Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 472 Tell Huaizhu the Good News

Chapter 472 Tell Huaizhu the Good News

"This kind of thing sounds really boring, but someone has to do it! Otherwise, who else can these guys count on besides us? Even if we settle all the weirdo associations this time, as long as these guys Plant the seeds of darkness, and there will definitely be new weirdos in the future. At that time, these ordinary humans still have no way to deal with it! And don’t you think that this boy named Hungry Wolf is obviously more diligent than that little bald head A lot, and more sense of mission at the same time!"

It may be because Hungry Wolf was chosen by him, and now Xiao is all eyes on this kid's good points, anyway, Dongfang Qin Lan doesn't think much of it.

"Okay! No matter who you leave in this world to watch the door, it has nothing to do with me. Just now I heard you said that you found the key to go home. Quickly take it out and let me have a look. What is that thing? Son?"

All right!Dongfang Qinlan rushed over anxiously, not to see who you choose as your successor, but to see how to go back!

"Hehe, it means that what we imagined is similar to the real situation. Look at this thing! The monster king Orochi gave it as a condition that we don't participate in this crusade event!"

Knowing that Dongfang Qinlan wouldn't use the scroll in his hand, it didn't matter if I threw it to her for fun.But even if you can't open this thing, this scroll contains a strong sense of hometown, which can't be missed. Dongfang Qinlan felt it immediately.

"How do you use this thing? Open it quickly, brother-in-law!"

"Don't worry, we still need to contact your sister. If I'm not wrong, the final landing point of this scroll should be the place where the creatures outside the circle are most concentrated, so if we want to ensure safety, we must find a way to get that place Empty, you know what I mean?"

Dongfang Qinlan has never been to the world outside the circle, but at least she has heard about it and knows the horror and danger of that place.

"The guys from the Weird Association really have no good intentions. They did it on purpose, or else we would fight with those weirdos, right?"

In fact, the big snake's intentions have long been known to passers-by, but now it seems that this is the only way to go back, even Xiao Chen has no choice.

"Okay! Do you mean to let my sister and the others meet us there? Or are we going to have a decisive battle with those terrifying dark creatures?"

Since this is the only way to go back now, you must be well prepared, and you must not act rashly!

"That's right, that's what I mean too. So the first thing we have to do now is to get in touch with your sister, and we can discuss the best countermeasure, so that we won't be passive when the time comes!"

Although Dongfang Qinlan will say that he is old and stubborn, there are some things that our lord of the heaven must take precautions against.

"Okay! You are right this time, and I will follow your arrangement next! There are tornadoes and your little bald head here, so we shouldn't encounter too many problems. Let's go talk to my sister and the others. Let's discuss it carefully and see how we can be safe!"

To be honest, although she really wanted to go back as soon as possible, Dongfang Qinlan also understood the danger of this trip. In this situation, besides trusting someone, where is there any chance of hesitation?

"In that case, let's get out of here!"


After getting Dongfang Qinlan's approval, Xiao Chen could implement the next steps.The next step is to discuss with Dongfang Huaizhu how to cooperate internally and externally, and give those outsiders a big gift!

In order to save his life, Big Snake is absolutely impossible to disclose Xiao Chen's whereabouts to the other party. That is to say, if he handles it properly this time, it will become a very good surprise attack. All the elites are wiped out!

In fact, unlike her impulsive younger sister, although Dongfang Huaizhu thought this action was very risky, the effect would definitely be obvious, so when Xiao Chen said what he meant, his wife was Be the first to stand up for him.

"We, Tu Shan, don't have any problems. Now that the elder sister is not here, I, Tu Shan Yaya, have full authority to represent everything!"

Ok!It seems that Tu Shan Honghong is really entangled in something now, and she hasn't seen her figure in the three calls before and after, but Tu Shan Yaya and Tu Shan Rongrong can also actively cooperate, which is already very good!

"Qin Lan, you are the only person I am worried about. Your morality and wisdom are far behind those of the immortals in the heavenly court. If you come back, you must not act recklessly. You must listen to your brother-in-law, understand?"

Although we waited for this long-awaited good news, problems followed one after another.There must be a tough battle going on, Xiao Chen is naturally fine, but Dongfang Qin Lan is very dangerous, plus this little girl's unyielding character, she will definitely become the opponent's target.

"No way, sister, don't underestimate others! I have also gained a certain amount of experience in this world, and I have made many friends who are very capable. As long as my brother-in-law is willing, we can bring them all to the Come to this world, and then we can kill all these dark creatures without leaving behind!"

In fact, what Dongfang Qinlan most wants to take away from this world is Meng Qi, and now there is another trembling tornado, as long as this green-haired girlfriend is willing, Dongfang Qinlan will give her the status of a heavenly person even if she jumps in the queue .

And judging from the current situation, the large-scale spell superpower used by this trembling tornado can do a lot of damage to these monsters, and it is harvested in pieces. If she can be taken to the outside world to fight , will definitely get very significant results.

Of course, if you directly join a few other S-level heroes and turn them all into heavenly beings, they will be able to form a very strong combat power, and maybe in turn, they will be able to deal a head-on blow to the creatures outside the circle!

Then, if Heavenly Court launched an internal and external attack, it might be able to severely damage the dark creatures outside the circle!

Due to the nearly 20-year time difference between the two worlds, these out-of-the-circle creatures, especially in the past few years, have been a little ready to move. If they don't make some repairs, sooner or later there will be more guys like the black fox demon Come and make waves in this world.

"No problem, we will mobilize all the heavenly personnel here to cooperate with you to act together. I don't know if there is anything else that needs attention?"

In fact, several years have passed since the last call with Dongfang Huaizhu, and that Jiang Ziya's performance has become more and more prominent over the years, and he has disappeared for a long time.

Although the two sides have not completely torn their faces apart, there are some things that need not be explained clearly, right?

Dongfang Huaizhu had made some preparations over the years, at least she separated all the characters on Jiang Ziya's side, and even interviewed Nezha and Yang Jian, who were closer to each other under Xiao Chen's subordinates, in private. Clarified the true position of the two of them.

Regardless of whether this Jiang Ziya will appear next to the creatures outside the circle, there will definitely be a thrilling battle in the future.

Fortunately, Tianting has also received assistance from various sources, including the 100% support of Tushan Fox Demon, and a group of veteran gods headed by Shili Taolin must also support Tianting.

Perhaps this is also the reason why Jiang Ziya disappeared mysteriously. This scheming guy may also be secretly accumulating strength somewhere.

"I don't have anything special to take care of here. According to the time calculations on your side, it may take 2 to 3 years to get everything on my side ready. I hope you can completely get rid of Jiang Ziya's surveillance. It's really impossible for this The old guy can do it in advance, but try not to use outsiders when doing things, I mean use our direct troops."

No matter what Jiang Ziya's background is, everyone is already a clear card now, and it's time to settle the score with him, right?
As long as Xiao Chen gets rid of all the affairs of the Weird Association, he can start the next thing!

(End of this chapter)

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