Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 427 Players Behind the Scenes

Chapter 427 Players Behind the Scenes
"No problem, Saitama-sensei, I will definitely help everyone to stop these aliens, but you also have to be careful, if you encounter any difficult problems, just retreat, we can think of other breakthrough methods! "

It seems that our Genos still doesn't know the real power of his master very well!If it wasn't for this guy who looked like an ordinary person, Xiao Chen would have suspected that this little bald head that came out of nowhere was the reincarnation of the original god of this world.

"Don't worry! Mr. Geros, you have to believe in the power of your master. There is a very powerful existence sleeping in his body. In this alien spaceship, except for the master controller, there is no need to worry about other guys at all! Basically a bunch of guys who can handle it!"

Xiao Chen's reminder seemed to be telling Genos, and at first he was also reminding the little bald man next to him who was eager to try, but the latter sounded like he still had a very excited feeling.

"Mr. Xiao, do you mean that there will be a piece of trash that won't be killed by me in a single punch? Great, if there is such a guy, then I have to warm up today! Do you know? No matter how powerful the monsters I met before were killed with a single punch in the end, it was too boring! Except for you, Mr. Xiao, there is really no opponent who can make me show my full strength! I hope that in this Don't disappoint me too much with that guy!"

All right!It seems that our little bald head is really a born hero. He is still enjoying fighting while saving ordinary humans. He is really an interesting kid.

"Hehe, don't just enjoy the battle, you guy. Only by getting rid of the final alien leader quickly can ordinary humans on this planet be saved, including your heroic companions, they can't hold on for long! I I can only do my best to help you, I hope you can understand what I mean!"

This is probably the only thing Xiao Chen can do, but the little bald man in front of him seems to have a hard time understanding his situation. I really don't know if this is called a tacit understanding?
After saying hello to Xiao Chen and his little apprentice, our little bald head quickly jumped into the sky, and landed just outside the previous door without prejudice, then squeezed his fists directly Boom up.


All right!This little bald head is really straightforward!His fist was even more powerful than those human anti-aircraft missiles, blasting out a big hole in that seemingly indestructible alien spaceship at once.

"Dudu, Dudu!"

"Alarm, alert, the outer body of the spacecraft has been traumatized, there are intruders!"

Well, these space pirates are not ordinary alien invaders, they are also a group of experienced masters.Our little bald head was discovered by the other party just after entering the interior of the spaceship.

However, when an ordinary human with a bare head appeared on these alien probes, they did not attract any attention, but sent nearby patrol members to kill this ignorant human.

"You human beings are really funny. You sent a little thing like you here. Are you here to see the way or to die?"

It was an alien who looked a bit like a praying mantis on Earth, but he was still wearing a strange vest, which looked a little different, but added a bit of humor.

"I heard that there is a super expert on your ship. I came to visit him specially. Can you tell me where it is?"

Xiao Chen didn't say clearly what that super alien expert looked like?So our little bald man can only rely on his own fists to make a difference.

The mantis man who doesn't know what to do is naturally impossible to tell Saitama what he wants to know, so the last thing waiting for him is a fist. These so-called space robbers seem to be much more powerful than humans on the ground, but when they meet our A little bald head is still just a matter of fist, there is no difference in essence.

"It seems that you have no way to answer my question, so you have to find the next guy to ask."

Since those aliens didn't take the little bald head who broke in seriously, they only sent a very low-level soldier to deal with it. It wasn't until a long time later that the low-level soldier didn't respond that something was wrong.But on the surveillance screen at this moment, except for a pile of green and yellow liquid mixed together, there is no trace of the mantis man at all. It seems that the bald man is not an ordinary soldier.

"Damn it! Find me that bare-headed human, I'm going to chop him up, and let these humans know the prestige of Lord Poros!"

All right!The real leader of this alien spacecraft is a cosmic being named Poros, who is also a super fighter who has fought many invincibles in the galaxy.I don't know where to find a prophet and told this guy that there is a strong enemy of his on the planet in front of him, so this kid came here in a hurry.

As the so-called masters actually have mutual induction, when our little bald-headed man is destroying everywhere in this alien spaceship, the cosmic man named Poros has already been able to sense some, to some extent This guy seems to have some expectations.

Anyway, these are emotions that ordinary people cannot understand, we collectively call it the loneliness of masters!

On the other side, except for the trembling tornado, most of the S-level heroes are entangled by the alien monster called Meruzagarudo. This guy has five heads and can kill all of them. Fight separately.Although human weapons and attack methods can hurt this monster, within a few seconds, all parts of this guy's body can be reassembled, and then become a new complete body and continue to fight. Quite a heaven-defying skill!

Even if these humans can handle it on the surface, who can withstand the consumption of such a wheel battle?Once the physical strength of some heroes is exhausted, no one will be able to stop this five-headed monster.

How to do?
Don't worry, these ordinary human heroes are not fighting alone. In the sky not far from them, there is a super behind-the-scenes player providing them with support. Of course, except for the little bald head and our transformation The little handsome guy knew the inside story, but the others didn't realize it.

"Host, according to my repeated comparisons, I think we have solved the mystery of the five-headed monster's resurrection. There is an energy bead in this guy's body, which can get the effect of aggregation, but as long as the glass bead is given to If it is broken, then this monster will only have one life left, I believe that as long as those human heroes know this weakness, they will be able to defeat this Meruzagarudo!"

All right!On the surface, it seems that these S-level heroes are fighting the enemy with their own strength, but in fact science and technology are the primary productive forces. Without Xiao Chen's analysis, the superpowers among these few humans would have to wait Let's be exhausted by others!

of course!It's impossible for Xiao Chen to come forward and tell them how powerful this is, but the Heavenly Court system can unconsciously affect the perception of some heroes, such as the kid named Metal Baseball.

Due to its own combat effectiveness, this metal baseball can only fight against a bat-like guy with a monster's head, and this funny alien has not even found out that his secret has been seen by the other party.


"What the hell is this?"

Perhaps out of curiosity, after the metal baseball smashed the alien monster's head again, I suddenly found a shiny golden thing in front of me. From the outside, it looks like a glass marble on the earth. , Even the metal baseball himself couldn't figure out what was going on, so he stretched out his hand unconsciously and pinched the strange glass ball in his hand.

"What? What do you want to do as a human? Give me back this thing, it doesn't belong to you!"

Apparently, the alien had a look of panic for the first time after his life gate was pinched by the human in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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