Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 465 2 times the world king fist

Chapter 465 Twenty Times Realm King Fist
"Hehe, so you, Teletubbies, must think I'm a soft-legged shrimp?"

Maybe because he felt that the other party was a little angry, Xiao Chen put away the smile on his face, and tried to answer the other party's question with a serious look.

However, it may be the problem with this guy's orientation. No matter what expression he puts on, the black gold opposite feels that the human being in front of him is humiliating him, which arouses his anger even more.

"Hehe, I tried my best to control my strength just now. I could have wiped out this hungry wolf within three moves, but I couldn't do it. Do you understand the feeling of desperately suppressing my strength? , What a shameful thing that is! It seems that I can relax for a while, and I will use all my strength when dealing with you, no matter whether your guy is really a soft-legged shrimp? Human, You should be honored, you are the first guy to see the full power of my Lord Hei Jin, let me use you as a sandbag to practice my fists!"

Well, it has been a long time since anyone dared to say such presumptuous words to our lord of heaven. Even if this black gold is one of the best masters in the Weird Association, he is not qualified.

"When you say that, I seem to have some ideas. I remember that I promised that little bald man to have a chance to continue to fight one-on-one with him, but this kid's combat effectiveness has improved too fast during this period of time. Well, I'm afraid I can't hold him down with ten times the Realm King Fist, but I haven't used the Realm King Fist that is more than 20 times the size, and I might make a fool of myself if I hug my feet. What you said just now reminded me Well, it happens that I am also short of a partner, as the saying goes, it is better to hit the sun than to choose the day, so I will choose you!"

All right!This is really a funny thing!Hei Jin and Xiao Chen both wanted to treat each other as sandbags for sparring, but in the end, who was the real sparring partner would only be known after the fight.

"Since this is the case, let's stop talking nonsense, let's see whose fist is harder!"

Hei Jin didn't take it seriously when he heard the words of the Lord of Heaven in front of him.In his impression, human beings are a kind of creatures who like to talk big with their eyes closed, and they will close their mouths only when they realize how powerful they really are.

After thinking of this, Hei Jin didn't waste any more words, and directly radiated his own strength.

Like the Wandering Emperor before, the power exerted by this guy called Hei Jin is a rising black energy, but if you look carefully, you will find that this guy's black deed is different from other weirdos, then It seems to be something that looks like little tadpoles one after another. If you look closely, the appearance of those little tadpoles seems to be exactly the same as the black gold in front of you. too big.

"You guy, what kind of trick is this? Is it a clone? Let me guess, did you get killed? You will use these small clones to resurrect, no matter how many times you kill, you will continue to resurrect, because There are too many of these tadpoles, isn’t it?”

All right!Xiao Chen's words can be regarded as quite shocking, he actually saw the real appearance of the opponent's move with just one glance.That's right, the clones owned by this black gold are calculated in trillions, and clones of this order of magnitude basically mean that they will not be wiped out.

Even if this kid can be wiped out once in a second, so many clones can't be defeated even if they fight for thousands of years, this is exactly where this black gold is self-righteous!

"Hehe, I can't see that you are quite knowledgeable as a human being. Although you can see my true side, can you crack this kind of trick? Let me tell you, even if this earth is destroyed, I will As long as one clone can survive, it can continue to recover, in a sense, I am the god in the dark world, and you mortals have no way to defeat me!"

Well, you black gold, your tone of voice is really arrogant!Are you not afraid to flinch when you say such things in front of a real god?

"Hehe, since you guys have already shown up, I feel a little sorry for you for not performing a rougher skill, right? Next, I will show you my Twenty Times Realm King Fist. Now I don't have to worry about not having enough sandbags. Yes, hahaha!"

As soon as Xiao Chen finished speaking, his whole demeanor completely changed.The twenty-fold Realm King Fist does not represent a 20-fold increase in strength, but two to the 20th power. That combat power is simply insane!
Compared with the dark aura released by the black gold in front of him, when Xiao Chen unleashed the Twenty Times Realm King Fist, the huge golden energy almost filled the entire passage.Let alone the battle with real swords and guns, even if you squeeze the lord of heaven with energy, you can completely purify the black gold in front of you with the golden light that you radiate.

No matter how many clones this kid has, and no matter how many times this kid can be resurrected, as long as the lord of the heaven is willing, the huge energy radiating from him can wipe out the opponent thousands of times in a second. All the avatars are killed, it seems that it will not take a few minutes!
What's more, the aura of heaven and man is the nemesis of all the dark auras in this world, but any darkness that has been swept away by this aura, no matter how strong the resurrection ability is, it will not help. In other words, today's black gold is absolutely kicked , met the real nemesis.

"How is it possible? This power in your body, how did this power in your body come from? Why, why my body can't move at all, it's a lie, a lie..."

Not to mention the black gold in front of him, even the big snake hiding in the deepest part of the dark castle felt the sudden majestic energy, and the big piercing eyes beside him were so frightened that his eyes almost went blind.

"My lord, what, what is this terrifying golden energy? Could it be, did the Lord of Heaven really appear? He, he actually disguised himself as an ordinary human and mixed among those S-class heroes of the Hero Association. This, this The style of doing things seems to be too..."

Originally, the master and servant were still trying to figure out who was the real master of heaven?Now, instead of saving things, Mr. Xiao jumped out by himself.

"Da Jiongyan, I order you to confirm the real candidate immediately, and then immediately send the channel we prepared before to him. This energy is completely beyond our ability to contend. This old man is fighting head-on."

Orochi was also secretly grateful for his preparations. He and Da Jiongyan had conspired to send the Lord of Heaven back to deal with Jiang Ziya and his gang.

But now it seems that fortunately their Weird Association has made such preparations, otherwise, if the adult initiates a rush, I am afraid that it will take less than 5 minutes, and the entire Weird Association and its members will be removed from this world forever. What is even more frightening is that judging from the outbreak of this golden energy source, this does not seem to be the strongest state of others.

"Master Orochi, I seem to have discovered the source of this energy. It turns out that the guy who triggered this terrible power turned out to be Hei Jin. How could this idiot offend the Lord of Heaven? Is he desperate? "

Although Da Jiongyan's combat power is not very high, and it can even be said that he is at the bottom of the dragon-level monsters, but this guy's natural investigation ability cannot be compared with any monsters. It only took less than three seconds to complete Xiao Chen's position was confirmed.

"Hehe, isn't this better? First, the unlucky wandering emperor was inexplicably killed, and I guess it was also by the hand of the lord of the heaven. Now, the conceited guy Hei Jin has also hit the muzzle of his gun. The demise must be a certainty. Unexpectedly, my two biggest competitors were killed by the Lord of Heaven, he is really my lucky star!"

Orochi said so.

(End of this chapter)

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