Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 412 Layout of the Weird Association

Chapter 412 Layout of the Weird Association
"Hey, what did you guys do? Why is the fire on that guy named Xiao Chen still so strong, with no sign of it going out?"

This was Jiang Ziya's voice, his tone was angry, and he was obviously here to ask the teacher for a crime.During this period of time, these guys from the Weird Association are almost standing still, always creating some innocuous friction. Do you think you can kill the Lord of Heaven with those cats and dogs?
"Jiang Taigong, originally we thought we could quickly get rid of the guy you mentioned. But I don't know why we always feel weird recently. The masters we send out always disappear inexplicably. Did the Lord come with a large army? Otherwise, how could those strong weirdos be defeated so easily? For example, Asura from the Evolved House, this guy’s strength is already on par with the heroes in our association, But I didn't see the news that the person surnamed Xiao made a move, and the Evolved House was completely wiped out, so I want to ask Mr. Jiang if there is anything you didn't tell us!"

Obviously, these guys from the Weird Association are shirking their responsibilities. Do they think that by funding an Evolutionary Association, they will be able to contain the Lord of Heaven?This is obviously a typical manifestation of not working hard. Anyway, Jiang Taigong is far away from the emperor, so he can't control this.

"Damn guy, didn't you understand my order? I asked you to do it yourself or let your left and right hands do it for you, but what about you? Tell me what you need to do before you are willing to complete the task, my patience But there is a limit, if you can't complete such a simple task, this world can change its owner!"

Well, it seems that Jiang Ziya is in a hurry.It may be that Dongfang Huaizhu and the others pressed too hard, and if they continue to hide things like this, sooner or later they won't be able to contain the fire.Now Jiuchongtian has been completely wiped out, and the remaining few guys can't form a fighting force, so if things go wrong, Jiang Ziya will become the target of public criticism, even if he has all-powerful abilities, he can't reverse the defeat.

So this old thief is in a hurry, wishing he could kill the Lord of Heaven immediately, so that the army outside the circle can be released immediately, and Dongfang Huaizhu can still deal with it by then.

"Please Jiang Taigong give us some more time, we have a human organization called the Heroes' Association here, which is quite annoying! I think your Lord of Heaven seems to have secretly united with these guys, so we must first get rid of this human organization. Only after the organization is eliminated can we free up our hands to deal with the Lord of the Heavenly Court. Elder Jiang, please be patient and calm, we will be able to launch a full-scale attack immediately, and maybe we will kill these two stumbling blocks together!"

Ok!Now that Jiang Ziya has already talked about this, it is impossible for these guys from the Weird Association to continue to take it lightly, right?If this old man is really pushed into a hurry, he will really find a replacement, and then it will be miserable!

It's just that these weirdos don't know that in their home world, there is a super uncontrollable force that is slowly becoming stronger. Even if there is no Lord of Heaven, the hero named Saitama will let them know what terror is. the power of!

However, after receiving Jiang Ziya's ultimatum, these guys from the Weird Association really got serious.

"You guys, give me three ways to contact those guys and tell them that as long as anyone can suppress the Heroes Association, we can give them this land and all the creatures on it!"

All right!How could this weirdo association issue such an order?You know, the three powerful forces they are going to notify now, one is the Ocean One, the other is the Ancient King, and the other is the Sky King.These three powerful forces are all trying to attack the human world all the time, but they have never succeeded since the distant ancient times.

In fact, this is just a layout of the Weird Association.Compared with the miscellaneous fish in the House of Evolvers, the powerful monsters that these three forces can send out can definitely suppress the Heroes Association, at least most of their fighters.


"What? Are you weirdo associations really willing to give us the fat in your mouth? Hahaha, it seems that it's time for our deep-sea clan to land! Don't worry, we are all weirdos. When we occupy the land I will definitely share your share of the pie!"

The first ones to act are those weird people on the bottom of the sea. They are a group of guys who call themselves the deep sea people. Their appearance is a bit like the shrimp soldiers and crab generals in fairy tales, as well as the octopus leader. Under the leadership of a big monster called the King of the Deep Sea , this group of simple-minded guys with well-developed limbs left their hometown and headed for the land of J City!

It was originally a very beautiful seaport city, and the well-developed tourism resources made the beach over there a resort for countless handsome men and women.

And on this day, a beauty who was basking in the sun by the beach suddenly noticed that there seemed to be many huge black shadows appearing in the sea in front of her!

"Ah, help! Yes, yes..."

These strange people from the depths of the ocean, their aesthetic concept is not the same as that of human beings, so they don’t feel any pity. The creatures that walk on two legs on land are delicacy in their eyes. Only eat one.

For a moment, that ocean city became the scariest place in a hundred miles, and the Heroes Association quickly issued a tiger-level warning, which is an early warning of a major disaster!
"Notify all the high-level heroes around to rush over to support quickly, and let those low-level heroes not lean over, they will not be opponents!"

Compared with those weirdos who don't have any tactics, the human hero association is still very good, at least it is much higher in dispatching troops.

Although these weirdos came very suddenly, they didn't expect the people from the Hero Association to come sooner. It was an A-level hero named Stinger, and he brought a group of capable friends to quickly control the situation. .

Those octopuses and crabs, although they are numerous, are far from the A-level heroes of the Heroes Association in terms of absolute strength. It took almost half a day to kill all these shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

And because the situation is more urgent, the Hero Association raised the level of this disaster from tiger to dragon, and the guy named Stinger seems to be the ultimate beneficiary of this incident, at least from the current situation.

"Hehe, you weirdos, thank you for giving me experience, I never thought that they have already upgraded the situation here to dragon level, and my poisonous stinger is the first hero who single-handedly solved a dragon-level disaster. I will definitely surpass that hypocritical little boy of Masked Sweetheart and directly become an S-class hero!"

All right!This young man named Stinger is really courageous, but what he didn't expect at all was that the group of shrimp soldiers, crab generals and octopus balls in front of him could not be the opponent of the weird leader named Deep Sea King.


It was a huge figure that was so fast that the shadow could not be seen at all. Before the heavily injured stinger had time to defend, the abdomen was hit hard, and the consciousness of the whole person was completely lost in less than half a second.

It was a huge monster with a green body and sharp fangs growing from its mouth.This guy is also the mastermind of this attack, the legendary king of the deep sea.

According to the description of the king of the deep sea: the ocean is the biological mother of this planet, and most of the creatures on the earth are born from the ocean.Therefore, as the king of the ocean, he should also be able to control all land creatures, which is in line with the laws of nature.

"You small human hero, you should be able to knock down these miscellaneous fish under my hand. But my goal is to destroy your entire hero association and all humans on this land, so I have no Time to play with you, you just accept your fate!"

Glancing at the hero named Stinger in his hands without mercy, the Deep Sea King threw him aside with a look of disdain.

(End of this chapter)

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