Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 416 The Kind-hearted Genos

Chapter 416 The Kind-hearted Genos
"Hehe, I seem to have seen the reformed person you mentioned. This guy will be able to appear above the shelter in at most 2 minutes. But our little Meng Qi didn't fight enough and fought with this guy again gone?"

Now that the protagonists have already appeared, shouldn't Xiao Chen and the talkative second lady of the Dongfang family retreat for a while?There is also Meng Qi on the ground who is already addicted to fighting. Although he can no longer cast magic, if he really fights one-on-one, he might be able to tear down our handsome guy who has transformed himself.

"Yes, yes, send Mengqi back to its small island! The flames set by that little robot are quite powerful. If it burns its beautiful fur, I will return it, huh!"

Ok!The aesthetic concept of these girls is really hard to understand, do they only look at the outside?Although Dongfang Huaizhu may not be so superficial, but her younger sister is really difficult to serve!

"Okay, as you wish!"

At first, I thought that Mengqi, who had become addicted to fighting the deep sea clan, would not want to go back, but when he saw the familiar scene behind the portal, he immediately rushed forward with strange screams and cheers.And the moment this chubby little weirdo stepped into the portal with his front foot, Genos had already flown over the sky with his back foot.

"Huh? There seemed to be a strong strange reaction just now, why did it disappear all of a sudden? Could it be that my equipment has gone wrong? Forget it, leave him alone, just hurry over and save him!"

In fact, Genos still found Mengqi's breath.Before that, he had already received the distress signal from the heroes in the refuge, so he couldn't care so much.

According to the information sent earlier, there should be a very strong leader of the deep sea clan who is now showing off his might to the human survivors, and he must be stopped before this guy does not cause more damage!
However, in fact, everyone was wrong. During the period when Genos rushed over, the deep sea king could completely wipe out all the creatures in the human survivor base, but he did not do so.

The reason is not that this guy is arrogant, but that the guy Meng Qi made too much noise before.

As the boss of the deep sea clan, how could this deep sea king not know that his younger brothers were beaten to the ground one by one outside?But the problem is, as the boss of the deep sea clan, the king of the deep sea might not necessarily rush to a duel with that unknown weirdo!If so, how much face will be lost?
So the Deep Sea King has been guarding the gate of the shelter, waiting for Meng Qi to break in.It's a pity that what the King of the Deep Sea waited for was not the opponent who killed all his little brothers, but a handsome reformed guy who fell from the sky with a broken ceiling.

"Oh? Are you the savior of these people? I didn't expect that your Hero Association is really like annoying flies, one after another comes!"

All right!The opponent who wanted to wait did not come, but met a robot instead.At this moment, the Deep Sea King was both helpless and angry.

But for Genos, he didn't know what happened here before, so he didn't have any interest in the thoughts of the deep sea king in front of him.

"You guy, it's best to go back where you came from, and destroy our city like this, you have to pay the price!"

As an S-class hero with a strong sense of justice, when our handsome reformed man saw the mess in front of him, he opened fire without saying a word, and gave a few deep sea kings a big blow with lightning speed. mouth.


Cooperating with the fierce flame attack and hitting the opponent's cheek with a punch, Genos knocked the opponent out of the human shelter in one fell swoop, and broke a large circular hole in the wall.

And those human beings who were terrified didn't seem to have fully recovered from their fear at the beginning, and they all stared at the big hole in front of them dumbfounded.

It wasn't until more than ten seconds later that the faces of these people showed ecstatic expressions!

I was saved, I was really saved, I didn't expect that such a strong reformer would come suddenly, and he would take down that big monster in one fell swoop. This is the difference between an S-level hero and an ordinary hero!
"Hero, you are really our hero, thank you!"

"We are saved, we are saved, and the heroes of mankind are the most powerful!"

Ok!Human beings are such emotional animals, either great joy or great sorrow, there is really no sense of disobedience!
However, Genos, who has already turned into a modified person, doesn't seem to be very interested in this.After using the induction system on his body to check the surrounding situation, he still seemed a little worried.

"Are there any other weirdos around here? Have you seen anything more powerful than that guy just now?"

All right!It seems that our reformed handsome guy is really dedicated. People around him celebrated around him. This guy seems to be still investigating possible dangers. This is really a commendable character.

Like those happy humans, Dongfang Qinlan seemed to be relieved after seeing this scene.

"Hahaha, look, brother-in-law! Is my previous prediction accurate? As long as I help get rid of all the little miscellaneous fish in front, the King of the Deep Sea can be easily handled by just handing over to this little robot. I really can't do it Why does this guy with such little strength still say that he wants to rule the land? His head is rusted!"

Obviously, from Dongfang Qinlan's point of view, the two heavenly beings who secretly protect everyone can retreat quietly now.

But Xiao Chen on the side didn't seem to think so, he was smiling and looking at everything in front of him from the beginning to the end.

"Oh? Do you really think that everything is over like this? Isn't it too simple? That guy is the king of the deep sea! Besides, isn't it still drizzling outside the shelter? Don't you Have you forgotten what happened to this Deep Sea King before?"

That seems to be some kind of innate skill, as long as they can touch a lot of water, these weird people who crawled out of the deep sea can be resurrected with full blood.The big guy has already performed once before, and this Genos seems to be too careless.



It was a huge black shadow, rushing up from Janos' blind spot with unparalleled strength.

It was the King of the Deep Sea. After being touched by the rain, the wound on this guy's face healed instantly, and his strength also increased a lot.Although he was revived again with full blood, the pain of the deep sea king's beating before was deeply engraved in his heart, so he would never let it go if he didn't dismantle the reformed man in front of him.

"What, you, ah!"


Since it was the blind spot of his own sight, and it was also the blind spot of defense, so this time Genos was unavoidable, and he was directly thrown upside down by a strong force, and one of his left arms was also ripped off.

Fortunately, at this moment, Genos has been completely transformed into a robot, and his limbs are all made of high-quality metal, so even if one is ripped off, it is impossible to cause too serious damage, at least 80% of the combat power is still there. exist.

"Hehe, you are really a stubborn human hero! But can you really save everyone in here? Hahaha! Cough!"

I don't know what the deep sea king's plan was. He even spit out a mouthful of green mucus, but the direction of the attack was not the fallen Genos, but a panicked mother and daughter.

That green liquid is highly corrosive at first glance and can melt any organic matter. What is this guy trying to do?
"No, run away quickly, ah!"



Everything happened between lightning and flint, even the mother and daughter didn't see clearly what was going on?It's just that after waiting for a long time, the painful thing didn't seem to happen to them, so the mother and daughter opened their eyes in fear, only to see a solid arm blocking their mother and daughter, helping them block the pain. That cloud of green, highly corrosive liquid.

That's Genos, that kind-hearted little handsome guy...

(End of this chapter)

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