Unlimited intrusion from the fox demon

Chapter 499 What a stubborn Xiaoqiang

Chapter 499 What a stubborn Xiaoqiang
"What? Isn't it just a big Xiaoqiang who even named himself Crypt Lord? Who do you think you are?"

This kind of Xiaoqiang-like weirdo is no stranger to Tornado, they have encountered similar ones in their hometown before, and it is said that they even fought with that Genos, but the appearance of this guy in front of him It seems to be more inclined to cockroaches, at best, this is a cockroach that can speak out!
"Damn human woman, are you the one who killed all our logistics troops? Originally, the food in our troops was not good, and I planned to rush to the human world to try something new. Now you have killed all our cooks. Are you asking us to eat raw?"

Well, these dark creatures really regard the human world as a soft persimmon. Do you think that the defense of human beings can be broken if you say it?Even if you dark army broke through the defensive barrier intact, the first line of defense of the Yiqi Dao League and the Heavenly Court alone is enough for you to spend a long time, plus there are countless major sects of cultivation behind, In order to protect the peace of the world, I will definitely fight you to the end.

"Damn guy, you dare to sneak attack me, you bug hiding in the ground, disappear for me!"

When the crypt lord was confronting the trembling tornado, the Atomic Warrior, who had been stunned by the little strong sneak attack before, slowly regained his consciousness, and the wounds on his body quickly recovered because of his celestial physique.And when he saw the big worm in front of him again, the atomic warrior released a shock wave that was visible to the naked eye. This is his signature technique, Kongming Slash.

"Damn boy, do you think that this kind of trick of yours can hurt me? My armor's defense ability is one of the best in the entire Dark Legion!"

Seeing the sword-shaped shock wave rushing towards him, this Xiaoqiang called Crypt Lord not only did not dodge anything, but planned to use his own shell to carry it hard, but when his voice fell, the man who originally looked A lot of spikes suddenly popped out of the black Xiaoqiang shell, it feels like something is not quite right!

"Bang bang bang!"


Sure enough, this dark creature leader named Crypt Lord really has two brushes.We don't know how much damage the Atomic Warrior's Kongming Slash hit this guy, but when the blue shock wave touched the opponent's shell, something unexpected happened.

I saw that the spiked shell of this big bug seemed to have some strange physical properties. After withstanding the opponent's impact attack, it even reflected back part of the opponent's Kongming Zhan in an unimaginable situation. This was completely unexpected by the Atomic Warrior. When he reacted and blocked it with the sword in his hand, the opponent's reflection attack had already rushed in front of him, repelling this powerful ground hero again, and the whole person fell down. After flying out for more than ten steps, it barely landed.

"Hahaha, I forgot to tell you, this armor of mine has the ability to reflect 65% of attack damage. It doesn't matter whether you are melee or long-range, it is impossible to fight me without taking some damage. This little man in the sky Do you want to come and try it yourself?"

No wonder this big cockroach can say such arrogant words, so he has such a powerful attribute!It seems that the dark creatures in this world are indeed much stronger than the weirdos in that world. Maybe they all belong to the same type, but their strength is very different.

"You nasty little bug, do you think I'm afraid of you? Don't you just have some thorns on your body that can rebound attacks? Can't I just pull you out?"

To be honest, this is really an opponent that makes the trembling tornado feel headaches. Judging from the experience of the atomic warrior just now, this guy's ability to reflect the opponent's attack is really tricky, especially the combat power of the tornado A girl who is extremely strong, but relatively weak in defense, really feels a little helpless.

But if the spikes on those crypt lords could really be pulled out, maybe he could really break his ability.And now it seems that only our trembling tornado can do this, right?

"Oh? Have you been seen through? I didn't expect that there are such characters among you humans, but just now I just wanted to give you a taste of the power. Do you really think that attacking my body is such an easy thing? Don't underestimate people!"

Maybe it was reminded by the trembling tornado's words, this Xiaoqiang called Crypt Lord suddenly trembled all over, and even put on a look of going back, but you thought you could escape the attack of the green-haired woman in front of you by doing so Range, too naive?

And it's impossible for the Atomic Samurai who has been bullied by the Crypt Lord to let him go so easily!Although he didn't make the next attack, the atomic warrior still used his super fast speed to intercept the retreating path of the big bug, forcing him to face the enemy head-on.



Maybe it was because he saw that the escape route for his money had been blocked, this Xiaoqiang suddenly spread the wings on his back, but he didn't take off, but made a noise like countless flies gathering together.

"Oh? Are you summoning the same kind? I have seen similar bug behavior before. Are there any ugly guys like you around here?"

Although this was the first time he saw the situation before him, the trembling tornado judged what the other party wanted to do in the first place.After all, according to animal behavior, the general purpose of making such noises is to call for companions to help!
"Hehehe, you are such an annoying little human girl, can you be a little stupid? Although you have guessed my intentions roughly, do you really think I will be afraid of you?"

It seems that the crypt lord really intends to summon something, but it's not to summon his companions from afar to help, but...

That was something that had never happened to those strange people before. In front of the Atomic Warrior and Tornado, this big bug summoned a bunch of black monsters from the broken bodies of those dark creatures scattered all over the ground. Xiao Xiaoqiang, this seems to be another characteristic of him, quite in line with the temperament of dark creatures!

"What kind of trick is this? Is it some kind of conversion mode between dark energies? You guys really brought me a lot of surprises. If it weren't for the emergency today, I really want to catch you, a big cockroach, and take care of it." Study it!"

All right!Although the law of energy conservation is common throughout the universe, the matter of transforming the decayed dark creature torso into a new life form seems to have broken the boundary between life and death.

Or it can be understood in this way that these dark martial arts are a bunch of existences different from real life forms. They may be just some kind of puppet-like guys, so they can achieve such a wonderful transformation!

What a strong little strong!

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Perhaps sensing the presence of living creatures around them, these newly-appeared Xiaoqiangs quickly surrounded the atomic warrior on the ground, and collided with each other with their huge jaws, creating a feeling of An extremely uncomfortable sound, this is probably the attack mode of this dark creature!
Compared with the main body of the crypt lord, these little strong attack methods seem to be more simple and old-fashioned. They bite their prey by relying on the advantage of numbers, and at the same time, they can help their master withstand part of the opponent's attack. At least you There is no way to step over these dark little strongs and directly hit the crypt lord behind them, so let's kill these little ones first!

(End of this chapter)

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