Chapter 442
"Okay, you all go out and guard, no one is allowed to come in without my order!"

In order to keep the conversation as confidential as possible, Tu Shan Rongrong dismissed her personal guards as soon as she returned to her room, and Goddess Athena also signaled for Angela to go out with her.

Ok!They were the only two women left in the room now.

"Since the third master trusts me so much, then I will not hide anything! Although this is just my guess, I think that Mr. Xiao is very special to you, the third master. Did I give you a special contact information? This is the sensor I told you about, and it is connected to the one I gave to Mr. Xiao before. To be honest, when I gave him that thing back then, I wanted to know his Where is it located? But now that the Lord of Heaven has been missing for so long, perhaps this is the last hope to find him."

After finishing this series of statements, a triangular cone-shaped mechanical object suddenly appeared in the hands of Goddess Athena. blue screen.

"What is this? Is it some kind of mechanism made of metal? Why do I feel that this gadget is a bit similar to the parts we found from that mechanical Nuwa!"

Although Tu Shan Rongrong is very proficient in mechanisms as an amateur, he still has a little understanding of this high-tech exploration device in front of him, so he can only use an analogy to explain everything through what he has seen.

"It's almost something similar. I don't know if there is a separate communication channel between you and the Lord of the Heavenly Court? I mean a channel that is different from the guys he left for the Heavenly Court?"

This is just a guess of the goddess Athena, probably because of women's intuition!But this time the goddess' intuition was very accurate, Tu Shan Rongrong really had such a number, it was specially left for Tu Shan Rongrong by Xiao Chen before leaving, and even her two older sisters didn't know about it.

"So what should I do next?"

Although Goddess Athena had ulterior motives from the beginning, she can't control so much now, as long as she can contact Xiao Chen in this way, Tu Shan Rongrong is willing to cooperate with anything.

"Actually, what you have to do is very simple, that is, connect your dedicated channel to my test instrument, and then call him with your unique voice, maybe he will be in an unknown world because of your missing Hear our call so that we can determine his specific location and situation."

I have to admit that Goddess Athena is really wise, no wonder she has the title of Goddess of Wisdom.Compared to Tu Shan at this moment, Xiao Chen has already wandered into an unknown world, and finding him back is almost as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

"Brother Taoist, where are you?"

"Brother Xiao, do you know Rongrong that I miss you so much! I really have so many things I want to tell you!"

"Please give me an answer!"

Following the prompt of Goddess Athena, Tu Shan Rongrong used her most affectionate voice to convey her thoughts to the other end of the signal.

But I don't know whether the other party didn't receive it, or the two were too far apart. The call lasted for about ten minutes and there was still no response from the other party.


Just when Goddess Athena and Tu Shan Rongrong were about to give up, the blue imager in front of them suddenly had something like a flash of electricity, and then a shaky image of a figure appeared in front of their eyes .

It's Xiao Chen, that's right, this is Xiao Chen's picture, and there seems to be an image of Dongfang Qin Lan beside it.

Got in touch?

Why can't I hear what the other party is saying, and can't see what kind of gestures the other party is making?Tu Shanrong thought about the image of that person day and night, but it just flickered in front of him and then disappeared.

"Goddess Athena, this, this is!"

"Don't be impatient, I think we have already contacted him just now, but the space signal is not very good, what we need now is to capture the origin of the signal just now, maybe after a period of investigation we can know, this man Where is the Lord of Heaven now?"

At this moment, Tu Shan Rongrong was completely panicked, she even wanted to reach out and grab the disappearing blue image in front of her, but how could she make her wish come true?
In comparison, our Goddess Athena was calmer. From the moment the signal disappeared, she had been tapping on the keyboard with her nimble fingers, as if trying to find the source of the signal on the opposite side. I'm afraid this kind of thing won't be successful for a while...

On the other side of the image, our lord of heaven, Xiao Chen, Dongfang Qin Lan was also dumbfounded.

"Hey, brother-in-law, did you see it just now? I'm not dazzled, I just saw your face of Tu Shan Rongrong appear in front of my eyes, but it disappeared after a flash, and the other party didn't say a word!"

Although Dongfang Qinlan was not very familiar with Tu Shan Rongrong, she still recognized the third leader of Tu Shan's fox demon at a glance.

However, because the image just appeared suddenly, and in the form of a flash, Dongfang Qin Lan was not sure if what he saw was a hallucination?
Xiao Chen's words helped dispel the girl's doubts.

"Qin Lan, you are not mistaken, I seem to have seen that image too. Have you noticed that there seems to be a woman next to Tu Shan Rongrong, the one called the goddess Athena? Oh, yes, I'm afraid you don't know her yet Goddess Athena, she used to be one of my opponents, but now she is definitely not our enemy in heaven!"

All right!Originally, Xiao Chen also thought that he missed him too much, so he had hallucinations in front of his eyes.But since Dongfang Qinlan has also seen it, then this is definitely not as simple as a hallucination, right?
"What's the matter? Could it be that someone over there contacted us? But why isn't my sister or other great gods in the heavenly court appearing on the screen? There is also that old man named Jiang Ziya, isn't he our previous contact?"

Dongfang Qinlan seemed to have found the key to the problem, but just when she couldn't figure it out, Xiao Chen beside her suddenly pulled out a boomerang-like thing from his arms, and there was a red light on the top of the thing Twinkle, twinkle.

"This is the spatial positioning mark given to me by Goddess Athena. It said that once it is opened, it can send us back to the original starting point. Since we came to this world, I have checked these things every day, but also For some reason there was no signal the whole time, and now it's flashing red!"

Regarding the abnormal situation that just appeared in front of him, Xiao Chen said that he did not understand at all.Moreover, the signal light of the locator in his hand was only on for a while, and then quickly returned to silence.

Now there is only one explanation that can be explained, that is, Tu Shan Rongrong used the private communication number that Xiao Chen gave her before, and then with the help of the goddess Athena, temporarily locked Xiao Chen's location.

However, since neither party had any preparations for a call, they did not leave any valuable clues to each other other than the surprised eyes, and naturally they could not find each other's location.

But this is also a good sign, at least it shows that Xiao Chen still has a chance to bring Dongfang Qinlan back to the world that originally belonged to them!The previous so-called time-traveling under control turned out to be not a completely controlled space-time, right?

If that Jiang Ziya really has the ability to control everything in his hands, why did something go wrong when our lord of the heaven wanted to cross over?

If you must attribute all this to an accident, although it seems reasonable on the surface, it is not so easy to convince everyone.

Moreover, Tu Shan Rongrong's expression seemed to have a trace of anxiety just now, which made Xiao Chen's nerves tense all of a sudden.Since they are now in an unknown area, how can the time be distinguished in these two completely different worlds?
This is also a major problem that must be solved!
(End of this chapter)

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