Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 414 This weird guy is a bit cute

Chapter 414 This weird guy is a bit cute

of course!Even if Saitama and Genos can come here in time, the first level they have to pass is the densely packed sea soldiers.Although these shrimp soldiers and crab generals who just crawled out of the sea cannot be opponents of S-level heroes at all, there is no problem blocking their advance time!

After all, as long as the King of the Deep Sea is given a little chance, he can kill all the people in the refuge, leaving no one behind!

Even if we have a little bald head here, we can deal with monsters with one punch, but now there are 1000 if not 800 of the monsters around the shelter. It may take at least half an hour to clean them up based on the two heroes!

By that time, the day lilies are cold!

However, don't think that only the Heroes' Association will pay attention to the scene before you.Our nosy Heavenly Court Lord Xiao Chen and his sister-in-law Dongfang Qin Lan have already been suspended in mid-air.

"Brother-in-law, what should I do? Are you going to let me, a brave and beautiful girl, go out now?"

Originally, Dongfang Qinlan really wanted to go down to help, but this would violate their principle of not interfering in human affairs easily. Although this is not their original world, the rules are the rules, even if they go to any corner of the universe, Be strict with yourself!
"Hehe, I also know that you are kind, but some things are as they should be. At most, we can only give them some guidance, but we can't cover them all. Do you understand what I mean?"

After seeing the scene in front of him, Xiao Chen's heart was not touched.After all, they are all fresh lives, but the question is that the two of them are outsiders in the first place, so is it really okay to blindly interfere with the affairs of this planet?

The universe naturally has its own laws of operation. Although the influence of external forces can play a role, it may also cause everything to deviate from the original track. This is a result that everyone cannot bear.

"Qin Lan, do you still remember that weird guy we met a few days ago? It's the kid who would attack his own kind. What do you think of that guy?"

Although it is inappropriate to personally intervene in these people's idle affairs, it does not mean that Xiao Chen will ignore it. In fact, the Lord of Heaven has already thought of a way to deal with it.

It was a cute-looking weirdo with fluff all over its body. It was accidentally discovered by Dongfang Qin Lan and Xiao Chen when they were traveling around the world a few days ago.

It stands to reason that all the weirdos in this world have a temper opposite to human beings in their bones, and they will involuntarily regard human beings as their enemies.

But that newly discovered little monster is uncharacteristically, becoming the patron saint of human beings on one of their small islands, and even confronting those weird people who crawled out of the sea.

It's just that all the residents on the small island moved out later, and the furry guy lost his job.It wasn't until Dongfang Qinlan and the others passed by here and witnessed the scene of the strange man fighting with other sea monsters that they learned about it.

Originally, Xiao Chen wanted to summon this guy into the heavenly court as a guardian animal if there was a brief communication, but this furry guy expressed that he was not willing for the time being, because he still wanted to protect the human beings in this world.Unless the lord of the heaven in front of him can promise him to eradicate all the influence of the Weird Association in this world, maybe his opinion will be considered.

Although this cute weirdo didn't agree to join the Heavenly Court immediately, but if he was asked to protect the human race, this guy would immediately agree.

"Brother-in-law, you want to talk about that guy, right? Why did I forget that little monster in such a hurry, your heavenly system seems to support the function of local area transmission! Hurry up and send that furry guy over here, Before the little bald head and the reformer rush over, help them clean up all these trash fish!"

After Xiao Chen's reminder, Dongfang Qin Lan also came to his senses.It may be difficult for that slow-running little monster to deal with the King of the Deep Sea in the refuge, but if he is asked to clean up the circle of shrimp soldiers and crab generals outside, it will be more than enough. After all, he often Do it!

Since Dongfang Qinlan thinks it's okay, why hesitate?Quickly open the portal and let people come over!

Under Dongfang Qinlan's urging, a rapidly rotating purple space door appeared on the little monster's island, and the side of the door happened to be at the place where the deep sea clan was densest.

"Meng Qi!"

It was a very cute sound, like the happy cry of a five or six-year-old child, and then a little monster with blue and purple hair growing all over its body, about two meters tall, came out of the door.Compared to these giant ocean beasts that are usually three meters and four meters in front of him, this boy named Meng Qi is really a small man!
I don't know if it's because of curiosity, or because I smelled the weird smell of the sea on the other side of the door. Anyway, as soon as Meng Qi stepped out of the portal, he rushed towards the weird people of the deep sea family in front of him.

And those deep-sea monsters who had been circling around the base of human survivors were also frightened by this little man who suddenly appeared.

"Hey, hey, where are you a weirdo? Are you from land?"

"Hehe, this kid is so stupid, did he come to join us from the Deep Sea Clan? I didn't expect us to be so famous!"

"What we want is that kind of powerful weirdo. This kid is as fluffy as a ball. Does he have fighting power?"

Obviously, perhaps blinded by that guy's strange appearance, these deep-sea monsters in front of them all regarded this new Mengqi as a weirdo who came to join them, not to hunt them down.


But our cute weirdo didn't intend to waste time with this group of opponents, so he directly used a Qi gathering skill to form a bubble-like shield on his body.This trick is called Dream Haunting, which not only protects oneself from damage, but also causes a large range of damage to surrounding enemies at the moment the shield is formed, and reduces their movement speed by 50%.

Because those weirdos didn't take this kid seriously from the beginning, the few shrimp soldiers and crab generals who were closest to him had already lost their arms and legs before they got close to each other.

"What? This little man turned out to be an enemy, everyone pay attention, remind everyone to pay attention!"

After seeing the tragic end of the previous brothers, the remaining deep sea warriors became vigilant.This is not a joke. Just when they thought they had controlled the audience, why did they suddenly kill Cheng Yaojin?

But why do weirdos also attack weirdos?Could it be that these local weirdos on land, the group of shrimp soldiers and crabs crawling out of the bottom of the sea, will forcibly occupy their own territory?
"Meng Qi!"

Unlike ordinary weirdos, our furry Mr. Mengqi seems to only speak their own language, and he can understand human words, but he can't speak them.

However, not being able to understand human language does not mean that this guy will become a little slow to start. In fact, after protecting his body, this Mengqi immediately activated his dream swaying skills, leaving the aftermath of the nightmare on the ground , once again carried out a wide range of damage to the enemies on the side.

It may be that the density of this generation of deep-sea monsters is too high, so every attack of Mengqi can buy a large number of enemies, that is, in less than 2 minutes, the ground is already full of various oceans It is roughly estimated that at least 300 deep-sea monsters of various levels have been killed inexplicably.

In addition, this guy named Mengqi is quite magical in casting spells. He can actually create something similar to a dream effect, which can put the enemy in a state of intoxication, so more than half of the enemies killed by him They all fell down with smiles on their faces. Maybe these guys had a good dream before the hiccups, and it wasn't too painful...

(End of this chapter)

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