Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 445 Locating Another World

Chapter 445 Locating Another World
"Mrs. Huaizhu, the two masters of Tushan, let's wait until a safe place to talk about some things! After all, we have found the traces of these black foxes, safety first!"

Goddess Athena is more cautious. Although it is now on the territory of the Tushan fox demon, traces of these black foxes can still be found here, which means that these guys must have mastered a very good invisibility technique. A suspected imprint of Jiang Ziya was also found. Although this matter has not been confirmed, it must not be underestimated.

Who can guarantee that there is no other old man's eyeliner around here?If these enemies find out that the purpose of Tu Shan's invitation of Dongfang Huaizhu is to welcome Xiao Chen back, who knows what crazy behavior they will do next?
"Goddess Athena reminded me, let's go to the secret room. Please hand over these three black foxes to the silver fox guards, and treat them as ordinary spies. Don't let others see what we found. imprint."

This was Tu Shan Rongrong's suggestion. If that Jiang Ziya really did everything, then even Tu Shan might not be monolithic now, but I don't know when these guys began to infiltrate here?

"Okay! It seems that I have been very negligent during this time, and I have delegated power to that old guy. When that guy comes back, he will definitely scold me to death!"

With the facts in front of his eyes, Dongfang Huaizhu couldn't help feeling annoyed.But this can't be blamed on Mrs. Tianting. Standing in her current position because she is not grounded, it is normal for her to be deceived by others.

It's just that everyone never expected that Jiang Taigong, who was admired by everyone, would reveal one thing clearly and another behind his back.

However, Dongfang Huaizhu will not act lightly without conclusive evidence. After all, this old guy's prestige lies here, and he must be wary of this being a scheming scheme by the enemy at any time.

In short, the most urgent task now is to get in touch with Xiao Chen over there as soon as possible, and everything will be decided after the Lord of Heaven returns!Moreover, the gods of the heavens can only be restrained after he, the real master, returns. As for Cao Cao and Sun Ce, they are just a group of small characters, and they can't make any waves at all.

And if it can be confirmed in the end that Jiang Ziya is the person behind all this, then this guy is the one who can really do it.

"This is the instrument we use to contact Mr. Xiao. This is a terminal. There should be a receiving end on his side. As long as we can adjust the frequency to a certain extent, we may be able to contact him. And after the last I believe that they are also actively looking for our signal, as long as our operating frequencies are consistent, we may be able to match the signal again!"

All right!For the use of this high-tech instrument, everyone present is not as good as the goddess Athena, but everyone is well aware of the basic principles.As long as the two parties continue to increase the number of connections, the probability of their success will increase.

"Okay! Then let the three of you start! I will also keep an eye on this place, as soon as the other party makes a move, we will contact him immediately. I think the best way to convey information is to tell us what we want to say. Write down all the words and show them to him when the time comes, what do you think?"

What Dongfang Huaizhu said was based on the immaturity of the previous communication. If the connection time this time is still so short, and the two parties still have not activated the voice function, then.The method of writing should be the most convenient, and thanks to Dongfang Huaizhu being so clever, he considered all the things that the sisters hadn't thought of.

"Madam is still thoughtful. Without further ado, let's start to act right away! Get in touch sooner, and you can find Big Brother Xiao sooner!"

Tu Shan Rongrong seemed to be very anxious. On the surface, she should be the calmest one, but in fact, Tu Shan Rongrong was already very anxious at this moment.


"Smelly brother-in-law, don't pay attention to that little bald head of yours. This guy didn't know what he did wrong these two days? He actually ran over to participate in the martial arts competition pretending to be the apprentice of Silver Fang, and even made a fake headgear You should hurry up and get in touch with my sister, even if you get in touch with your little fox demon, we have been in this world for several months, and I miss my sister already!"

Just like the situation with Tushan Fox Demon, Xiao Chen and Dongfang Qin Lan didn't do anything these days, they just took the connection equipment sent by the goddess Athena and flew around the world, hoping to find a signal Good place, communicate with that side again.

Although there were only appearances of Tu Shan Rongrong and Goddess Athena before, but with just a glimpse, Xiao Chen saw something inappropriate.Needless to say, the goddess Athena is still so radiant, and still so heroic; but Tu Shan's appearance is obviously different, not to mention that she has grown taller, and even her figure seems to have become more It is different from before, this is definitely not a change that can only be produced in a few months, it will take several years to grow.

What does this mean?There must be a time offset between these two different worlds, and it's not even 01:30.

If Xiao Chen's conjecture is correct, then the problem is really big.If you only leave for a few months, maybe the various changes in that world will not be obvious, but if it is a few years or even ten years, maybe something will happen.

And let Dongfang Huaizhu stand there alone for more than ten years, how difficult it must be for a woman!

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen's heart was suddenly filled with all kinds of regret and self-blame.It may be that the life in this world is too comfortable, he rarely actively contacted Dongfang Huaizhu and the others, but passively waited for them to contact him. This is really a big mistake ah!

When our lord of the heavenly court kept blaming himself, the communication device on his body made a sound all of a sudden.

After hearing this movement, Dongfang Qin Lan also jumped up all of a sudden.

"There is a signal, there is a signal! How do you open it? Quickly open it! Hurry up, why are you so slow?"

"Wait a minute, this is just a preliminary signal, the key information hasn't jumped out yet, please keep your voice down, if you encounter any abnormal situation again, I'm afraid the last bit of hope will be shattered!"

Although he couldn't figure out the true function of the high-tech weapon in his hand, Xiao Chen also traveled from the earth in the 21st century, at least he could understand some technological knowledge better than these ordinary people!
The reason why he led Dongfang Qinlan around was actually looking for a suitable signal source, just like they used to use mobile phones, some places had a particularly strong signal, and some places could not hear anything.

Fortunately, there are places with good signals in this other world, which also helped Dongfang Huaizhu and the others successfully locate Xiao Chen's point.

Soon, the red dot stabilized, and a large blue image appeared before everyone's eyes again.

"Sister, is it really you, sister? I miss you already, 555!"

Seeing the familiar image in front of him, Dongfang Qinlan cried out like a child, and even opened his hands to rush over, but fortunately he was grabbed by Xiao Chen next to him.

"What do you want to do, little girl? The signal here is very weak. If you interrupt me, I don't know when I will get back in touch!"

All right!At this time, Xiao Chen's nerves were more tense than ever, so he quickly took out a large piece of text written with video, and wanted to show it to the other party.

Facts have proved that the couple really have a good understanding!Xiao Chen is also following the idea that Dongfang Huaizhu came up with, but sometimes it may be superfluous.

"Qin Lan, is it really you? And husband, can you hear my voice?"

Ok!This time it turned out to be a link to the audio version.

(End of this chapter)

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