Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 461 Phoenix Nirvana

Chapter 461 Phoenix Nirvana
"Damn guy, get out of the way, when my companions rush over, they will definitely wipe you out!"

Hearing the phoenix man's yelling, the child emperor on the ground seemed to be even more frightened.I saw this kid warning the strange bird in the sky, and at the same time fired a series of black smoke bombs from the back of his combat robot in an attempt to interfere with the opponent's sight.

But this phoenix man is a weirdo!Ordinary human weapons can't reach his current flying height at all, and even if the sky in front of him turns into a black mist, this guy can still lock his prey through thermal induction.

"Hahaha, scream in pain! The more scared you are, the more excited I am!"

Things have developed to this point, our phoenix man has 100% believed that the kid on the ground is a soft-legged shrimp, now he only needs to find a suitable time, and then use a beautiful dive to take away this S A super hero, this is a great achievement!

But what this phoenix man doesn't know is that Tong Di has completely locked this guy's every move at this moment.But because the distance between the two sides is still a bit far, and this guy does seem to be very flexible in the high altitude, so he didn't rush to launch an attack.

In a sense, this ten-year-old human boy is fishing now, but that stupid phoenix man thought he was a hunter!

"Boom boom boom!"

This is another row of black smoke bombs, which instantly dyed the sky between Tong Di and Phoenix Man black, but since the effect of the old smoke bombs has gradually faded away, and the new smoke bombs have not fully deployed, so There is also a vague gap in the middle, which allows the sharp-eyed Phoenix man to see the movement track of the "prey" on the ground.

Now is the time to attack!
The phoenix man knew in his heart that such things as fighter planes were fleeting, if he couldn't grasp them immediately, maybe this little human boy would run into his companion's camp, and it would be very difficult to deal with at that time.

So the phoenix man launched a dive, and before the effects of the smoke bombs in front of him were completely closed, the boy successfully broke through layers of obstacles, reducing the absolute distance between himself and Tong Di to 30 meters, and this number is still there. continuous rapid shortening.

"Hey! You've been fooled!"

what's the situation?Why did this panicked little human boy still laugh, and turned his head to look directly into the Phoenix Man's eyes.

what's the situation?
"Whoosh whoosh!"

"Boom boom boom!"

"Ah, you, ah~"

Before Phoenix Man could react, everything was over.It turned out that when the phoenix man broke through the smoke bomb, the opponent had already launched the missile.

This condensed weapon is not very conspicuous at first glance, it just looks like a few small black stones.But after people fly into the air, within a few milliseconds, they will become one after another high-explosive surface-to-air missiles, the ones with infrared targeting.

And in such a short distance, no matter how fast the Phoenix Man reacted, he couldn't switch from the dive state to the escape state all at once, so it was only natural to be hit straight.

In addition, the phoenix man's own defense ability is only scum, so the missiles fired by Tongdi were blown to pieces without accident...

"This is how the same thing?"

"Anyone? Anyone see how it happened?"

"Was it the little human boy who killed the phoenix man? How is this possible? We just saw this kid running away..."

Everything that happened before was too sudden, and with the cover of black smoke bombs, those weird people in the distance couldn't see what was going on at all, and there were only a few colorful bird feathers left in the sky.

Although this phoenix man can't be considered a very powerful weirdo, his flexible mobility is obvious to all, and this kid can generate a powerful whirlwind within a small distance in a short time, which is enough to resist any human high-explosive missiles attack.

But the problem is that the aura of this phoenix man has indeed disappeared now, and the air is filled with the smell of various gunpowder. Unexpectedly, this human child emperor is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. hero.

"You kid did a good job, it seems that I don't need to play anymore!"

This is a congratulations from Metal Knight. The prototype of this guy is rare to see. It is said that he is a strange doctor who specializes in mechs. The reformer master of Genos may know him, but most of the new members of the Heroes Association do not. I have seen the true face of this guy.

"Tch, I really don't understand what you old guy is doing? You have clearly developed a weapon that can destroy the monster's lair in one fell swoop, why don't you use it this time?"

In fact, many of the weapons used by our child emperor are based on the Metal Knight system. If the old man hadn't been so eccentric, how could he let this assistant rank above him?

"What do you know, kid? What I'm researching now is something that a kid like you can't understand. Do you remember the prophecy that the fortune-teller said? Compared to the big guy who can destroy the entire world, these little weirdos are nothing." what happened?"

All right!It seems that this metal knight thinks farther, and the issues he considers may be things that humans are far from thinking of now!

However, from the Boros at the beginning to the current Monster Association, it seems that the highest level of disaster is the dragon level!As long as these guys from the Association of Heroes are around, it doesn't seem like there will be any global catastrophe.

That is to say, if the prophet's words are accurate, then the real powerful enemy is far from coming.

"Hmph, whatever you want! I have time to talk to you. There are still a lot of weirdos in this place. It's definitely not enough to rely on Tornado and the others to clean them up. I'm going to go deep into the lair to help!"

After eliminating Phoenix Man, Tong Di was not complacent, because in this guy's eyes, what he encountered now was just some scum, and he had never encountered any real dragon-level monsters, which shows that the current Tong Di has not yet reached the inner circle of the enemy.


"Boy, did you just decide to leave like this? I was beaten so badly by you just now, I almost died!"

Just when this handsome little boy was about to leave, a familiar voice suddenly came out from the loudspeaker of his battle robot, it was the previous phoenix boy.

At the same time, a powerful thermal energy reaction appeared about ten meters away from Emperor Tong. It seemed to be a fire tornado spinning in place, and the voice of the Phoenix man came from this fire tornado.

"What's the situation? I remember that you were blown into powder just now. Can you be reborn just by relying on those few bird feathers?"

There will always be some unbelievable traits in these strange people. It seems that our child emperor was unlucky and let him bump into one.

"Hahaha, I really need to thank you a lot for this. If I hadn't been beaten into scum by you, I'm afraid I wouldn't know that I have such a strong strength. I am a phoenix, a legendary beast that can Nirvana!"

In fact, there is still a big difference between the phoenix man and the real phoenix. Although what he is doing now is a bit like a fairy tale, in fact, what really works is the wandering emperor gene left in this guy's body.

Although the chance of such a thing happening is quite low, this phoenix man is lucky today.Just after his body was crushed into powder, the recessive gene of the Wandering Emperor was inadvertently activated, so the Phoenix man's body began to reorganize continuously, and a powerful force was produced in the process of the fusion of the two genes The output mutation caused this guy to transform directly from a scumbag to a dragon-level super monster after his resurrection.

"Hehe, it seems that I was lucky today, and I was able to collect such a mutant variety. There are quite a lot of secrets in these strange people!"

(End of this chapter)

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