Chapter 508

"Old cow, do you have any specific methods? Don't tell me that you plan to use your own horns to poke a hole in those seals, hahaha!"

Although the tauren chief proposed a very feasible plan, there is still a major difficulty facing these outsiders. With their strength, it is no problem to break one or two small holes in the seal for a short time, but that This level of movement can only let dozens of small monsters pass by at most. Huge monsters like the tauren chieftain can't get through at all, and if one accidentally touches the sealed energy wall, it is very likely to be wiped out directly.

The guy who laughed at the tauren chief's self-importance was a kid called the Dreadlord. Apart from his mouth full of fangs and horns on his head, the most notable feature of this guy was that he had two bat-like wings on his back. Their biggest His ability is to create nightmares for others, and he is also an extremely difficult guy.

Obviously this is a guy who likes to hide behind other people's backs and make sarcastic remarks, in stark contrast to a guy like the Tauren chief who is on the front line of everything.

"Damn Dreadlord, if you have the ability, go for it! What kind of ability is it to hide behind and blindly compare? I think you and our gang are only worthy of hiding in the dark space, and then watching us bathed in the sun !"

Obviously, these creatures outside the circle are divided into many factions, and different factions don't like each other. This is the most fundamental reason why these guys haven't broken through the seal for so many years!

If these guys can be twisted into a force, I am afraid that the human world will no longer exist!
"You guys, stop arguing. We have found a breakthrough. The place is in the place called Nanguo. The black fox has already investigated the surrounding environment before. That place is the most suitable place for us to break through!"

It seems that the black fox clan that was sent outside these years has not been without achievements. Although they have not yet had the strength to compete head-on with Yiqi Daomeng or Tushan, but with their unremitting efforts, they still let these outsiders The creature found a breakthrough.

The seal on the southern side seems to have a strong defense, but in fact, except for Huandu Qingtian and a few close experts around him, the others are small.What's more, these black foxes also control a prince of the family. Although they are not directly related, they must be able to help!
The guy who ran over to try to fight was a guy riding on the back of a giant wolf. From the race point of view, this guy and the tauren chieftain belonged to the same clan, but compared to this old bull who can only use brute force, this guy riding on the back of a giant wolf The guy on the back of the wolf obviously prefers to use his brain.

"Thal, what do you want to say? Is the seal of this southern country different from other places? Can it be opened now that it was impossible to open before?"

Looking at the familiar face in front of him, the tauren chief said angrily.Someone like him who firmly believes in the existence of power will never be able to talk to those brainy talents.

"So you, an old cow, are only suitable for charging, but the real strategizing has nothing to do with you. But please think about it, what did the black fox clan use as a breakthrough back then! How did they break through all the seals? Went to the human territory? Although the seal of the breach has been repaired on the surface, the traces of the gap still remain. Under our deliberate cover-up, one of the positions has even become quite fragile, that is, a big guy like you You can go through there."

It turned out that these creatures outside the circle had already made up their minds. They had deliberately not been active near the Southland these years, in order to cover up the traces left on the enchantment back then, and wait for this moment today.

"Okay! Although I used to hate being with you guys who like to play tricks, but I have to admit that only you can think of this kind of trick. Then let's start quickly, once I think of being able to fight with those weak humans Head-on head-on, my blood is boiling!"

All right!This tauren chief may not be the opponent of the heavenly people, but if he meets those guys from the Yiqi Daomeng, the situation will be different. Then the situation will be completely crushed by one side!
"Hehe, you bastard can't make up his own mind! Master Ming Shiyin hasn't started ordering generals yet, maybe it won't be your turn to start!"

All right!Although the tauren chief was very active, the guy named Ming Shiyin was the real leader, and only this guy could truly dispatch troops, and everything else was wishful thinking.

"Okay! Then I would like to trouble you, Thrall, to speak well of me to the adults. After all, we are all of the same race!"

Although the tauren chief spoke in a very rude tone, the wolf rider named Thrall in front of him also had his own plans in mind.The previous game was set up by their clan, and the black fox is also their capable general. It would be best if this old cow can take the lead in the next action, but the fear demon king and his clan on the opposite side I'm afraid I won't agree easily. After all, the human world is a piece of cake that everyone covets. Whoever can eat the first bite, the taste is self-evident!

"Hehe, don't think about it, you beasts. The vanguard of attacking the southern country must be our dark clan, and only our army with both wisdom and courage can make meritorious deeds for Lord Ming Shiyin!"

All right!This fearful demon king is really not humble at all. In order to grab this first chance, this guy has no bottom line.

"You big bat monster, don't think I don't know what you're thinking? I, the tauren chief, will never give up!"

Facing this strong competitor in front of him, the tauren chief took out his big ax that he had just connected, and put on an appearance that he was about to go to war at any time.

"Okay, okay, when are you two guys going to fight? The big battle is coming. If we fight here, I don't think my lord will use either of your forces!"

Just when the tauren chief was trying to compete with the dread demon king, an old guy with a deer body and a human head walked in, and stopped the dispute with just one sentence.

"You old man, what do you want to say? Could it be that the Lord will not let the two of us go, but will you choose you, a druid? You are old and have lost all your teeth. You can deal with the group of human Taoist priests who are full of tricks ?"

All right!Today is really lively, this is already the third tribe of dark creatures to appear.It seems that these guys have smelled it and want to get a share of it.

"My lords, the master has sent a message, please go to the border of the southern country together, and say that there is something important."

Just when the three giants were arguing with each other, a green-skinned orc who looked stupid ran in. It turned out that when these guys were arguing about who should be the leader, their boss had already come to the southern country. On the border, it seems that Ming Shiyin is also very impatient!

"Damn it, why didn't you report it until now, you brat? Hurry up and lead the way for me. I must rush ahead of them and get in front of the adults to get the vanguard position!"

At this time, the tauren chief's durable aura finally played a role. Under the effect of this aura, this guy took the lead, even running faster than the four-legged guy, leaving everyone behind.

"You hateful bullhead, it's useless if you run fast. We will never give you this opportunity. The master looks at strength, not courage. You old bull, just save yourself!"

Compared with this tauren chief who moved very fast, the guy called the dread demon king could only follow behind and eat dirt.

(End of this chapter)

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