Chapter 474

"What? You are that hero hunter, but how did you become what you are now? And the power on your body clearly belongs to the Wandering Emperor. Could it be that you took the power from that guy?"

Da Jiongyan couldn't understand it at all. Although the evil wolf before was very strong, he was still a human being. Ordinary humans couldn't do such things as plundering power. Even the trembling tornado with supernatural powers probably didn't have this ability. Skill it!
What's going on here?
"Hehe, are these processes so important? You two had better discuss who will accompany me in a good fight! Or do you need me to choose my own opponent?"

Hungry Wolf doesn't talk so much nonsense. Now that the power is on him, it belongs to him, regardless of whether he was the wandering emperor before!

"You brazen human being, do you think you can challenge us Lord Orochi with the power of the Wandering Emperor? Don't think too highly of yourself!"

Although his heart was full of fear and confusion, but with the backing of a big snake, Da Jiongyan still didn't take the weird man transformed from a human being in front of him seriously.

"It's not up to you, an ugly bastard, to be able to challenge. Let your boss come out and fight me a few tricks, and you'll know when the time comes?"

Obviously, the target of Hungry Wolf is Orochi, and he will be the first to get rid of the target person before other heroes come to mess things up, so that the whole world will know his reputation as Hungry Wolf!
"You human being who doesn't know what to do, give it to me, ah!"

"Get out of the way! Little meatball!"

Seeing Hungry Wolf speak so boldly, Da Jiongyan seemed to want to step forward to argue, but was kicked away by the other party!
Although this guy can be regarded as a dragon-level weirdo, in the eyes of real experts, this kid is a scum. If this guy didn't have a strong mind and investigative ability, there is probably no place in this world that can accommodate it. This kid!
"Ah, you, you nasty..."

"Little Qiuqiu, if I were you, just shut your mouth at this time and enjoy the duel between masters and masters!"

One of the masters that Hungry Wolf talks about is himself, and the other is naturally the big snake on the opposite side. This kid easily beat a dragon-level monster to the ground. Opponent?

Moreover, the lord of the court said that he would hand over this world to him for protection in the future.If you can't even deal with the big snake in front of you, how can you protect the world?

"Hehe, your name is Hungry Wolf, right? I think the power you possess should not be obtained by yourself, but given to you by others, right? It seems that the Lord of the Heavenly Court has arranged it quite well, In this way, you should be the one who is really powerful on the human side. In other words, if I can kill you, I won’t have any worries!"

Maybe it's a vision problem!In the eyes of this big snake, he said that no matter how powerful that little bald man named Saitama is, he is only a human after all, and the hungry wolf in front of him has completely turned into a monster, and this is the real enemy of him, the king of weirdos.

"Hehe, you talk too much, don't you, the Weird Association use wordy words to rule other subordinates?"

While talking and mocking the other party, the hungry wolf has already rushed up quickly, and his claws seem to have a blue arc of energy, which seems to be a combination of some kind of human fist and the monster's claws generated power.

"What a guy who doesn't know what to do, he can just absorb you, and then I can become a real strong man in this world!"

The big snake was not surprised by the sudden attack of the hungry wolf, but he seemed to be ecstatic.I saw this guy stretch out an arm quickly, and this red arm suddenly turned into a big snake full of fangs and sharp teeth during the flight, and opened its mouth wide during the flight, as if wanting to I want to swallow the hungry wolf in front of me in one gulp.

Think beautifully, right?

It was a flash of light and flint, and the body of the hungry wolf suddenly turned to the right side of the big snake and stopped. Before that, there seemed to be a movement caused by a collision of very hard things.

Because the process was very fast, apart from the two parties involved, even the big eyes full of eyes did not see clearly what was going on.

But the big snake's attack seemed to be in vain, and the front teeth of the red giant snake that he transformed seemed to be broken, while the claws of the hungry wolf were stretched forward, emitting a black light. It seems that the hungry wolf battle has the upper hand.

"Good boy, I really have some skills. I originally wanted to swallow you all at once, but I let you catch the opportunity to attack. Yes, yes, it seems that this battle is getting more and more interesting!"

This small mistake had no effect on the big snake at all. His big snake that had lost its fangs soon grew new teeth, which seemed to be sharper and harder than before.

"Hehe, no wonder you are a big snake! It seems that your skill is to transform all parts of your body into strange snakes! I have heard that you weirdos punish traitors and losers without mercy. It seems that those Did you swallow all the unlucky eggs?"

Hungry wolf is not a fuel-efficient lamp either. He immediately understood the opponent's routine after just a short fight. It seems that this big snake's combat power is obtained after devouring the opponent time and time again. If it is cut off, sooner or later it will become the biggest hidden danger.

"Hehe, you really hit the spot. Our Weird Association does not allow failure. Of course, devouring is also a respect for your opponents. Letting you losers become a part of my body is such a gift!"

Although there was a small loss before, the big snake is getting more and more excited at this moment. After all, he has encountered a rare prey. This guy named Hungry Wolf has inherited the fighting power of the Wandering Emperor and is obviously better than blue. His current real strength may have broken through the peak of the dragon level.

"Hmph! Then let me see your true strength!"

Although he was already a little worried in his heart, Hungry Wolf knew that only one of him and the big snake in front of him could survive today, so it was time to show all his strength.

When fighting Police Dog before, Hungry Wolf has already experienced a brand-new fighting mode from the other party, that is, using four claws together. Now with the martial arts learned from Silver Fang, Hungry Wolf Decided to use a brand new fighting mode to meet the monster king in front of me for a while.

"What? Are you a human or a weirdo? Can you use your hind legs and front paws? This idea is really novel!"

Obviously, although the big snake is the king of monsters, his appearance and characteristics cannot escape the human frame, so for the hungry wolf with four claws in front of him, the big snake seems a little flustered, and he can't think of how to deal with it for a while.

However, as the king of monsters, it would be very annoying if you push this big snake into a hurry. Just like the hungry wolf judged before, this guy actually turned all the parts of his body into a huge red devouring snake , from all directions and angles to block all the attacking and retreating directions of the hungry wolf. No matter where the hungry wolf attacks or moves, there is always a big mouth full of sharp teeth waiting for him.


Seeing the big snake in front of him with full firepower, our Mr. Hungry Wolf no longer hides, and suddenly condenses the previous dark energy in his claws, and it is this energy that prevents the regeneration of Heijin's body. The big snake in front of him didn't seem to know how powerful the hungry wolf's claws were.


"What? What is your trick? Not good, what is attached to your claws?"

At first when fighting, the big snake didn't take it seriously. After all, the space for the hungry wolf to dodge was getting smaller and smaller when surrounded by his group of snakes. Root teeth, and these teeth can't be regenerated!
(End of this chapter)

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