Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 410 Don't Fall On My Site

Chapter 410 Don't Fall On My Site

"Teacher? You, why are you here?"

As if seeing something incredible, Genos stared at the familiar figure in front of him with wide eyes.That's a meteorite. If you don't think about running for your life at a time like this, what are you doing here?

"Old man, I'll leave this kid in your care. I'm going to deal with the immediate crisis!"

Saitama glanced at the two guys in front of him, and there was a hint of determination in his eyes, changing from the previous confused expression.It seems that this incident also exceeded the expectations of the little bald man. If the thing from the sky were to fall, the city he lived in would be ruined!
"Who are you? What is your relationship with this kid?"

Seeing the little bald head with a dignified expression in front of him, there was a trace of doubt in the eyes with silver fangs, but more of a surprise.This guy is obviously a super expert, and he can't even see through him, who is ranked in the top three of the Heroes Association.It's just what is the relationship between this kid and Genos on the ground, why is he called a master and apprentice?

"I, I am a hero, my name is Saitama!"

Well, this does not mean that there is no introduction.Now that the little bald head ranks so low, it's probably normal that Banggu doesn't know him.

But it seems that now is not the time to talk about these things, the key is to solve the problems in front of us.Although the power of the handsome guy who changed people before slowed down the falling speed of the meteorite, but this is a temporary solution, not the root cause, and it will still fall down and destroy the city in a short time.

This is something that our little bald man absolutely does not allow to happen, here is his rented house, his favorite supermarket, and people he hates, so in the eyes of this little bald man, this city is his territory, anyone No outside force has the right to interfere.

"Young man, don't try to be brave! Even our S-level heroes can't deal with that thing, you alone..."


Just when our silver fangs wanted to persuade this little bald man not to take the risk, we saw that this guy had already taken off, with such strength that he almost trampled the building down.

Well, our Saitama teacher's style of doing things is like this, he never cares about other people's opinions, as long as it is what he thinks is right, he will do it.

However, the strength displayed by the bald man at this moment also shocked the silver fangs on the ground. Even a rough estimate of the momentum generated by this guy jumping up is definitely no less powerful than an intercontinental missile.

How can there be such a human being in this world?This seems too outrageous!
However, even more outrageous things are yet to come!
"You are not allowed to fall into the small town where I live, this is my territory, destroy it for me!"

Following the bald man's loud roar, he, an unattractive looking human, actually clenched his fist and smashed towards the huge meteorite in the sky!

Are you kidding me, hitting meteorites with human fists?And it's a hot meteorite, do you know how many degrees there are?Not to mention people, even an airplane would probably be vaporized immediately!

But the imagined tragedy didn't seem to happen. Not only was the little bald head fine, but the guy's fist passed through the huge meteorite in full view, and directly disintegrated it in mid-air.

This, what a powerful force this is!Think about it, the weight of the meteorite plus the acceleration generated when it falls from the universe, this is not what the human body can bear!But this bald man named Saitama did it, and it seemed to be easy to handle.

But the next thing is not so easy. Although the meteorite has been crushed in mid-air, its fragments and the aftermath of the shock wave have not weakened in the slightest, and it directly turned into countless fragments and spread out in all directions. !
That power, that destructive effect, is simply like the baptism of a meteor shower, even worse than the bombarded scene!

Although the extent of this loss is much smaller than the destruction of the entire city, it also makes at least one-third of the town seem to be affected to varying degrees, and many people have lost their homes!

"Um, what, what's in this kid's body?"

Silver Fang couldn't believe his eyes, what he saw today made him think he had seen a miracle!Aged, apart from miracles, is there anything else that can describe what happened just now?

"Clap clap clap!"

However, the fly in the ointment is that when Saitama's body landed, those terrible meteorite fragments also scattered and slammed into the fragile buildings on the ground, quickly turning the small town where it landed A piece of ruins in a sea of ​​fire!
"Clap clap clap!"

Well, maybe this little bald head doesn't know it yet. When his figure appeared next to Genos and Metal Knight, the Heroes Association automatically regarded him as one of the participants in the rescue of the meteorite crisis, but the main credit It still belongs to our little guy who transforms himself and the metal knight who uses a robot as a stand-in.But even so, our little bald head's ranking in the Heroes Association has soared from 343rd in C-level to 5th in C-level.

This improvement is probably beyond anyone's imagination.

But everything has its two sides, good and bad.

Just when the little bald man was a little complacent about having improved his ranking so much, some unfavorable rumors began to spread in the streets and alleys of the city.

"You know, that bald head is the main culprit that caused everyone to be homeless!"

"Yes, I saw that kid smash the big rock and take all the credit for those two S-class heroes!"

"Yes, those fragments wouldn't fall off if they were handed over to Metal Knight and another reformer. It's this bald head who killed us!"

"Well, it's this kid who, for the sake of his own fame, actually doesn't take the safety of our lives and property seriously!"

Human beings are such strange creatures. Those who blame Saitama don’t think about it carefully. If this little bald head did not smash the meteorite, not only the whole city would be wiped out, but even the lives of most of the people present would be wiped out. If they can't keep it, what right do they have to blame the savior in front of them?
But the one who seized the opportunity first was actually a kid that our Saitama teacher offended before. Remember that guy named Tiger Vest?Since the last time this guy tried to wrong our little bald head, he failed and became a stepping stone for others. He has been worried about this matter, and now he and his brother are ridiculing and slandering our Saitama teacher.

These two brothers even wanted to use the power of the crowd to create momentum, let Saitama eliminate the hero's ranking, and just pack up and leave!
This sinister intention is really quite infuriating!
For all that happened in front of him, Silver Fang, the third ranked S-level hero, actually saw all of it, but he also felt worthless for the little bald man in front of him, so he didn't take any action to stop it!
It is precisely because no one came out to say a fair word, so the tiger vest brothers became more and more unscrupulous.

"Did you see it? Did you find out? This guy had a change just now, don't you want to kill all those who tell the truth, you hateful guy!"

Well, these people intend to describe Saitama as a super villain, and then the two brothers can appear as messengers of justice and gain both fame and fortune.

"Brother, let's stop talking nonsense with him, go straight up and knock this annoying bald man to the ground, let him know what the power of justice is!"

Well, after such a big circle, the two brothers are finally going to reveal their true colors.Perhaps in their eyes, the little bald man in front of him has no power to resist at all because of his inner self-blame and the pressure from the people around him. The two brothers can do whatever they want.

This kind of scheming is really not something that anyone can use. It's just that such a method appears on the hero and is used against his own people. It's really embarrassing.

(End of this chapter)

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