Chapter 458 The True God
Just when the Wandering Emperor was extremely proud, his body floated uncontrollably, and the buildings around him seemed to float gently like goose feathers.

This is how the same thing?

"It seems that there is a big bug hiding here! Where did that wooden-headed guy go? Don't tell me, he has already been killed by you!"

Of course, this is not a normal phenomenon, this is the super power displayed by the trembling tornado.This woman successfully broke through the outermost layer of defense, and now she just arrived in front of the Wandering Emperor.

Although the monster at the peak of the dragon level in front of him is very powerful in combat, he is extremely weak in front of human superpowers, like a weak chicken with no ability to resist, he was easily picked up by others.

"You hateful human being, let me go, and fight me face to face if you have the ability!"

This seems to be the line uttered by the hero in front. I didn't expect it to be copied by the Wandering Emperor so soon. This is called one thing subdues one thing, right?

"Hmph, do you think I'm going to fight with you, a sloppy uncle? I don't have time to waste with you, you just need to tell me how is that fellow from the Hero Association? Maybe I can still Reduce some of your pain!"

Judging from the current situation, the human hero who met this wandering emperor before must have burped.

"Don't talk too much to this guy, you can just go ahead and open the way! That brush head can't be killed so easily!"

That was Xiao Chen's voice. For some reason, he was very interested in the power in the Wandering Emperor's body, so he asked the trembling Tornado to show mercy and handed over the Wandering Emperor to him.

"No problem, I also hate dealing with such sloppy guys. It's better to deal with uncles like you. I'd better go inside and see what other mice are there!"

With the trembling tornado clearing the way, the human heroes behind can easily avoid those secret passages and traps. The brush head before was obviously eager to do meritorious service, so it ended up being smashed to pieces!
"Hehe, I'll leave everything to you. Remember to take care of Qin Lan!"

"Smelly brother-in-law, you'd better take care of yourself, I'm not as curious as you, I won't let any of the weirdos here, right, Mengqi!"


Ok!Originally, depression didn't intend to let Dongfang Qinlan in, but who can stop this little girl from being stubborn?
But with King, Mengqi, and this trembling tornado watching over him, what could happen?Furthermore, Dongfang Qinlan is a powerful celestial being, even if there is no help from the people next to him, it is no problem to sweep everything in front of him by himself.

"What do you guys want from me?"

Although the trembling tornado put the Wandering Emperor down, this guy didn't dare to move in front of Xiao Chen, because he felt that this guy was more terrifying than the woman in front.

"Hehe, don't pretend, you are safe now, you can go to the front to find the big troops!"

Our lord of heaven didn't pay attention to the Wandering Emperor, but shouted a few words towards a cloud of dust behind him.

"Hoo hoo, rustle!"

As if he had received some instructions, the dust actually formed a small whirlwind on the spot without the wind blowing. Those small particles began to dance and entangled with each other, slowly forming a human head.

Isn't this the zombie man who was annihilated in the ashes in front of him?It turned out that this guy hadn't been killed. He pretended to wait until the enemy retreated, and then slowly regain his human form. No wonder this kid dared to break into the core part of the Monster Association alone. His powerful regenerative ability is probably beyond the reach of those monsters. Bar!

"My lord, may I ask who you are?"

"Don't worry about who I am, I'm here with those guys anyway, you just need to remember this. If you feel strenuous, you can also go outside for a rest, Venerable Vest and Genos The situation outside has been brought under control, and it is relatively safe.”

All right!Hearing what Xiao Chen said, the guy in front of him didn't have any doubts.It is enough to be sure that the adult in front of you is on your side, knowing too much is not good.

Perhaps because he felt that his strength was insufficient, the kid followed Xiao Chen's instructions and withdrew from the battle.

"Okay, there are only two of us left now. Tell me, where is the guy who gave you power now? When this guy gave you power, did he let you protect human beings or become a weirdo? Don't be sloppy with me, I To hear the truth."

Xiao Chen didn't have the time to talk nonsense with this guy in front of him, and it was just a matter of seconds to kill him.But this guy clearly has the power fluctuations of heaven and man, and the way he gets power is similar to that of King.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I got this kind of power because I hate the human society. Although the god who gave me the power didn't say which camp I want to join, isn't it obvious?"

It seems that this wandering emperor is determined to fight against human beings, and this guy must not be left behind.This guy also gave an important message, that is, the original gods in this world don't seem to be very friendly to humans. Perhaps this is the reason why the weirdos are getting stronger and stronger.

"Okay, I already understand what's going on. Thank you for the information you provided. From now on, you should just be an ordinary beggar. I think your current attire is too rustic, it is simply polluting the vision! "

Xiao Chen didn't intend to fight the Wandering Emperor at all, but he seemed to want to try a new way to deal with this opponent.


This is a powerful suction force, emanating from Xiao Chen's left palm, just like the operation when giving King the power before, at this moment our lord of the heavens has done a completely reverse operation, and will give the power Stance changed to Retract Power.

Although the Heavenly Man and Xiao Chen created by the Wandering Emperor are completely different, the original power of the Heavenly Man is the same, and the other party has not added any codes, so the strength in the Wandering Emperor's body The powerful force is easily drawn out.

"Heavenly system, please search for this power for me to see who released it? If it is not a known celestial being, then help me keep it well. I think we will meet one day. To this guy!"

Well, things seem to be getting interesting.The master of this power should have been a guardian of human beings, at least ordinary celestial beings would not be able to oppose human beings.But judging from the current situation, that guy obviously did something contrary to his responsibility. Although he is not under the jurisdiction of the heaven, everyone can punish this guy.

"What's going on? Where did my power go? Why, why does my body..."

The moment the power in his body was emptied, Wandering Emperor's height, which was close to five meters, began to shrink continuously, and the power that had gathered on his body disappeared all of a sudden, just in the blink of an eye, this guy Just recovered from a monster at the peak of the dragon level to the appearance of a human beggar.

"Hehe, no matter what the purpose of the guy who gave you power is? In short, the power of heaven and man is used to protect world peace, and a guy like you must not be abused!"

Looking at the confused Wandering Emperor in front of him, there was no pity in Xiao Chen's eyes. This guy has done countless bad things since he became a weirdo. Even the other weak members of the Weird People's Association have been bullied by him. It's time for him to pay his debts.

No matter what status this guy had before, when those eccentrics who were bullied by this guy know that this wandering emperor has become an ordinary person, they should know what to do next, right?

"No, you can't do this, you can't do this, please don't do this to me! I, I know I'm wrong, I'll change it, can't I change it?"

It wasn't until this time that the Wandering Emperor suddenly realized that compared to the sneaky guy back then, the man who appeared in front of him was the real god.

(End of this chapter)

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