Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 421 Trembling Tornado

Chapter 421 Trembling Tornado

"Did you say that? Human girl!"

Maybe it was a playful mentality of cat and mouse, the ancient king in front of the trembling tornado seemed a little unhurried, and even stretched his huge chin in front of the little girl, which seemed very polite Wait until she finishes calling.

As an ancient strongman, this ancient king can tell the strength of some opponents, just like the little green-haired girl in front of him, this little girl seems to have a very powerful force in her body, at least stronger than ordinary people. Human beings are many times more powerful.

"Hmph! Is your chin used to scare people? Do you think I'm here to tell you a joke today?"

Obviously, facing the big guy in front of her, the green-haired little girl seemed dismissive. The huge body of the other party seemed to her to be an empty shelf, and it was not vulnerable at all.

"What? You arrogant human girl, do you think you can destroy me with your human power? It's useless, unless it's a meteorite from outside the sky, otherwise there is no power on your earth that can hurt me!"

I don't know if the huge dinosaur in front of me is too confident in its own strength, or if it's a bit out of its mind, it actually told the little human girl in front of him how to destroy herself?
"Hmph, do you mean that as long as you can get a meteorite, you can continue to be sealed away? Are you sure that we humans don't have such power?"

Like the big dinosaur in front of me, as the number two member of the Heroes Association, this girl named Trembling Tornado is quite confident in her own strength.However, although she is a superpower, she has never tried such a thing as summoning a meteorite.

Moreover, if the timing of the summoning is not grasped, it is likely to cause serious damage to the earth, and it may trigger the emergence of the Ice Age. Not everyone can afford this responsibility.

"Tornado, what do you want to do? You don't really want to summon meteorites from the sky, do you! You can't easily try such a dangerous action without the permission of your superiors! Otherwise, the earth will be destroyed It fell!"

Seeing the little green-haired girl making an eager look, the humans who had been directing behind were all panicked.This little green-haired girl is indeed the strongest superpower known on Earth, but if her power is not properly controlled, it may cause more serious injuries. This is definitely a double-edged sword. Use You have to be cautious when you get up.

And now the tornado girl seems to be acting like she wants to get angry with the other party, she must summon a powerful extraterrestrial meteorite, which really scares the headquarters and others.So the supreme commander immediately issued an order to retreat, he could see that this fragile planet had any mistakes.

"You guys just don't trust me like that? I have sensed an asteroid of just the right size, as long as I summon it to this side, I can complete the task. Don't make trouble for me, otherwise it will be regarded as my own. I don't show mercy either!"

All right!It seems that this green-haired lady really intends to ignore it and forcibly use attacks to put the entire planet in great danger!And I don't know what method she used, which actually affected the original trajectory of an asteroid, and forced them to be pulled above the planet they were on.

Just kidding, if such a big guy hits directly, it will definitely not be a problem to eliminate this ancient king, but the various ecological reactions caused by it are absolutely immeasurable, and may even bring about the death of planetary creatures. mass extinction.

Especially extreme tactics in order to destroy a fearsome enemy seemed too much.

Moreover, through the external satellite, the command center on the earth actually detected a super large asteroid with a diameter a little smaller than the moon. If this guy hits it at the fastest speed, I am afraid that the entire hemisphere will not be able to escape it. doomed.

"What! What are you guys worried about? I said that I can control everything. Now I only need a little strength to find this object. It is probably about the size of a basketball court!"

All right!This little girl with green hair must not have learned physics well. When it is running smoothly, you may only need a little traction to push such a planet to change its orbit, but if it hits the earth at a vertical falling speed, At the same time, driven by the gravity of the universe and the gravity of the earth, the power produced is absolutely destructive, and it is irreversible.

To be honest, when those top scientists observed this astronomical phenomenon, they even began to announce the final countdown time of this planet.

"Hurry up and stop that crazy woman! Send me that little comet back to its original orbit, or our civilization of tens of thousands of years will come to an end today..."

"No way, the comet has already determined its orbit. Even if we can calculate its orbit, we don't have that much force to push it back!"

This new huge meteorite is different from the one that was killed by the little bald head before. Even if this thing is smashed, the fragments it emits can destroy the planet, and may even shatter it into pieces.

And the creatures on the planet will become extinct because of this, and the original ecosystem will be completely destroyed...

What are you kidding?This little girl with green hair, do I know what I'm doing?

"Hahaha, is this the teammate brother-in-law you mentioned? She is here to cheat people, right? This stupid woman is not saving mankind, she is clearly destroying the world!"

As the saying goes, you are not afraid of opponents who are like gods, but teammates who are like pigs.It should be referring to the situation in front of you!Until the huge black shadow appeared under the shadow of the sun, the stubborn girl with green hair thought she just summoned a small stone.

And our Oriental Qin Lan is already laughing so hard that she can't straighten up...

"Little girl, don't laugh. Hurry up and go to outer space with me. The only ones who can stop this big rock now are the two of us! If this world will be destroyed in advance, then your little monster and My little bald head is all ruined!"

There is no way, although I have promised to interfere with human affairs as little as possible.But this trembling tornado has made such a big deal, he, the lord of the heaven from outside, doesn't have the right to stand idly by!
No matter which parallel world life is, it has the right to survive.They can't be buried with them all because of a certain person's mistake, at least Xiao Chen thinks that he should stand up at this time.Otherwise, if the big rock falls, no matter whether it is human beings, monsters, or other creatures living on this planet, none of them will be able to escape...

This is a rather dire fact that will be upon us in a few hours if we don't intervene now...

"Brother-in-law, how do you plan to interfere with this matter? Remove all ordinary people on this planet? Then I have to open a back door for my little Mengqi, and you must put him in the first batch of transfer objects." Go on the list, other people don't have to, but you have to give priority to my pet, you promised others, you can't go back on it!"

Well, generally speaking, girls are stingy, especially a lady-like woman like Dongfang Qinlan.

But has our lord of heaven ever said that he wants to transfer all the people on this planet to outer space?Besides, even if Xiao Chen had this means, how would you let him choose a new planet in such a hurry?
"Um, Qin Lan, I don't have the idea you mentioned yet, I mean we want to prevent this meteorite from falling on this planet with this size. Simply put, we need to control the size of this meteorite, you understand Do I mean?"

This is Xiao Chen's real plan, and it is also the first feasible plan so far.Xiao Chen didn't intend to stop this meteorite from falling, but he could control the size of this thing when it fell and the impact it would have on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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