there is no chance of resurrection.

"What does it mean to have no resentment and no enmity? Did you create that woman who looks like a mosquito? Do you know how many innocent people that guy has killed? And these little monsters you created are probably all reckless Right? Do you think I will let you off today?"

Although the terrain inside this Evolution House building is very complicated, with Xiao Chen's strength, it can be razed to the ground in an instant.But in this way, they will not be able to find their secret laboratory, and they will have no way of knowing how these ugly monsters in front of them were produced?

Although some people say that these weirdos are all standard deeds combining humans and various strange creatures, is this really the case?As the saying goes, hearing is believing, seeing is believing, if he hadn't seen the transformation process himself, Xiao Chen would not have believed those hearsay.

"You, you hateful intruder, don't regret it. We, our evolutionary family, are guarded by dragon-level powerhouses. If you dare to take another step forward, don't regret what you did before oh!"

This is really a ridiculous thing, a clone with a bruised nose and a swollen face is actually holding a pencil sharpener, using this little thing to point Xiao Chen in the face and tell him not to move forward, this is really a thing What a ridiculous thing.

"Hehe, what can you do to me? I say you should find a mirror to see yourself!"

Xiao Chen was not frightened, even if the group of clones in front of him refused to lead the way, with the powerful exploration ability of the Heavenly Court system, he could still roughly find the direction.Anyway, as long as there is no human breath, it is almost the habitat of those weirdos. If you turn around from house to house, you must be right.

And after being attacked by such an unidentified strong man, the House of Evolved had no choice but to use its trump card.It was a guy named Asura Unicorn, who looked like a combination of a large beetle and a muscular man from the outside.

Although it looks a bit clumsy, but since it can reach No. 1 in the entire family of evolutionists in terms of strength, this Asura unicorn must have its own unique killer.However, it may be because this guy is too dangerous and difficult to control, so this guy has been kept in a unique room, and his limbs are locked with special chains.

"Hahaha, Dr. Genos, you finally thought of me, right? Did you encounter some unsolvable trouble? I heard a thick explosion here!"

Seeing the swaying white coat in front of him, a schadenfreude smile appeared on the ugly face of Ashura Unicorn Immortal.He doesn't care if the guy in front of him is a real person or a clone, as long as he can release it to fight, anyone can come.

"You guy, our home of the evolutionary was attacked by a very strong guy! But the beast king and the gorilla were sent out to perform tasks, so I had to come to you, but you don't want it unless it is a last resort." With that trick, our small broken building can't stand tossing..."

Obviously, Dr. Genos came to find Asura Unicorn this time because he wanted him to deal with Xiao Chen!But because of the previous performance of the big bug in front of him, he felt a little bit cautious, and he was quite entangled.

"You idiot doctor, what's the use of that kitten and that monkey? I can clean them up with one hand, please release me quickly, I promise to keep your laboratory! "


"Hey, I seem to be looking in the wrong direction again!"

Just when the master and the servant were still entangled with each other, a big hole was punched in the wall of this room suddenly, it was our lord of the heaven who followed the evil spirit to find this place.

"Hahaha, is this the intruder? It saves me the trouble of finding him now! Let your arrogance stop here, and let me, Asura Unicorn, finish you here!"

Seeing that the target person was just an ordinary human being, the big bug eccentric burst out laughing, and rushed towards Xiao Chen at a speed too fast to blink. With a big fist, the target is the opponent's head.

I don't know why, when Asura Unicorn was more than five meters away from the target person, its body seemed to hit an invisible wall, and its head was almost flattened all of a sudden.


"Is this the monster you made again? It seems that apart from the mosquito girl before, all the things you made are uglier than the other, especially this bug is not like a bug, and humans are not like humans. It's so ugly, isn't it? Lower limit!"

Xiao Chen didn't care if the Asura Unicorn in front of him was the number one weirdo in this family of evolutionaries, anyway, there was an aura about this guy that made him feel deeply disgusted.

So without waiting for the other party's reaction, our lord of the heaven raised his hand casually, and a small qigong popped up in midair, and then flew straight towards the ugly guy in front of him.

"This, this energy fluctuation is..."

It may be related to the sixth sense, or it may be intimidated by the aura of the other party. When Ashura Unicorn Immortal saw this small ball flying towards him, he immediately spread his wings on the back and moved towards the opposite direction. direction to flee.

The problem seems that the speed of the two is too far apart, right?That is, in less than a second, this so-called number one weirdo was overtaken.


"Ah, no! How is it possible? How could this thing melt my body so easily! No, I still have a stronger form that I haven't shown yet. I don't want, I don't want to be eliminated like this... "

All right!It seems that this Asura Unicorn Immortal should have other tricks, but he has no chance to use it...

(End of this chapter)

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