Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 485 He Is Already a God

Chapter 485 He Is Already a God
"Okay! I'll leave everything to you, Mr. Xiao!"

Since there is already an urgent hope in his heart, the little bald head doesn't care what will happen next. There is only one thing in front of him now, and that is to quickly become a celestial being, and then have that kind of celestial being. With the ability of the land, I will have a good look at the end of that broken dog in the future.

"Ding dong, since the transformer this time is himself a celestial being, do you want to continue?"

what's the situation?Although Xiao Chen had doubts before, when his hand touched the little bald head's head, the hint given by the Heavenly Court system seemed a bit unexpected.

"What's the situation? Can you explain the matter clearly? Although this guy has great strength, he seems to be an ordinary person from all his characteristics!"

"Host, the human beings in this world are not the same as ours. Although he has reached the state of ascension in strength, he still has shortcomings in other aspects. Therefore, according to the comprehensive evaluation of this system, this person named Saitama has already reached the level of ascension. reached the level of heaven and man!"

Well, this is the answer given by the system master.Although it is a little hard to understand, the meaning has probably been expressed.

"Then can I also recruit him into the sequence of our heavenly court? Will there be any difference?"

"The specific operation has not changed much from before. It's just that after this guy enters the sequence of our Heavenly Court, except for the corresponding exclusive skills, other abilities have not been improved obviously. We can only tap a part of this guy's potential at most. If he wants to continue to improve, he needs to work hard on his own!"

Well, it's because the two are different, otherwise this little bald head would definitely be a super god in Xiao Chen's place.As for mentality, it doesn't matter, it can be improved according to changes in the environment.Because in their current world there are so many s-level heroes suppressing in front of them, if it was changed to the world of fox monsters and this little bald head became the overlord of one side, he would naturally have the mentality and status he should have.

"Okay, then will the benefits I get after absorbing this guy be very little?"

"Yes, host! In terms of level, this guy named Saitama seems to be higher than you, so your level of the Lord of Heaven will not increase, and other attributes will not increase significantly, but you can I got a hidden exclusive skill, which can only be opened after returning to that world!"

Well, it seems that our lord of heaven really found a treasure!The little bald head in front of you is like a super treasure chest, which can bring you completely different enjoyment, maybe it is a big surprise.

"Okay! Then continue with your work. As for what this big surprise is, let's talk about it when we get back there!"

"Ding dong, congratulations to the host, you have obtained a hidden skill, which must be opened at a certain time, please use it carefully!"

Well, I didn't expect that this time our Xiao Chen would get a heavenly being with a higher level than him, and I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse.

"Hey, what's the matter with this power? Why isn't my natural strength as fast as theirs? Could it be that I have reached the limit?"

In fact, this little bald head actually has a feeling. No matter how much his strength battle grows, he has already touched a bottleneck. If he can't break through, it will be like this, right?
It can be said that this little bald head is the least upgraded among all the celestial beings, and his overall strength has only increased by about 40%, but he also has a lot of flying and other Dharma skills. This should be considered a very lucky thing. ?
"Hahaha, I was really shocked. I didn't expect that you have reached the limit, but I still have a lot of room for improvement. This means that my potential is much greater than yours, right?"

Seeing the current situation of this little bald head, Hungry Wolf breathed a sigh of relief.Originally, I thought that this guy's strength would also increase by at least 100 points, and he would really be able to easily crush himself by then, but now it seems that this is not the case, and the gap between the two of them has not widened too much.

"What's so frustrating about your poor dog? I said just now that you don't have the ability to fly into the sky, that's why you suppressed it. Do you want to try it now?"

I don't know how this little bald-headed mentality was cultivated. After encountering such a big gap, he was able to not complain at all. It's just that the good news is that this guy is staring at hungry wolves. There is a way not to beat this guy Come down and swear not to give up.

But at this time, they can't be allowed to act recklessly, no matter how strong he is, he is still Xiao Chen's subordinate now, without the consent of the lord of the heaven, it seems that he can't fight in private, right?

"You two, you have already competed once before. It seems a little unreasonable to start the next match so soon? And I trouble you two to look around. If you continue to escalate in the battle, the one in front of you I'm afraid there are only ashes left in the city, how can those homeless people return to their hometowns?"

Xiao Chen didn't forcefully stop the two of them, but reasoned with them.Whether it is Hungry Wolf or Saitama, the essence of the two is to maintain justice, but the methods used are different.

"What you said is also reasonable. Although this dog deserves a beating, if you destroy all these small houses, many people will suffer heavy losses, right?"

The city occupied by the Weird Association was also a human city before, but they had to leave their hometown due to their force. This time, another mission of the Hero Association is to help these people return to their homes.

So after hearing Xiao Chen's persuasion, Saitama immediately reacted.Fundamentally speaking, this guy is also a hero, and this is their duty!
"Hmph, I'm not interested in continuing to entangle with you little bald head. After all, after all of you leave, I'll have to clean up this mess by myself. I can keep as much as I can!"

Maybe Saitama still doesn't know where he will go next?But Hungry Wolf is very aware of his next responsibilities. The more he destroys this world, the more trouble he will have in the future. This is true.

"Hungry wolf, do you know something that I don't know? Is this world going to be divided into two?"

Well, at this time, I'm afraid it will be difficult to explain clearly to this guy in one or two sentences!However, this little bald head seems to have always been such a character, and it should be normal for him to be happy with the situation.

"Hehe, you kid don't understand what you are about to face next? Why did you join the Heavenly Court? We should have no time to regret it now, hehe!"

Looking at the formidable opponent in front of him, Hungry Wolf suddenly felt very fortunate.As long as this little bald head goes to another world, then the boss of this world must be him, Hungry Wolf.

"Boss Xiao Chen, is there something you haven't explained clearly to me? After joining your Heavenly Court, do I need to do anything special?"

Although the reaction was a bit slow, the little bald man seemed to understand something, so he threw out all the doubts.

"Hehe, it's actually nothing. Next, we're going to attack the lair of these weirdos. Those dragon-level weirdos are just ordinary soldiers over there. If you're scared, you can stay here with the hungry wolf!"

For this little bald head, you must use the aggressive method, otherwise there is no way to touch his heart, and you must tell him that there are many masters over there, maybe even he can't deal with it.

"Really? Is there really such a place in this world? No wonder these weirdos are so weak, they are not as powerful as this dog. If there are really countless masters over there, let's set off as soon as possible. I plan to Break through my limit!"

As expected, when Saitama heard that there are many incredible enemies in another world, his eyes almost popped out, and he wished to fly over immediately.As for the hungry wolf before, it was also perfectly ignored by this guy!
(End of this chapter)

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